NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

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June 2019

Our Lady of Lourdes Agrees to Pay Over $1.1M to Resolve Claims It Failed to Perform Background Checks

Fraudulently Billed U.S. for Community Service Grants Eastern District of Pennsylvania PHILADELPHIA and CAMDEN ( 29, 2019)--– United States Attorneys William M. McSwain for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and Craig Carpenito for the District of New Jersey jointly announced that Our Lady of Lourdes Health Foundation and two related Our Lady of Lourdes companies have agreed to pay $1,143,881.19 to resolve claims arising from Lourdes’ administration of community service grants funded through the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). From 2012 until 2017, Lourdes administered multiple grants in CNCS’s Senior Corps program, including in the Foster Grandparent Program (FGP), which places seniors in school and community settings to serve alongside youth with exceptional needs, and the Senior Companion Program (SCP), which places seniors in community and residential settings to assist other seniors who have difficulty with tasks of daily living. These programs provide small hourly stipends to the... Read more →

A young woman others see as ‘a holy person’

By Carl Peters Christina McNasby has endured numerous surgeries — 33 of them so far. Disproving the bleak medical prognosis she was given at birth, she learned how to talk after years of speech therapy, and recently graduated from high school. But now the disorder is attacking her kidneys and liver. Many people are praying for her because only a miracle will save her from an early death — and perhaps because she seems to embody for them the aspiration of all Christians: the triumph of religious joy over earthly hardships. “She is one of the most religious individuals you could ever encounter,” said her pastor, Father Raymond P. Gormley of Incarnation Parish, Mantua. When Christina had to have her head shaved for a recent surgery, about a dozen neighbors showed their support by going bald themselves. When she went on a pilgrimage to Lourdes, France, last month, she took... Read more →

BRIDGE REPAIRS between Cape May and Wildwood Crest (Ocean Drive) Week of 7/1/19

TRAFFIC ADVISORY - During the upcoming week, ending on 7/6/19, South State will be closing the Northbound Lane over Mill Creek for installation of guide rail & crash cushions, and placing alternating traffic in the Southbound Lane. Work hours will be approximately 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Monday, July 1st & Tuesday, July 2nd. Traffic will be returned to normal condition by the end of the work day on Tuesday 7/2/19, with no impacts to traffic on Wednesday 7/3/19. Expect delays during this project and seek an alternate route to save time. Thank you for your cooperation and patience during this time. Address/Location Lower Township Police Department 405 Breakwater Rd Cape May, NJ 08204 Contact Emergency: 9-1-1 Non-emergencies: 609-886-1619 Read more →

Delaware Fish & Wildlife Police Blotter June 17-23

Reminder for the week: Observe safety precautions when towing water skiers, tubers, and knee-boarders DOVER Delaware ( 28, 2019) – To achieve public compliance with laws and regulations through education and enforcement actions that help conserve Delaware’s fish and wildlife resources and ensure safe boating and public safety, DNREC’s Fish & Wildlife Natural Resources Police officers between June 17-23 made 2,210 contacts with anglers, boaters, and the general public, issuing 38 citations. Officers responded to 69 complaints regarding possible violations of laws and regulations or requests to assist the public. A Fish & Wildlife Natural Resources Police presence continued at the C&D Canal Conservation Area and Michael N. Castle Trail. Fish & Wildlife Natural Resources Police Actions Citations issued by category, with the number of charges in parentheses, included: Fisheries Conservation: Recreational: Possession of undersized blue crabs (4), crab pot tampering (1), tending over-the-limit crab pots (2), possession of a... Read more →

Voorhees PD: We urge parents/guardians to discuss bike laws with their kids

We have provided warnings through school assemblies and letters. VOORHEES, NJ ( Voorhees Police Department released the following statement regarding bike laws. We have been urging parents/guardians to discuss bike laws with their kids. We have provided warnings through school assemblies and letters. Unfortunately, to keep our children and the motoring public safe, we may need to move to enforcement options due to the illegal and unsafe behavior continuing throughout our Township. Here is a detailed list of the efforts of our Department thus far: A letter was sent emphasizing bike safety through our partners at Voorhees Public Schools. Information received from our Patrol Bureau identified the actors as primarily being middle school aged offenders. This letter was distributed by the Voorhees School District to parents advising them of our goal to keep kids actively riding their bikes, but to have them do so in a safe manner. The letter... Read more →

Olde Philly Pharmacy and its Owner to Pay $350,000 to Resolve Alleged Violations of Controlled Substance Act

PHILADELPHIA, PA – ( States Attorney William McSwain announced that Olde Philly Pharmacy has agreed to pay $350,000 to resolve allegations that three of its pharmacy stores located in Philadelphia violated the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) Gloucester City News blog files by failing to maintain complete and accurate records of controlled substances, including nearly 100 missing oxycodone and hydrocodone prescriptions. James Cirillo, managing pharmacist and co-owner of Olde Philly Pharmacy, is also a party to the settlement agreement. The United States’ investigation involved three Olde Philly Pharmacy locations – 2923 East Thompson Street, 1427 East Susquehanna Avenue, and 2036-38 South 3rd Street. As part of the settlement, Olde Philly Pharmacy has entered into a three-year Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Drug Enforcement Administration, which includes additional responsibilities regarding the handling of controlled substances. The MOA imposes compliance obligations significantly more stringent than those in the applicable laws and regulations.... Read more →

