NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Potential Measles Exposure in Monmouth County
Gloucester City Police Camera Registry Program Offered to Residents/Business Owners

Brooklawn Police Identify Accident Victim Killed by Vehicle

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BROOKLAWN, NJ (April 23, 2019)--Brooklawn Police announced earlier today that a local resident was struck and killed while walking across Route 130 near Kings Highway around 9PM MONDAY night. The police held off releasing the name of the deceased until all of the family of the man were notified.

This evening Brooklawn Chief Shamus Ellis released the following statement.

On April 22, 2019, at approximately 9:20pm, 42 year old Brooklawn resident Evan MacAdams was fatally struck by a vehicle as he walked across Rt. 130 at the Kings Highway intersection. The driver of the vehicle was a 17 year old male.

It is believed that MacAdams was struck while he was in the inside lane of Rt. 130 North, walking against the traffic signal.  

Medical personnel arrived on scene and transported MacAdams to Cooper Hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.

published | April 23, 2019

RELATED: Tragic Pedestrian Accident in Brooklawn

