NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Murphy Encourgages High School Girls to Take Part in 2020 Girls Go CyberStart
The Maple Shade Halloween Parade on Main Street planned for this evening has been CANCELED.

Camden County Supplemental Labor Service Program

C.S.L.S. Program – The County Supplemental Labor Service Program is a countywide community service program. People who are sentenced to this Good news 3program report to the correctional facility, sign in, and receive their assignment for the day. These assignments primarily focus on cleaning the county parks, but can also include cleaning details similar to that of the Road Crew Program. This program generally operates during the weekend. Municipalities and non-profit organizations can call 225-7643 to determine eligibility and to arrange a time of service.

Road Crew – The Road Crew is an inmate work program that helps clean up the surrounding community. The clients range from local municipalities and county buildings to non-profit organizations such as churches and schools. The services rendered vary from painting (county buildings and public schools) to clearing brush (churches and cemeteries). They also clean roads throughout the county of trash and brush.

Counseling – The Counseling Unit/Classification Department is primarily responsible for establishing a level of classification for all inmates upon entry to the facility. This classification status is mainly based upon the charges that the inmate has as well as past and present behavioral patterns.

The Counseling Unit/Classification Department also oversees various inmate programs such as the G.E.D. Program, the Computer Lab Program, the In-Facility Inmate Work Program, and the Job Fair Program. They also help the inmates adjust to life within the facility by answering questions, arranging appointments, and forwarding messages to other departments in and out of the facility. For further information, please call 225-7614.

CARS Program – The CARS Program teaches inmates automotive repair skills. The program also helps reduce the cost to the county for the repair and maintenance of various departmental vehicles. The Department of Corrections and the Department of Public Safety are some of the participating departments.

Computer Lab Program – The Computer Lab Program gives each student a beginner’s knowledge of Windows and Microsoft Office. This course is designed to give the student a head start on the road back into the computer age work force that awaits them.

The facility has just expanded the program by building a second lab in our Modular section. This addition will enable us to double the amount of students for this program.

G.E.D. Program – The facility runs a G.E.D. program where the inmates receive a basic understanding of literature, math, science, and social studies. We have one day class and two night classes that average 12 students per class. The evening classes meet Monday through Thursday. The day class meets Monday and Wednesday and is affiliated with the Second Chance Program.

Inmate Work Program – The facility hires a number of inmate workers to complete various jobs throughout the building. These jobs include working in the kitchen, the laundry, road crew, housing area cleaners, inmate industries, overnight paint details, and inmate barbers.

The inmate workers are paid a nominal wage which they can apply to their individual account for the purpose of purchasing commissary or to pay for incurred expenses such as medical co-pay and user-fee. The biggest benefit for an inmate worker is earning “good time”. This enables an inmate to “work off” days of his/her sentence allowing them to be released early.

Job Fairs – The Job Fair Program is a joint venture between the Department of Corrections and the C.C.M.U.A. The facility holds two job fairs each year, one in the spring and one in the fall. The fairs are designed to introduce “soon to be released” inmates with hiring employers, have the C.C.M.U.A. teach the inmates interviewing skills and how to complete a resume, and establish a follow-up program conducted by the C.C.M.U.A. to help inmates keep the job that they may have attained.

Law Library – The facility provides the inmates an extensive law library. Inmates can visit the law library to do research for their defense for their case. The literature that is available to the inmates comes in book or CD-ROM form. We have trained staff to assist the inmates in their researching needs.

Religious Services – The facility has a number of religious representatives that visit the inmates to take care of their spiritual needs. Christian, Hebrew, and Islamic leaders come to the facility to deliver mass, perform special ceremonies, and conduct prayer groups. For further information or to schedule a visit, please call 225-7608.

Second Chance Program – The Second Chance Program is the facility’s drug and alcohol rehabilitation program. It is a state approved program that works closely with the Adult Drug Courts. The program consists of AA and NA meetings, as well as group counseling sessions. The Second Chance program offers:

  • A female drug alcohol unit
  • GED evening classes Monday/Tuesday for males and Wednesday/Thursday evenings for females.
  • A computer lab
  • Adult literacy computer classes
  • Anger management classes on Thursday evenings

The residents can reach the Program Administrator, Sgt. Keith Ross, by sending a “blue slip” that is available throughout the facility. Sgt. Ross can also be reached via e-mail at: [email protected] or by calling (856) 580-5733.

Work Release Program – The Work Release Program is a community oriented program which allows minimum security inmates to be hired by employers within the surrounding area, so that they can gain work knowledge/experience, as well as the ability to pay off court debts, such as back child support. Residents can apply for the Work Release Program by sending a “Blue Slip”, that is available throughout the facility, to the Work Release Department. For further information, please call 225-7643.