Three Individuals Charged with Drug Trafficking Offenses

Middle District of Pennsylvania WILLIAMSPORT Pa (– The United States Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Pennsylvania announced that Anthony Bressi, age 47, of Danville, Pennsylvania, Terry Harris, age 45, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Damonico Henderson, age 54, of Elyria, Ohio, were indicted by a federal grand jury for drug trafficking charges. According to United States Attorney David J. Freed, the indictment alleges that Bressi, Harris and Henderson conspired to manufacture, distribute and possess with the intent to distribute fentanyl, carfentanil, and other fentanyl analogue substances between 2015 and June 2019. The matter was investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Pennsylvania State Police. Assistant United States Attorney Geoffrey W. MacArthur is prosecuting the case. This case is part of Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN), a program bringing together all levels of law enforcement and the communities they serve to reduce violent crime and make our neighborhoods... Read more →

Delaware Hunters harvested 564 wild turkeys during 2019 season

Turkey hunter Kimberly Pokoiski with a gobbler taken at the Division of Fish & Wildlife’s Midlands Wildlife Area. The photo, titled “My Pride and Joy,” was taken by Paul Skibicki of St. Georges and won an honorable mention award in the 2018/19 Delaware hunting photo contest. DOVER (June 28, 2019) (– Delaware’s month-long spring wild turkey hunting season, which ended May 11, yielded a harvest of 564 birds, slightly lower than last year’s harvest of 571 birds, DNREC’s Division of Fish & Wildlife announced today. Toms (males at least two years of age) accounted for 439 of the harvested birds this year, representing 78 percent of the total harvest. Harvests during this year’s turkey season weekly segments were 254 the first week, 120 the second week, 72 the third week, and 99 the fourth week. This year’s total harvest also included 19 birds harvested by youth hunters during the special... Read more →

Understanding Your Pet’s Emotions for a Better Life

[KENNETT SQUARE, PA] (– With more than 100 million households nationwide owning cats or dogs, pets have become integral members of American families. But when “Fido” and “Fluffy” start to act in unusual, frustrating, or frightening manners, where can owners turn? Recently, Penn Vet’s Dr. Carlo Siracusa, Director of Penn Vet Ryan Hospital’s Companion Animal Behavior Medicine service, shared insights on his integrated approach to treating unsavory behavior to help owners offer a better life for their four-legged family members. Our animal companions can face a full gamut of complex emotions, including anxiety, jealousy, compulsive behavior, and even depression. Pet parents, however, are frequently under-equipped to decipher the underlying emotions causing their furry friends’ unsavory actions. Aggression, for example, is a behavior seen in nearly 90-percent of Siracusa’s patients. Often the outcropping of a physical pain or fear, it is repeatedly misinterpreted by owners as an attempt to “step out... Read more →

U.S. Supreme Court ruling on gerrymandering casts new light on Pennsylvania maps conflict

By Dave Lemery | The Center Square The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling Thursday that the federal courts have no place in deciding disputes over electoral maps and gerrymandering shouldn’t have any immediate impact on Pennsylvania. That’s because the series of legal disputes that played out in the Keystone State took place largely within the state court system, with Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court having thrown out the former congressional maps and imposed its own for the 2018 midterm election. The only time the U.S. Supreme Court was even tangentially involved in the Pennsylvania dispute was – consistent with Thursday’s decision – when it opted not to get involved. House Speaker Mike Turzai and Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati appealed twice to the nation’s highest court to intervene when the state high court ruled against them, but both timesJustice Samuel Alito opted not to hear the case. U.S. Rep. Brendan Boyle of... Read more →

Former Northumberland Chief of Probation for Charged with Theft

James Cortelyou charged for stealing $31K from house arrest funds between 2014-2016 HARRISBURG — Attorney General Josh Shapiro today announced that the former Northumberland County Chief of Adult Probation has been arrested for allegedly stealing $31,530 from the Northumberland County Probation House Arrest funds while he was Chief from 2014-2016. James Cortelyou, 41, of Herndon, was charged with Theft by Unlawful Taking or Disposition, Theft by Failure to Make Required Disposition of Funds Received, Receiving Stolen Property, and related charges. “The defendant was a public official entrusted to oversee county funds with integrity and accountability,” said Attorney General Josh Shapiro. “Instead, he is accused of changing established procedures to make it easier to steal from the taxpayers and enrich himself. My Office is committed to investigating and prosecuting anyone who abuses their position of power—without fear or favor.” This case was referred to the Office of Attorney General by the... Read more →


Related: ARTIST Dave Wolfe Vol. 6 No. 2 (June 30, 2019) Editor's Note: Each Sunday morning we post a weekly comic strip provided by cartoonist Dave Wolfe, age 18. Dave has been drawing since he was 5 years old, he knew he wanted to be a cartoonist at the age of 8. He’s been distributing his comics in school since 3rd grade. (click image to enlarge) published Read more →

Sunset Parade Sunday at Cape May Coast Guard Base

CAPE MAY, N.J. (– U.S. Coast Guard Training Center Cape May is scheduled to host a Sunset Parade in honor of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary at the Training Center, June 30, 2019 at 8:10 p.m. Sunset Parades are military displays of marching troops and the Coast Guard Recruit Precision Drill Team. More than 250 recruits will march in the parade and strike the National Ensign from the parade field at sunset. The gates of Training Center Cape May will open at 6:50 p.m. Visitors are encouraged to use this time for security screening, parking and seating. Guests should plan on being seated by 7:50 p.m. Sunset Parades are exciting and fun for the entire family; however, children must be accompanied by an adult throughout the ceremony. Security will close gate access at 8 p.m., so all visitors wishing to attend must be in before that time. The Coast Guard... Read more →

