NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

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April 2019

GHS Will Induct One Distinguished Alumnus & Two Academic Achievement Alumni

GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ (April 30, 2019)--Gloucester High School will hold their annual “Academic Awards Night” on Wednesday, May 22 at 7 p.m. Along with the honoring of many of their current students, they will induct the following alumni into branches of our Academic Achievement Hall of Fame: Distinguished Alumnus Distinguished alumni who exemplify the school's motto of Partnership, Performance, and Pride. Honorees have led lives of purpose and have given a great deal back to their communities. For each of them, their road to success traveled through the halls of GHS. 2019 Inductee James D. Nicholson, GHS Class of 1960 Academic Achievement Alumni Established in 2018, this award is given to GHS graduates who have immediately enrolled in a college, university, or a military academy and have distinguished themselves by their grades and the type of degree that they earned, the awards and honors that they have been given, their... Read more →

Gloucester High School Softball/Baseball News

GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ --Gloucester High Girls softball had a big conference win over Schalick 11 to 0 earlier this week. Vanesa Pino threw a three hitter with nine strikeouts. Offensively, the Lady Lions were led by Grace Fenton (2 for 2), Sara Bonney (1 for 2) and Meghan Ferry ( 2 for 4) each with two RBIs. Hayley Welsh scored three runs and Danaka Bennett and Ferry each scored twice. **** April 23 the Lady Lions beat Salem 5 to 2. Emilee Hillman, Meghan Ferry, and Sarah Bonney led the offense. Vanesa Pino scattered four hits and recorded 10 strikeouts. **** April 22 the Lady Lions softball team beat Williamstown 11 to 6 behind winning pitcher Vanesa Pino. Hayley Welsh led the offense with two hits and 4 RBIs. Grace Fenton had two RBIs and Pino added two hits as well. **** The GHS baseball team went 2-1 on its... Read more →

Townsend’s Inlet Bridge to Remain Closed Through “Late Summer”

Townsend’s Inlet Bridge The following is a press release issued by the County of Cape May on Monday, April 8, 2018 regarding construction work on the Townsend’s Inlet Bridge. The bridge, roadway, and construction project are all managed by the County. CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE, NJ — In September 2018, the County in cooperation with the Cape May County Bridge Commission engaged a contractor to replace spans 1-7 of the Townsend’s Inlet Bridge. Although originally proposed to be a substructure repair project, additional pre-design inspections revealed a degree of deterioration and scour requiring span replacement. As a result, recognizing the significant importance of the bridge to residents and summer commercial interests, both the design and construction contracts were accelerated with the goal of obtaining a May 22, 2019 completion date. Unfortunately, attaining the May 22nd completion date left little margin for delays resulting from weather, tidal events, and the overall... Read more →

Philadelphia Council Passes Bill Targeting Campaign Finance Loopholes/Dark Money

PHILADELPHIA, April 2019 – Amid a busy and historic election season here in Philadelphia, City Council passed a bill today, introduced earlier this year by Councilmember Derek S. Green (At-Large), which aims to provide more transparency and simplicity to the campaign finance process. The ordinance, Bill No. 190083-A, fills in gaps in the existing requirements related to dark money disclosure and pass through political contributions, ensuring the public is aware of all sources of spending on city elections. It also reorganizes provisions related to post-candidacy contributions, transition/inauguration committees, and litigation fund committees, in addition to other technical fixes. The primary result of passage of the ordinance will be a more easily understood and fairly enforced set of requirements for all participants in local elections, and full information for residents. “This bill is meant to set clear rules and consistent standards for anyone seeking elected office, as well as taking a... Read more →

Native Animal Profile: Baltimore Oriole

source The State of Maryland A male Baltimore Oriole inspects a tent caterpillar web; by Bonnie Ott With striking orange and black plumage, it is no wonder why the Baltimore Oriole was selected as Maryland’s state bird. The male’s colors resemble the coat of arms for Sir George Calvert, First Lord of Baltimore. Baltimore Orioles are medium-sized birds. Male Baltimore Orioles are flame orange and black with a solid black head and orange sides, with orange in the tail. Females and immature Baltimore Orioles are brown above and burnt orange below with two white wing bars. Many adult females have traces of black on their head, suggesting the hood of a male. Baltimore Orioles can be found throughout Maryland in spring and summer months, though they are not as common on the coastal plain. In the winter, most Baltimore Orioles travel down to central and South America. Despite the male’s... Read more →


Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on an offensive cartoon that was pulled by the New York Times: The New York Times has withdrawn a cartoon published last week on the opinion page of its international edition that was flagrantly anti-Semitic. It showed President Trump wearing sunglasses and a yarmulke being pulled by a dachshund with the face of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (he is shown wearing a Star of David collar). The Times has since apologized, and columnist Bret Stephens tried to put the issue to rest in a critical article on the subject today. However, this is not the first time the Times has been embroiled in a controversy over cartoons. In March 2002, the Times published an editorial cartoon, “Terror Widows,” that mocked widows of those who died on 9/11 for receiving money from the government and charities; one panel showed a widow lamenting her husband’s... Read more →

Political Consultant Going To Prison for Bribery of Allentown & Reading Officials

PHILADELPHIA – Deputy U.S. Attorney Louis D. Lappen announced that the political consultant to then-Allentown Mayor Edwin Pawlowski, Michael Fleck, 40, formerly of Allentown, PA was sentenced today to five years in prison followed by three years of supervised release by Chief U.S. District Court Judge Juan R. Sanchez. Fleck must also pay $134,487 in restitution. The defendant was immediately remanded to federal custody to begin serving his sentence. Fleck previously pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit extortion and bribery offenses and one count of tax evasion. Fleck was a principal and co-owner of an Allentown-based consulting company that conducted fundraising and other campaign-related services for certain elected officials in Pennsylvania (“the political clients”), and lobbied these same political clients on behalf of individuals and companies who sought contracts and other favorable treatment from local governments (“the business clients”). Mayor Vaughn Spencer of Reading, Mayor Edwin Pawlowski... Read more →

Prosecutor Coffina Partners Up with Cinnaminson Police Officer

CINNAMINSON TOWNSHIP NJ--Burlington County Prosecutor Scott Coffina recently visited the Cinnaminson Township Police Department and partnered up with an officer during the evening shift. “I would like to thank Cinnaminson Township Police Chief Rich Calabrese and his command staff for welcoming me to their Department, and Officer Garrett McLaverty for allowing me to accompany him on patrol," Prosecutor Coffina said. "Officer McLaverty’s devotion to serving the people of his hometown is readily apparent, and the residents of Cinnaminson are well served by him and his colleagues who were also on patrol that evening. There are many exciting things happening with the Cinnaminson PD under Chief Calabrese’s leadership, especially in the area of community policing, and we look forward to continuing to work closely with the Department.” published | April 30, 2019 Read more →

Nickelback "Feeds The Machine" at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino

NICKELBACK Saturday, August 24 at 8 p.m. Hard Rock Live @ Etess Arena/**On Sale Friday, May 3 at 10 a.m.** 2019 ENTERTAINMENT LINEUP 4/30 -5/5 - Kinky Boots – Sound Waves 5/4 – Tropicaliente 2 - Hard Rock Live @ Etess Arena 5/6 – 5/9 – Bob Zany - Howie Mandel’s Comedy Club 5/10 – The Band Perry – Sound Waves 5/11 – Kenny Chesney - Hard Rock Live @ Etess Arena 5/13 – 5/16 – Donnell Rawlings - Howie Mandel’s Comedy Club 5/17 – CFFC 74 - Hard Rock Live @ Etess Arena 5/17 & 5/18 – STYX – Sound Waves 5/20 – 5/23 – Jimmy Shubert - Howie Mandel’s Comedy Club 5/24 – Classic Albums Live Presents: Fleetwood Mac – Rumours – Sound Waves 5/25 – Freestyle Free-4-All 2019 - Hard Rock Live @ Etess Arena 5/25 – Collective Soul/Gin Blossoms – Sound Waves 5/27 – 5/30 -Eliza... Read more →

