NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Bergen Street Property Allegedly Used to Chop Up Stolen Motorcycles; Ongoing Investigation
Next Tier Connect Platform Acquires Property in Monroeville, Pa

Dear supporters, friends, and those interested in the Republican Party of Pennsylvania: (June 23, 2019)--This week centered around the Cnb politics 2President’s re-election and the PA GOP could not have come out bigger for President Donald Trump has he formally announced his re-election bid in Florida on Tuesday!

Across the state, dozens of trainings were held as part of the National Week of Training by the Trump Leadership Initiative.

On top of that, I was happy to see soo any dedicated Republicans hold watch parties across the state in support of our President.

2020 is a make-or-break election for our country. Socialists who hate the principles on which this country was founded are actively seeking to work against the successes we’ve seen over the last two-and-a-half years: lower taxes, record low unemployment, a strengthened military, and America once again respected on the world stage.

Republicans across Pennsylvania and across the nation need to ensure we continue to support the President and Republican leadership to keep America winning and keep America great!

Until my next update, feel free to keep up with the latest by checking out the PA GOP website at

You can also follow the latest news and updates by following us on Twitter and Facebook.


Val DiGiorgio


Republican Party of Pennsylvania

published | June 24, 2019

