Philadelphia Bar Association Candidates Win Election; 4 ‘Recommended’ Win
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Bar Association Cited as Authoritative Source for Voters
PHILADELPHIA, PA (– After last night's Primary Election results, in which the Philadelphia Bar Association’s Commission on Judicial Selection and Retention was cited as the authoritative source for information on judicial candidates on the ballot, the Association stands proud to have helped inform Philadelphia voters.
“The Philadelphia Bar Association was proud to provide Philadelphians an unbiased and objective source for judicial ratings this Primary season,” said Philadelphia Bar Association Chancellor Rochelle M. Fedullo. “We are also pleased that, for the first time since 2011, primary success has been achieved only by candidates with favorable ratings.”
“Highly Recommended” candidates James C. Crumlish, Anthony Kyriakakis and Tiffany Palmer, and “Recommended” candidates Carmella Jacquinto, Joshua Roberts and Jennifer Schultz, won positions in November’s general election on the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas ballot; and Recommended candidate David H. Conroy won a position in November’s general election on the Philadelphia Municipal Court ballot.
“I want to thank our Judicial Commission for working tirelessly to arrive at fair, non-partisan and objective ratings based on candidates’ abilities to serve on the bench,” concluded Fedullo.
Candidates rated Highly Recommended and Recommended satisfied a cumulative review of criteria including qualifications such as legal ability, experience, integrity, temperament, community involvement and judgment.
“Immense thanks go to our Judicial Commission’s members and investigators, to volunteers who helped hand out our ratings at the polls, and to the candidates who participated in our important ratings process,” added Judicial Commission Chair Teresa Ficken Sachs.
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The Philadelphia Bar Association, founded in 1802, is the oldest association of lawyers in the United States. It is a keystone in the ongoing developments of the Philadelphia and Pennsylvania legal systems. With more than 200 years of dedicated service to stand on, the Philadelphia Bar Association is firmly rooted in the Philadelphia community as a steady and reliable bellwether. To learn more about the association, visit here.