66-Year-Old Voorhees Man Commits Suicide

Voorhees, New Jersey – On Sunday, April 28th, 2019, at approximately 10:22 p.m. officers of the Voorhees Police Department were dispatched to the 1500 block of Chestnut Avenue for a suicidal person with a weapon. The caller indicated that he was distraught and intended to harm himself. Upon arrival to the scene, officers secured a perimeter to keep bystanders away and made numerous attempts to contact the caller, which went unanswered. The Lower Camden County Regional Special Response Team, which is comprised of Law Enforcement personnel from Voorhees, Pine Hill, Berlin Twp., Berlin Boro & Waterford, was summoned to the scene to assist with communication attempts and tactics. Upon their arrival they were able to safely evacuate a neighboring family. At approximately 1:30 am, SRT team operators made entry into the residence and found the 66-year-old male resident deceased and alone in the residence from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Shortly... Read more →

PA American Water Protects Against Dangers of Improper Prescription Disposal

April 26, 2019 MECHANICSBURG, Pa.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Pennsylvania American Water is joining forces with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency to encourage participation in National Prescription Drug Take Back Day on April 27. This awareness campaign encourages area residents to clean out their medicine cabinets and turn medications in safely and anonymously at their local collection site on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For those who are unable to participate, the campaign teaches the public how to conduct proper disposal at home. “Far too often, unused prescription drugs find their way into the wrong hands and into our community water supplies, potentially causing environmental harm,” said Jennifer Heymann, source water protection program manager, for American Water’s Mid-Atlantic Division. “The best and most cost-effective way to ensure safe water at the tap is to keep our water supplies clean. It is important to prevent pollutants, including pharmaceutical products, from entering our water... Read more →

Letters to the Ed: Pennsylvania, the Center of the 2020 World

Dear supporters, friends, and those interested in the Republican Party of Pennsylvania: Once again, Pennsylvania is at the center of the 2020 world and, after a busy week, I am more energized than I have ever been to re-elect President Donald Trump. The highlight of the week was a meeting I attended with our Vice-Chair Bernie Comfort, National Committeeman Bob Asher, and other Pennsylvania Republican leaders with the President’s re-election team. There, we continued the work of implementing a plan we believe will be successful in getting President Trump re-elected. We will continue partnering with the RNC and the re-election to hire staff throughout the state, use micro-targeted data to get the message about the President’s successful first term out to the right voters at there right time, and organize down the neighborhood level to ensure we have an all-out effort to keep Pennsylvania red for the President. This week,... Read more →

350 Fish Plus Released in Gloucester City's Martin's Lake

GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ --State workers from the NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife were in Gloucester City recently stocking Martin Lake, Johnson Blvd. with fish. A spokesman said they stocked about 350 fish on the day they were here. And they will stock it several more times in the coming weeks. THE SPRING TROUT STOCKING PROGRAM Each spring, approximately 570,000 rainbow trout raised at the Pequest Trout Hatchery are stocked into the state's streams, ponds, and lakes. Nearly 1/3 of these trout, 184,400, await anglers on April 6 when the season opens. The majority of trout being stocked will average 10½ inches but large breeders, measuring 14 - 23" and weighing up to 7 pounds are also distributed in the early weeks of the season. The state's fourteen major trout streams are stocked every week following Opening Day and are closed to fishing from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. on... Read more →

Work on Joint Health Science Center has Begun

(Camden City, NJ) – Federal, state, and local elected officials recently gathered with leaders from Camden’s higher education institutions on their first tour of the Joint Health Sciences Center (JHSC). Once complete, the 100,000 square-foot building will be used by Rowan University, Rutgers University–Camden, Camden County College, and Cooper Medical School of Rowan University (CMSRU) for research, education and training. Chief Executive Officer, Dana Redd, previously talked about the newest addition to the Eds and Meds corridor in the city. “We’re going to see some of the region’s best and brightest scientific minds flocking to the City of Camden when this project is completed,” Redd said. “The city will soon be synonymous with scientific and medical innovation. We expect this to make Camden one of the most sought-after research destinations in the state of New Jersey.” Chairman of the Joint Board, Jack Collins spoke about the economic impact of the... Read more →

Haddonfield-Berlin Road Improvements to Begin

Voorhees, NJ) – Beginning on May 13, the Camden County Department of Public Works is making significant roadway and safety improvements to Haddonfield- Berlin Road (CR561) in Cherry Hill and Voorhees Townships. The $4.3 million project will improve traffic flow and accessibility on one of the county’s most traveled roadways. “Every year the Freeholder Board gathers data and input from the community to identify problematic roads and highways that need improvements or restorations,” said Freeholder Susan Shin Angulo, liaison to the Department of Public Works. “This stretch in particular stood out because of its typical traffic volume, the condition of the asphalt and concrete in some places, and the need for improved accessibility to reduce congestion.” The first phase of the project is expected to begin on May 13. At that time, crews will begin installing handicap ramps, making various safety improvements, and completely resurfacing the roadway between Kresson Road... Read more →

