NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

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National Weather Alert: Severe Weather Warning for South Jersey Today and Monday

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MOORESTOWN, NJ ( 16, 2019)--The Moorestown Police Department released the following weather alert regarding the chance of  severe Thunderstorms in South Jersey today and Monday in the afternoon and evening.

There is a chance of severe thunderstorms this afternoon and evening and then again Monday afternoon through the overnight hours across the area. Here are the key messages regarding this potential:

1.The primary hazards on Sunday are expected to be damaging winds and hail to the size of quarters. Locally heavy rainfall and dangerous cloud-to-ground lightning can also be expected. However, more widespread flooding does notappear to be a bigger threat at this time.

2.The area with the highest potential for severe storms today is southeast Pennsylvania (including Philadelphia), southern New Jersey, and Delmarva. However, there is potential for severe storms elsewhere. See the attached

image(SeverePotential_20190616.png) for more information.

3.The area is at risk for more severe weather on Monday afternoon continuing through the overnight hours. Along with damaging winds and hail, locally heavy rainfall appears to be a bigger threat on Monday. The risk area once againfavors southeast Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, and Delmarva. See the attached image (SeverePotential_20190617.png) for more information.

Please visit for the latest forecast.

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