Additional Sexual Assault Charges Filed against Wilkes-Barre Police Officer

Four additional victims report that Robert Collins sexually assaulted them while on duty HARRISBURG — Attorney General Josh Shapiro and the Pennsylvania State Police today announced additional charges against former Wilkes-Barre police officer Robert Collins after four additional victims came forward with allegations of sexual assault. Collins, 53 of Mountain Top, was charged today with five additional counts of Rape, three counts of Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse, and related charges. “The defendant served in a position of public trust, but he is charged with abusing his power to assault and intimidate his victims,” said Attorney General Shapiro. “His victims report that he targeted them when they were at their most vulnerable and coerced them into sex acts or raped them. My Office will investigate and prosecute sexual assault offenders where we find them—without fear or favor.” “The State Police continue to work with our law enforcement partners to seek justice,... Read more →

Seaford angler CHARGED with landing a prohibited shark species

SANDBAR SHARKS-Distributed in tropical and subtropical waters around the world. It reaches 2.5 meters in length. The genus Carcharhinus has many other sharks that look similar to this species, however the first dorsal fin of the sandbar sharks is much larger than in other species making it easy to identify. Sandbar sharks in the Churaumi Aquarium give birth in early summer to mid summer, producing 6 to 10 pups around 60 cm in length. SOURCE DOVER (June 28, 2019) – Following a tip made from within Delaware Seashore State Park, DNREC's Natural Resources Police Park Rangers charged a Seaford man with landing a prohibited shark species, in connection with taking a sandbar shark out of the water while fishing June 11 at 3Rs beach within the park. Jay Katz, 65, was cited by Park Rangers for one count of catching and removing from the water a prohibited shark species.... Read more →

Analysis of Pennsylvania's revenues points to need to cut regulations, policy organization says

By Dave Lemery | The Center Square Some time in the coming week, Pennsylvania lawmakers should put the finishing touches on a state budget for the fiscal year that runs from July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2020. With the current fiscal year coming to a close, the Allegheny Institute, a Pittsburgh-based public policy organization, looked at some of the state revenue trends from the expiring current budget as a way to inform discussion of the next one. The authors of the analysis, Executive Director Frank Gamrat and research assistant Hannah Bowser, found that the much-touted budget surplus seen this year was largely driven by unexpectedly strong sales tax and corporate tax receipts. Income tax was up from the prior year as well, but that rise had been expected and was taken into account by the budget. At the same time, however, growth in employment has lagged behind the rest... Read more →

Philadelphia CBP Seizes Nearly 4,000 Non-Compliant Tires from China

PHILADELPHIA — ( 29, 2019)--U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers seized 3,942 tires June 13 that were imported from China for violating National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) standards June 13. The tires have an assessed value of nearly $140,000. About 4,000 non-compliant tires from China line the floor of CBP's Centralized Examination Station in Philadelphia. CBP officers initially inspected the tires May 15. NHTSA confirmed that the tires violated federal motor vehicle safety standards and regulations. The tires lacked markings that convey important safety and use information for consumers, as well as brand identification that can be used in the event of a recall. The tires, which are described as trailer or mobile home tires, were consigned to a business in Van, Texas, and destined to a business in Butler, Pa. “Customs and Border Protection places a priority on working with our safety partners, such as the National... Read more →

'Incredible' Legion support helps bring disabled veterans together

By Steven B. Brooks JUN 26, 2019 View Photo Gallery ( 29, 2019)--Fifty years ago, Paul Minillo, Bill Hancock, Ron Marmon, Joe Hughes and Tom Crites all served together in Vietnam in the U.S. Marines’ Hotel (H) Company in the 2nd Battalion, 26th Marines, 5th Division. All five men earned Purple Hearts, as did more than 90 percent of those who served in Hotel Company; another 74 of the company’s Marines were killed in action. Their service together created a bond that the five men have turned into decades of friendship that include regularly meeting up to reminisce and, in part, to continue healing. Their most recent get-together occurred on Lake Erie June 19-23 and happened in part due to The American Legion’s Operation Comfort Warriors (OCW). The five Vietnam veterans, along with 101 other disabled veterans of various war eras and first responders injured in the line of duty,... Read more →

Atlantic City Drug Trafficking Ring Busted; 22 Defendants Charged

image source Atlantic City Police Department CAMDEN CITY, N.J. ( 28, 2019)– Twenty-two people have been charged for their roles as members, associates, and suppliers of an Atlantic City, New Jersey-based drug-trafficking organization that distributed heroin throughout the area, U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito announced today. Nineteen defendants were arrested today, one defendant was in custody on previous state charges, and two defendants are not yet in custody. All of the defendants are charged by complaint with one count of conspiracy to distribute or possess with intent to distribute over one kilogram of heroin. The defendants arrested today are scheduled to appear this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Ann Marie Donio in Camden federal court. (See chart below.) “The defendants charged today have been flooding the streets of Atlantic City and surrounding towns with heroin, often with tragic results,” U.S. Attorney Carpenito said. “Numerous deaths and overdoses have been linked to... Read more →

21-Year-Old Man and a Juvenile Arrested for the Charles Bowen Complex & John Glenn Elementary School Fires