DOWN THE SHORE: Art in the Park in Somers Point

Art in the Park in Somers Point will feature artists' works in several categories, including pastels and oils. (Photo courtesy Somers Point Arts Commission) The Somers Point Arts Commission is calling for professional and amateur artists to participate in the fourth annual Art in the Park at John F. Kennedy Park on June 15 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Art in the Park accepts traditional two dimensional work in the following categories: oil/acrylic; drawing/pastels; watercolor; hand-pulled prints and mixed media/collage. Artists may also participate in a “plein air” painting competition by artists painting on location. Prizes will be awarded to first and second place and Honorable Mention to both professional and amateur artists and to a plein air artist. Attendees will also vote for the People’s Choice Award. Interested artists can obtain an application ($20) by contacting [email protected], downloading the application from and Commissions/Arts Commission/2019 Artist Application Brochure.... Read more →

Blackwood Resident Pleads Guilty to Meth Possession

CAMDEN, City N.J. – A Camden County, New Jersey man today admitted his role in a scheme to possess and distribute crystal methamphetamine, U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito announced. Mauricio Melendrez, 46, of Blackwood, New Jersey, pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Jerome B. Simandle in Camden federal court to an information charging him one count of attempt to distribute and possess with intent to distribute five grams or more of crystal methamphetamine. According to documents filed in this case and statements made in court: In May 2014, Melendrez arranged for the delivery of a package containing approximately two pounds of crystal methamphetamine stuffed inside a 4-slice toaster oven. Before the package could be delivered to its intended address on June 3, 2014, law enforcement seized it. Melendrez later discussed this package of crystal methamphetamine with another individual and stated it had been sent to him by a “cartel,” and that... Read more →

Four Homes Destroyed by Fire in Gloucester Twp.; Two Families Displaced

GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP—Sunday, April 28, 2019 at approximately 6:07 PM, the Gloucester Township Police Department responded to Yorkshire Court located in the Brittany Woods Townhome Development of Gloucester Township for a report of a dwelling fire. Gloucester Township Police units arrived and observed heavy smoke coming from the front of the residence and active fire coming from the rear second floor window of the home. The residents of the home were evacuated prior to police arrival. Several neighboring homes were evacuated by police as a precaution. Gloucester Township, Pine Hill and Winslow Fire Units responded to assist in suppressing the fire. A total of four units were damaged. Two homes were deemed inhabitital, diplacing two families. The other two homes sustained minor smoke damage and were ventilated. Gloucester Township OEM also responded who assisted with connecting the displaced families with Red Cross for shelter. The fire does not appear to be... Read more →

NJ State Police Accepting Applications

The New Jersey State Police will be accepting initial applications online from Monday, April 29 through Sunday, May 12, 2019. The road to becoming a New Jersey State Trooper does not begin at the academy; it begins now. On Monday, April 29, they will begin accepting initial applications for the position of New Jersey State Trooper, so those who intend on applying should begin physically training now. There are several phases of the selection process, including the physical qualification test, which occurs shortly after the date that they begin accepting initial applications. If you already know you want to be a New Jersey State Trooper, or if you would simply like to know more about a career with the New Jersey State Police, like and follow the New Jersey State Police Recruiting Facebook page for up-to-date information about how to contact a recruiter, dates of career nights and other important... Read more →

PA Expands Workforce Program Linking Teachers with Local Employers

Harrisburg, PA – Governor Tom Wolf was joined by teachers and business leaders recently to announce nearly $2.6 million in Teacher in the Workplace grants supporting 59 programs in Pennsylvania. The governor is committed to strengthening the collaboration between local educators and businesses to better prepare students with the skills for in-demand jobs. “These grants enable teachers to visit local employers and learn about the skills and knowledge their students need to succeed in today’s workforce,” said Governor Wolf. “Teachers bring that experience to their classrooms to develop lessons that teach students the skills they will need for those good jobs. “Teachers can also tell students and parents about the new and growing careers available in their community. Many of the rewarding jobs offer good pay and students will be ready for a trade school, community college, four-year college or an apprenticeship.” Teacher in the Workplace grants are part of... Read more →

