NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

EPA awards $300K to Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority for Brownfields Assessment
White Mass for Healthcare professionals and Saint Luke Awards

Gloucester City High School 2019 Homecoming

The Annual Homecoming at GHS was held last night on the John Lynch Field. This year it celebrated the Alumni, with a tailgate party provided by the Holy City Publick House and a tour of the facility which many had walked through. 

This year GHS presented its ROTC Color Guard before the start of the game.

At Halftime of the game, the Homecoming Queen of 2019 Senior Vanessa Pino.

Junior Princess - 2019   Gracie Fenton

Sophmore Princess - 2019 Cellia Mendez 

Freshman Princess - 2019 Emma Vinci

Photo provided courtesy of Bruce Darrow

Queen Vanessa Pino


Gloucester High School

Gloucester Catholic




DSC_1542Junior Princess Gracie Fenton DSC_1528Sophomore Princess Cecillia Mendez




DSC_1517Freshman Princess Emma Vinic



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