PINE HILL, NJ ( 28, 2019)The Pine Hill Police Department announced today that two individuals were taken into custody yesterday, Thursday and subsequently charged with intentionally setting fire to the playground equipment at the Charles Bowen Recreational Complex, in addition to defiant trespassing and creating dangerous conditions at the John H. Glenn Elementary School. The police released the following statement. Through our committed partnership with the Pine Hill School District, Detectives reviewed video footage from John H. Glenn Elementary School security cameras and located footage of the suspects lighting several fires on the ground, benches and playground equipment on school property shortly after 2:00am on June 22, 2019. The suspects fled the area after a vehicle drove through the parking area of the school. Continued investigation by the Pine Hill Detective Bureau and Pine Hill Fire Marshal led to the arrest of both suspects on the following charges; Christian Taunitas... Read more →

MARC will be in Gloucester City on Sunday at GHS

Gloucester City, NJ ( 28, 2019)--A Multi-Agency Resource Center (MARC), providing recovery resources for people from Gloucester City News blog files Camden and Gloucester Counties affected by the recent flooding event, will open Sunday, June 30, from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM at Gloucester City High School 1300 Market Street Gloucester City, NJ 08030 Partner resources available at the MARC will include service organizations such as the American Red Cross, Team Rubicon, Catholic Charities USA and others. Also present will be Camden and Gloucester County agencies, including the Office of Emergency Management. ***PLEASE BRING PROOF OF ADDRESS*** For additional information about available services and resources, visit or call 2-1-1. SPONSORED BY THE CAMDEN & GLOUCESTER OFFICES OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Read more →

Officer Down: Police Officer Michael Langsdorf Shot and Killed

Michael Langsdorf North County Police Cooperative, Missouri End of Watch Sunday, June 23, 2019 NORTH COUNTY, MISSOURI--Police Officer Michael was shot and killed after responding to a call at 6250 Page Avenue involving a man attempting to cash a fraudulent check at 4:40 pm. He was shot several minutes after contacting the suspect at the business. The man who shot him was taken into custody. Officer Langsdorf had served with the North County Police Cooperative for only three months and had previously served with the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department for 17 years. He is survived by his two children, fiancée, and parents. RELATED: Via Officer Down Memorial page CNB Crime Blue Line CNBNews Tips and Snippets CNBNews Point of View BREAKING NEWS published | June 28, 2019 Read more →

The Maple Shade Parade and Fireworks Display are NO DRONE ZONES...

Residents and attendees are reminded that the annual 4th of July Parade route on Main Street, and High School grounds during the Fireworks, on Saturday, June 29th,are designated *NO DRONE ZONES*. Unless you possess specific FAA exemptions, some key reminders are as follows: Never fly over groups of people, public events, or stadiums full of people. Never fly near emergencies such as any type of accident response, law enforcement activities, firefighting, or hurricane recovery efforts. Never fly at night. Fly your drone at or below 400 feet when in uncontrolled or "Class G" airspace. This is airspace where the FAA is not controlling manned air traffic. To determine what type of airspace you are in, refer to the mobile application that operates your drone (if so equipped) and/or use other drone-related mobile applications. Knowing your location and what airspace you're in will also help you avoid interfering with other aircraft.... Read more →

Pennsylvania bill to end ‘straight ticket voting’ advances over Democratic opposition

By Dave Lemery | The Center Square 2 hrs ago Pennsylvania voters who prefer to pick all the candidates from one party or the other at the polls might have a little bit more work in store for them after a bill passed in the state House of Representatives that would ban the practice of “straight ticket voting.” Senate Bill 48 started out simply as legislation to help out Pennsylvania counties struggling with the cost of replacing their voting machines in the wake of an executive order from Gov. Tom Wolf. But when it reached the House, it picked up a number of other electoral reform provisions, including the elimination of a button that allows a voter to pick all Democrats or all Republicans without considering individual races. Republican state Rep. Garth Everett, the chairman of the House State Government Committee, took the opportunity to explain the legislation to his... Read more →

Temple University Health: Research Reveals No Differences in Outcomes after Hernia Surgery

Performed by Medical Doctors vs. Surgeons in Ghana (Philadelphia, PA) – Inguinal hernia is one of the most common general surgical conditions in the world, with an estimated 220 million cases and 20 million surgeries performed annually. Inguinal hernia occurs when tissue, like part of the intestine, pushes through a weak spot in the abdominal wall and into the groin area. Hernias can be congenital or emerge over time. The condition is eight to 10 times more common in men, who have a 27 percent lifetime chance of developing one. Other risk factors include older age, a family history, and a previous hernia. While not necessarily dangerous initially, inguinal hernias will not improve by themselves and typically grow larger. They can affect one’s quality of life – as daily tasks such as bending, coughing, lifting, or exercising can exacerbate any pain. In parts of the world where access to surgical... Read more →

Beloved Classics and a New Favorite Come to Life in Mainstage’s Summer Season

BLACKWOOD, NJ ( a summer filled with delightful entertainment in Mainstage Center for the Arts’ 31st season featuring High School Musical, Jr.; Cinderella, Getting to Know version for young audiences; Frozen, Jr.; School House Rock, Jr.; and a community theatre production of the Broadway hit, The Drowsy Chaperone. The season is sponsored by AP Construction and William Penn Bank. The performances kick off July 10-12 with High School Musical, Jr. where the kids from East High navigate their way through the second half of the year – musicals, basketball, scholastic decathlon, and relationships until the last day of school and “Summertime.” High School Musical, Jr. is sponsored by 1st Colonial Community Bank, Bowman & Co, and Ryan Banksy Expert Tree Service. Then a princess in the making meets her prince charming in Cinderella, July 17-19, sponsored by the Bank of Princeton, The Meadows Diner, and the Lamp Post Diner. Next,... Read more →