John Morgan Sentenced for the Death of Atlantic City Man

MAYS LANDING – A Camden City man was sentenced today after he pleaded guilty last month to Aggravated Manslaughter in the 2017 death of an Atlantic City man, Atlantic County Prosecutor Damon G. Tyner announced. Johnny Morgan, 34, (photo) was sentenced before Judge Rauh to 15 years in New Jersey state prison under the No Early Release Act (NERA) and he must serve 12 years 6 months before he is eligible for parole. Upon release, Morgan will be subject to 5 years of parole in accordance with the plea agreement. Andrew McGarrigel, 53, of Atlantic City died on November 23, 2017, as a result of injuries sustained on November 3, 2017 in the area of N. Virginia Ave in Atlantic City. During an altercation with McGarrigel, Morgan punched him once in the head and he fell to the ground and was unconscious. McGarrigel never regained consciousness and died from his... Read more →

Small Tax Increase in Somers Point Budget

Somers Point City Council adopts its budget for 2019. By Maddy Vitale/April 25, 2019/source Somers Point Somers Point City Council adopted a $16.39 million municipal budget Thursday night, resulting in a 2.43-cent increase to the local tax rate for 2019. The amount to be raised by taxation is $11.3 million, up from $11.1 million the year before. Under the spending plan, the city tax rate will increase from 96.5 cents per $100 of assessed valuation to 99 cents. The budget was introduced at the March 28 council meeting. During Thursday’s meeting there was no public or Council comment on the budget. For an average home assessed at $210,000, local taxes would be $2,079 for the year, up from $2,049 in 2018. Over the last few years, the city has had increases in the municipal taxes. Business Administrator Wes Swain and other city officials noted over the last year that there... Read more →

Essential Revolutionary War Sites Surround Philadelphia

Onlookers admire Carpenters Hall, the site where representatives from 12 colonies gathered in 1774 for the first Congressional Congress Long before 1775, when the first musket shot was fired in Lexington, the seeds of the American Revolution had taken root in Philadelphia. Today, Philadelphia’s Historic District, home of iconic Independence Hall and dozens more 18th-century landmarks, offers visitors firsthand experiences of the United States’ early days. In the heart of the district, the remarkable, two-year-old Museum of the American Revolution uses rare artifacts and interactive exhibits to recreate the drama and the details of the country’s dramatic birth. Visitors who want to go beyond the district can discover more rich Revolutionary War history in the Philadelphia countryside’s significant battlefields, historic homes and parks. Here are Philadelphia’s and its environs’ essential Revolutionary War sites: Fomenting Revolution: Carpenters’ Hall – Fed up with King George’s taxes and trade policies, representatives from 12... Read more →

Remembering Somers Point Police K-9 Sonny

Somers Point Officer Mark McElwee displays a memorial plaque presented to him during a ceremony Thursday before City Council honoring his late K-9 partner, Sonny. By Maddy Vitale/April 26, 2019/Somers Point, NJ Somers Point retired K-9 Officer Sonny was honored in a heartfelt tribute by police and City Council during a ceremony Thursday night to salute the police dog. Sonny was a K-9 for Somers Point from 2008 to 2016. Upon his retirement, his handler and partner, K-9 Officer Mark McElwee, and he lived together until the German shepherd’s passing of cancer on Feb. 11. Police Officers lined the back wall of City Council Chambers to show their support and to honor the police dog and his handler. McElwee appeared touched and appreciative of the honor bestowed upon his faithful and dutiful K-9 partner. The two took to the streets, making countless warrant arrests, aiding in locating criminals and recovering... Read more →


Related: ARTIST Dave Wolfe Vol. 5 No. 45(April 28, 2019) Editor's Note: Each Sunday morning we post a weekly comic strip provided by cartoonist Dave Wolfe, age 18. Dave has been drawing since he was 5 years old, he knew he wanted to be a cartoonist at the age of 8. He’s been distributing his comics in school since 3rd grade. (click image to enlarge) published | April 28, 2019 Read more →

