NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

DRPA Police Combat Motor Vehicle Fatalities with Education, Enforcement 
Sharon C. Beale (nee Dobson) Gloucester Twp.

Gloucester City Police Alert: Road Closures/Parking Restrictions Memorial Day


GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ (May 24, 2019)( Gloucester City Police Department released the following traffic alert for Memorial Day.

On Monday, May 27th. the following road closures and parking restrictions will be in effect to accommodate the Memorial Day Ceremony at Broadway and 6a00d8341bf7d953ef01901e71cc37970b-800wiMonmouth Street:

Road Closures   (10:30am -1:00pm)

Broadway          between Cumberland and Hudson (all traffic)
Somerset St       between Broadway and Champion Road (all traffic)
Monmouth St    @ Atlantic to Broadway (all traffic)
Monmouth St    between Champion Road and Broadway (all traffic)

No Parking (10:00am -1pm)

Broadway            between Cumberland and Broadway (both sides)
Cumberland St  200, 300 and 500 blocks (North side of street only)

After the services at the monuments there will be a short parade. The route is as follows: from the monuments south to Cumberland then west on Cumberland to King Street, then into Freedom Pier.

Signs will be posted and we appreciate everyone’s cooperation.