FACE OF DEFENSE: US Coast Guard honors Robert Selby with its George Gray Award

for Artistic Excellence during Coast Guard Art Program event in New York City Image pictured is the 2018 George Gray Award winner, "Partnership" by Leendert van der Pool RELATED: Face of Defense WASHINGTON — Robert Selby of Colton, New York, received the George Gray Award for Artistic Excellence at the Coast Guard Art Program (COGAP) event in New York City Wednesday. Selby's oil painting "Guardians of the Puerto Rico Coast," is a four-foot-long triptych of scenes from the artist's deployment on board the Coast Guard Cutter Texanos in the Caribbean last year. The crew depicted in the center panel is aboard the small boat of the Texanos as the crew transfers illegal migrants to the Dominican Navy off the coast of the Dominican Republic. The left side panel depicts a male servicemember standing watch as the Texanos exits San Juan Harbor and the right side panel depicts a female servicemember... Read more →

Crack Dealer Sentenced to 12 Years' Imprisonment

for Narcotics and Firearms Violations image courtesy of Getty images PHILADELPHIA ( 2019)--– United States Attorney William M. McSwain announced today that Ricky Fountain, 41, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was sentenced today to 144 months’ imprisonment and five years’ supervised release after pleading guilty to four counts of distribution of cocaine base, one count of distribution of cocaine, and one count of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Senior United States District Judge R. Barclay Surrick imposed the sentence. “Illegal firearms possession and drug trafficking is a deadly combination,” said U.S. Attorney McSwain. “This case is an example of federal and local law enforcement working together to stop the flow of illegal narcotics onto the streets of Philadelphia. My Office will continue to aggressively prosecute these crimes to keep our communities safe.” The case was investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Philadelphia Police Department and is... Read more →

NJ Teen Named Northeast Youth of the Year by Boys and Girls Clubs of America

Nzingha Rothmiller from Boys & Girls Clubs of Gloucester County receives $40K college scholarship and will vie for national title this fall GLASSBORO, NJ – June 27, 2019 – Selected among 12 outstanding finalists from Boys & Girls Clubs across the region, Nzingha Rothmiller from Boys & Girls Clubs of Gloucester County has been named the Northeast Youth of the Year by Boys & Girls Clubs of America. At the Northeast Youth of the Year Celebration event in New York City, supported by sponsors The Walt Disney Company and Toyota, Rothmiller was presented with a $10,000 college scholarship renewable for up to four years, leading to a total of $40,000. Rothmiller was selected as the Northeast Youth of the Year because of her leadership at the Club and her commitment to giving back to her community. She is passionate about empowering youth to use their voice and speak up on... Read more →

University of New Hampshire's Dean's List for the Spring 2019 Semester DURHAM, NH (06/24/2019)-- The following students have been named to the Dean's List at the University of New Hampshire for the spring 2019 semester. Ava Watkins of Cherry Hill, NJ earning Highest Honors Alyssa Walter of Cherry Hill, NJ earning Highest Honors Katherine McGrath of Berlin, NJ earning High Honors Jessica Stroka of Marlton, NJ earning Highest Honors Devon Guyer of Mount Laurel, NJ earning Highest Honors Cameron Wagner of Medford, NJ earning Honors Faith Bonett of Moorestown, NJ earning High Honors Kylie Kratchwell of Sewell, NJ earning High Honors Jordyn Shipotofsky of Sicklerville, NJ earning Honors Catherine Doherty of Haddon Township, NJ earning Honors Students named to the Dean's List at the University of New Hampshire are students who have earned recognition through their superior scholastic performance during a semester enrolled in a full-time course load (12 or... Read more →

Voorhees Officers arrest residential burglary suspect

VOORHEES TWP. NJ ( (June 25, 2019)--The Voorhees Police Department arrested Kevin P. Dunleavy (54), last known address from the unit block of Evergreen Place, Loch Arbour, NJ on June 24 for burglary. On June 24th, at approximately 10:55 am, patrol units were dispatched for a burglary in progress on the unit block of Forrest Hills Drive. The homeowner observed an unknown male exiting their garage, the male subsequently fled the scene. A description was obtained and given to all responding units which canvassed the area. A K9 team was deployed and conducted a track, but due to the terrain, the track was terminated for the safety of the Officers and K9. The Voorhees Criminal Investigations Bureau was able to develop a possible suspect with the assistance of the Waterford Police Department. At approximately 3:56 pm, a second call came into police dispatch of a found burglary on the unit... Read more →

Norristown, Pa Man Sentenced to 52 Years in Prison for Abuse of Autistic Girl

PHILADELPHIA (June 25, 2019)--– U.S. Attorney William M. McSwain announced that John Brown, 28, of Norristown, Pennsylvania, was sentenced to 52 years imprisonment, lifetime supervised release, a $600 special assessment, and a $25,000 assessment under the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act by the Honorable Gene E.K. Pratter. The defendant was also ordered to have no contact with the victim or her family for the rest of his life. In September of 2017, the defendant pleaded guilty to three counts of manufacturing sexually explicit images of his sexual abuse and exploitation of an autistic girl for more than 18 months, one count of distribution of those pornographic images over the Internet to others, and one count of possession of child pornography for his collection of thousands of images and videos of children being sexually abused and assaulted that he downloaded from the Internet. Brown took part in a twisted plan... Read more →

Delaware's 2018/19 Hunting Photo Contest Winners

Photo caption: This year’s first place winner, “Hunting Memories,” by Harry Koch Jr., featuring his father Dr. Harry L. Hoch and friend Bill Cole, after a successful hunt near Harrington. DOVER (June 24, 2019) (– DNREC’s Division of Fish & Wildlife today announced the winning entries in the 2018/19 Delaware Hunting Photo Contest. First place was awarded to Harry Hoch, Jr. of Greenwood for his submission of “Hunting Memories,” featuring his father Dr. Harry L. Hoch and friend Bill Cole, after a successful hunt near Harrington. The second place winner was “Three Generations,” taken by Jennifer Ross of Clayton and featuring her husband David, son Huntly, and father-in-law Charlie Ross, near Clayton. Entries receiving honorable mention were: “My Pride and Joy,” by Paul Skibicki of St. Georges, featuring his daughter Kimberly Pokoiski, at the Midlands Wildlife Area near Millsboro. “Continuing the Tradition,” by James Swatski of Milton, featuring his son... Read more →

Terrorist Thwarted Terrorist Sympathizer Who Placed Bombs in South Carolina Roadways Sentenced

Roadside Bomb Locations in South Carolina: Between January 24 and February 24, 2018, six hoax and actual bombs were placed around the rural community of Anderson, South Carolina. The map pinpoints above depict the location and description of each incident; the same information is also available in text form below. A man and his daughter were driving down a rural highway in Anderson County, South Carolina, on January 30, 2018, when they noticed something odd—a glowing wicker basket in the middle of the road. The man stopped to examine the package. It exploded, causing minor burns to his leg. Among the bomb remnants police found at the scene was a piece of paper with Arabic writing referencing Osama bin Laden, leading investigators toward a possible terrorism motive. Local, state, and federal law enforcement collected evidence and sent the bomb components to the FBI Laboratory in Quantico, Virginia, where experts looked... Read more →

Pine Hill PD Alert: Suspicious Fire - Charles Bowen Recreation Complex

- Public Assistance Needed - Reward Offered $1000 REWARD FOR ARREST & CONVICTION OF THE INDIVIDUAL(S) RESPONSIBLE The Pine Hill Police Department and Pine Hill Fire Marshal are investigating a suspicious fire at the Charles Bowen Recreational Complex on S. Club Road. The fire was reported on June 22, 2019 at 5:11am and resulted in complete destruction of the playground equipment and damage to the concession stand, an estimated loss of over $75,000.00. Mayor Christopher Green has authorized a $1000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the individual(s) responsible for causing the fire and destruction of public property. Information may be sent in the following ways; email to [email protected] text TIP PINEHILLPD followed by your tip to 888777 Call 856-783-4919 x 443 Read more →

Two Wildwood Residents Arrested for Drug Possession and Distribution

Cape May Court House, New Jersey ( (June 25, 2019)-- - Cape May County Prosecutor Jeffrey H. Sutherland and Chief of Detectives Paul Skill announce the conclusion of a Narcotics investigation into the distribution of Heroin in the City of Wildwood and throughout Cape May County by Gonzalo Soto. Soto, a 40 year old resident of the City of Wildwood, was arrested on June 25, 2019 during the execution of a Court authorized search warrant at his residence located in the 200 East Block of Rio Grande Avenue in Wildwood. This search warrant was a result of an investigation targeting Soto selling heroin from his residence, along with other locations within Cape May County. Seized during this investigation were over one ounce of suspected heroin, synthetic marijuana and paraphernalia consistent with the manufacturing of controlled dangerous substances (CDS) for distribution. Also seized was a total of $4,398 in U.S. Currency.... Read more →

High School Graduates Receive Scholarship from Camden County Hero Fund

The Camden County Hero Scholarship Fund is pleased to announce that the following have been named scholarship recipients! * $2,000 Law Enforcement Service Scholarship recipient is Tim Chew. Tim will be graduating from Williamstown High School and plans to follow in his father’s footsteps and work in law enforcement. * $2,000 Fire Service Scholarship recipient is Julia Saia. Julia will be graduating from Haddon Township High School and plans to attend Liberty University. * $2,000 EMS Service Scholarship recipient is Jade DiSanti. Jade will be graduating from Camden Catholic High School and plans to pursue a PhD in Psychology with the hope of one day working with Veterans. . * $1,500 Chief Gary R. Cline Memorial Scholarship is being awarded to Josie Galasso of Haddon Heights. After graduating from Paul VI High School, Josie plans to pursue a career in law enforcement, with the hope of one day becoming an... Read more →

Prison Substance Abuse Counselor Charged for Smuggling Drugs to Inmate 

WRIGHTSTOWN, NJ ( (June 25, 2019)--Burlington County Prosecutor Scott Coffina announced that an employee of a company contracted to provide substance abuse treatment to inmates at the Mid-State Correctional Facility in Wrightstown has been charged with smuggling drugs into the facility. Camey Springer, 50, of West Trenton Avenue in Morrisville, Pennsylvania, was charged with Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance (Third Degree), Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance with Intent to Distribute (Third Degree), Distribution of a Controlled Dangerous Substance (Third Degree), and Providing an Inmate with Contraband (Disorderly Persons). The investigation began after an inmate was found in possession of crushed up pills and synthetic marijuana known as K2. The investigation revealed that Springer supplied the inmate with the K2, as well as Subutex and Suboxone, which are drugs used to treat opiate addiction. The investigation further revealed that Springer, who is the assistant director of the Gateway Foundation,... Read more →

Trenton Drug Dealer Indicted

for Allegedly Causing 2018 Death of Customer Who Fatally Overdosed in Burlington Township BURLINGTON TOWNSHIP, NJ ( (June 25, 2019)--Burlington County Prosecutor Scott Coffina announced that a Trenton drug dealer has been indicted on charges of causing the death of a customer by supplying the fentanyl-laced heroin that led to her fatal overdose late last year. Daquan Marshall, 28, of the Kingsbury Twin Towers Apartments, was indicted by a Burlington County Grand Jury on one count of Strict Liability for Drug-Induced Death (First Degree), two counts of Distribution of a Controlled Dangerous Substance (Third Degree), two counts of Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance (Third Degree), two counts of Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance with Intent to Distribute (Third Degree) and one count of Conspiracy (Third Degree). The indictment was returned today and signed by Prosecutor Coffina. An arraignment will be scheduled soon in Superior Court in Mount Holly.... Read more →

FBI Alert: Cuba is an Unreliable Shelter for Illicit Funds

Source FBI “Individuals who believe Cuba offers a safe haven for ill-gotten financial gains should understand the nation’s current government offers no such guarantee,” said acting FBI Legal Attaché to Cuba Christopher Starrett. Cuba’s recent seizure of assets housed there by Orelvis Olivera is an example of what can happen to property and bank accounts that criminals attempt to illegally shelter on the island. Olivera, who came to the United States from Cuba in 2005, was convicted in federal court in 2014 of defrauding Medicare of nearly $8 million. On paper, Olivera’s Acclaim Home Health Inc. provided home health care and physical therapy services to Medicare beneficiaries. In actuality, according to court documents and the FBI, the firm paid bribes to patient recruiters who referred Medicare beneficiaries to the company, allowing Acclaim to bill Medicare for unnecessary services. “They were providing limited services,” said Special Agent Noel Gil, who worked... Read more →


CHERRY HILL - NJ CD-1 GOP candidate Josh Duvall released the following statement: “Something interesting, or rather ironic, is unfolding right here in South Jersey.” COVER OF EDA REPORT “With hard-line Democrats clamoring over a laundry list (I’m told it’s very long) of Trump abuses, including ‘Russian Collusion’ - it seems their response to the well documented Norcross Economic Development Authority tax break scheme, is a collective yawn.” SEE TASK FORCE REPORT “While elitist, establishment Democrats continue to clutch pearls at the possibility of American democracy slowly dying under the Trump administration; they don’t bat an eye when confronted with this simple truth: democracy is already dead in South Jersey, and has been for decades.” “We can't blame the local media for this. In this case they very clearly are not the enemy of the people. Collectively, they’ve spilled plenty of ink detailing the long history of alleged (and more... Read more →

Gloucester County Freeholders Praise County Farmers

(Mullica Hill, NJ) (– On Wednesday, June 12 the Gloucester County Board of Chosen Freeholders toured farms to promote the agriculture industry. Freeholder Director Robert M. Damminger said, "The agriculture industry contributes $100 million to our economy. There is nothing more synonymous with Gloucester County than agriculture and we are proud of our farming heritage. As the saying goes, no farmers no food, and we are fortunate for the hard work and dedication of our farms and farmers." Freeholder Deputy Director Frank DiMarco and Freeholder Jim Jefferson took a tour of Hill Creek Farms with owner Fred Sorbello, and NJ Secretary of Agriculture Doug Fisher promoting Jersey Fresh and the #findjerseyfresh award winner Amber Egorov from The In Season Kitchen. Freeholder Heather Simmons was at the state's largest dairy farm, Wellacrest Farms in Mullica Hill that same morning to mark the start of National Dairy Month with Sienna and Marianne... Read more →

South Jersey Group 1 Basketball Champions Honored

(Clayton, NJ) ( Freeholder Jim Jefferson recognized the Clayton Boys Basketball for winning the South Jersey Group 1 Championship during the Clayton Board of Education Meeting on June 11. The team had an historic season where they averaged 88 points per game, took the eighth seed all the way to the school’s first title in 39 years. In Photo: Coach Frank Rago , Clayton Boys Basketball Team, Asst. Coach Frank Venuto, and Freeholder Jim Jefferson Read more →


PHILADELPHIA, PA ( Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (CSS), along with the Office for the New Evangelization, will host the inspirational series, “We Thirst,” a comprehensive educational retreat program. This series is designed to educate and spread awareness about the topic of addiction from a Christian perspective. It is an opportunity to explore the nature of addiction and our responsibility as followers of Christ in responding to those who are suffering. All five sessions are open to the public and will take place at the following location. Archdiocesan Pastoral Center 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. 222 North 17th Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 The first session in the series is detailed below. Wednesday, July 24, 2019 Presenter: Nina Marie Corona Session Topic: Biology Time: 1:00 p.m. -3:00 p.m. About the Presenter Nina Marie Corona, M.A., C.R.S. is the author and facilitator of “We Thirst.” She is pursuing a Doctorate... Read more →

Reward/New Info Offered on the Anniversary of a Burlington County Cold Case

BURLINGTON CITY, NJ ( 25, 2019)--Margaret Ellen Fox was 14 when she boarded a bus in Burlington City, headed for Mount Holly, on June 24, 1974, and disappeared. Margaret left home to go to a babysitting job. Her family has not seen or heard from her since. Today, on the 45th anniversary of her disappearance, the FBI is announcing a reward of up to $25,000 for information that leads to the arrest and/or conviction of whoever is responsible for Margaret’s disappearance. An audio recording (below) from the hours after Margaret’s disappearance is being released in an effort to find her abductor. Phone calls were being recorded at the Fox home in the hours after Margaret was reported missing. One call purports to be from a man claiming he had Margaret in his custody and who demands money for her return. On the portion of the call that was recorded, the... Read more →

Consumers Alert: Be Mindful of prices after Flooding

Woodbury– ( GloucesterCounty Board of Chosen Freeholders and the Gloucester County Office of ConsumerProtection is warning both business and residents of New Jersey's strong pricegouging laws. The NewJersey law prohibits price increases of more than ten percent during a state of emergency and for at least thirty-days after the declaration is terminated. FreeholderDirector Robert Damminger said, "I don’t believe any county business would price gouge intentionally, but it’s important that everyone know the law during this time." Any merchant that unlawfully increases the price for food, gas, hotel rooms, generators, or other necessary items or services in connection with the State of Emergency faces serious consequences, not only from local officials, but theState Office of Consumer Affairs and the Office of the Attorney General. FreeholderLyman Barnes, Liaison to the County Office of Consumer Affairs and Weights andMeasures, said, “Any consumer who feels they may have been the target of price... Read more →

Amanda Ramirez of Camden City Charged with Killing Her Twin Sister

CAMDEN CITY,NJ ( 24, 2019)--Amanda Ramirez, 27, of Camden, was arrested and charged with stabbing and killing her identical twin sister, Anna Ramirez, on June 22, 2019. Camden County Police responded to reports of an unconscious female on the 1200 block of East State Street at the Centennial Village Apartments in Camden at approximately 5:38 a.m. Officers arrived and located the victim lying on the ground and it appeared that she had been stabbed. She was taken to Cooper University Hospital and was pronounced deceased at 6:19 a.m. Amanda Ramirez was charged with first degree Aggravated Manslaughter on June 22, 2019, according to Camden County Prosecutor Mary Eva Colalillo and Camden County Police Chief Scott Thomson. She was arrested and transported to the Camden County Correctional Facility pending a pretrial detention hearing. At this hearing, the court may order she be detained or release under Criminal Justice Reform. The investigation... Read more →

Philadelphia Bar Association Becomes First in the Nation,

Five-Time Winner of Prestigious American Bar Association Award 2019 Harrison Tweed Award Celebrates Task Force’s Work to Fund Right-to-Counsel for Indigent Philadelphia Tenants Facing Eviction PHILADELPHIA, PA – The Philadelphia Bar Association announced today that it has been selected for a historic fifth time by the American Bar Association (ABA) for the Harrison Tweed Award, making it the first bar association in the country to be a five-time winner of one of the ABA’s most prestigious honors. The Philadelphia Bar Association was selected as a 2019 Harrison Tweed Award winner based on the work the association and its Civil Gideon and Access to Justice Task Force has undertaken to improve access to justice and create a right to counsel for eligible low-income Philadelphia tenants who are facing eviction. A recent example of this work includes the trailblazing Stout Report, an economic impact study commissioned by the Philadelphia Bar Association, which... Read more →

Next Tier Connect Platform Acquires Property in Monroeville, Pa

Former Westinghouse Nuclear Headquarters Campus Mission Critical Mixed-Use Campus Encompasses 505,000 Square Feet (Photo: Business Wire) NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Next Tier Connect, an investment partnership between Next Tier HD and RedBird Capital Partners have acquired a 505,000 square foot mission critical mixed-use campus in Monroeville, PA. The campus served as the former Westinghouse Nuclear headquarters and is located at 4350 Northern Pike in Monroeville, PA, a suburb of Pittsburgh. The property is the first acquisition by Next Tier Connect following the recent formation of the investment platform focused on acquiring, optimizing and managing a diversified national portfolio of select real estate and mission critical properties. The Monroeville property will be repositioned and re-branded as “Next Tier Connect – Pittsburgh East.” The property is currently leased to several recognizable Fortune 500 companies for office, call center, business continuity, and data center spaces. "We look forward to executing on our expansion into the... Read more →

Dear supporters, friends, and those interested in the Republican Party of Pennsylvania: (June 23, 2019)--This week centered around the President’s re-election and the PA GOP could not have come out bigger for President Donald Trump has he formally announced his re-election bid in Florida on Tuesday! Across the state, dozens of trainings were held as part of the National Week of Training by the Trump Leadership Initiative. On top of that, I was happy to see soo any dedicated Republicans hold watch parties across the state in support of our President. 2020 is a make-or-break election for our country. Socialists who hate the principles on which this country was founded are actively seeking to work against the successes we’ve seen over the last two-and-a-half years: lower taxes, record low unemployment, a strengthened military, and America once again respected on the world stage. Republicans across Pennsylvania and across the nation need to ensure we continue to support the President and Republican leadership... Read more →