ACUA's Earth Day Festival, Egg Harbor Sunday

South Jersey’s largest Earth Day event offers a full day of environmental education and entertainment The Atlantic County Utilities Authority will host the 29th annual Earth Day Festival at its Environmental Park at 6700 Delilah Road in Egg Harbor Township on Sunday, April 28 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The celebration will be held rain or shine. Admission and parking are free. The event includes live demonstrations, environmental-themed entertainment, workshops throughout the day and more than 150 exhibitors. “ACUA is very pleased to partner once again with Atlantic City Electric, South Jersey Gas and others to put together the largest event celebrating the environment in southern New Jersey,” said ACUA President Rick Dovey. “Earth Day at ACUA gives visitors a chance to connect with local organizations and learn what they can do to make a difference.” Participating environmental organizations include: The Marine Mammal Stranding Center, Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine... Read more →

Johnny Ormston, of Pine Hill & Bellmawr

John G. Ormston, “Johnny,” on April 25, 2019, of Pine Hill; formerly of Bellmawr. Age 78. Beloved Husband of Louise (nee McNeff). Loving Daddy of Louise Chapman (the late Tom) and Michele Shute (Michael). Cherished Pop-Pop of Ryan Shute, Tyler Shute, Sean Shute and Stephen Chapman (Kim). Great Grandfather of Jacob Chapman. Dear Brother of Charles Ormston Jr., Edna Trout, Carol Ormston, Dorothy Engstrom and the late Mary Ormston and Jimmy Ormston. Also survived by many nieces, nephews, and his faithful companions “Sugar Booger” (Bo), and “Marla” (Big Mama). Johnny was an avid Phillies, Eagles, and Penn State fan. There will be a viewing from 9:30am to 11:30am Tuesday morning at GARDNER FUNERAL HOME, RUNNEMEDE. Funeral Service 11:30 at the funeral home. Interment New St. Mary’s Cemetery, Bellmawr. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Johnny’s memory to the Alzheimer’s Association, 3 Eves Drive, Suite 310 Marlton, NJ... Read more →

Brandon Washington Sentenced to 17 Years for 2017 Willingboro Attempted Murders

Burlington County Prosecutor Scott Coffina announced that a Trenton man was sentenced yesterday to 20 years in New Jersey state prison for shooting two security guards outside of a Veterans of Foreign War hall in Willingboro in early 2017. Brandon Washington, 34, must serve 17 years before becoming eligible for parole. The sentence was handed down by the Hon. Charles A. Delehey, J.S.C. A jury in February found Washington guilty of two counts of Passion Provocation Attempted Manslaughter (Second Degree). “We are very pleased that this defendant has been held accountable for his actions,” Prosecutor Coffina said. “We cannot allow gun violence to go unpunished. The two victims in this case were simply doing their jobs protecting the guests at the VFW and, because of Washington’s homicidal behavior, it could have cost them their lives.” The investigation revealed that on February 16, 2017, Washington became unruly during a party at... Read more →

CDC Offers Tips on How to Avoid Bug Bites

Bugs, including mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, and some flies, can spread diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, Zika, dengue, chikungunya, and Lyme, all of which have risk of severe and lasting consequences. Several diseases spread by bug bites cannot be prevented or treated with vaccines or medicine, such as Zika, dengue, and Lyme. Reduce your risk of getting these diseases by taking steps to prevent bug bites. What You Should Know Before You Go Current Risks to Consider Dengue viruses are spread to people primarily through the bite of an infected mosquito. Symptoms of mild dengue include fever with any of the following: nausea, vomiting, rash, aches and pains (eye pain typically behind the eyes, muscle, joint, or bone pain).Mild dengue symptoms can become severe within a few hours. Severe dengue is a medical emergency. There is no vaccine to prevent dengue, and there is no treatment. Protect yourself by preventing... Read more →

Delaware Fish & Wildlife Issues Citations for Illegal Hunting & Unlicensed Fishing

Police Blotter: April 15-21 Reminder for the week: Retaining striped bass during spawning season unlawful in specified Delaware waters DOVER (April 26, 2019) – To achieve public compliance with laws and regulations through education and enforcement actions that help conserve Delaware’s fish and wildlife resources and ensure safe boating and public safety, DNREC’s Fish & Wildlife Natural Resources Police officers between April 15-21 made 2,569 contacts with hunters, anglers, boaters, and the general public, issuing 23 citations. Officers responded to 55 complaints regarding possible violations of laws and regulations or requests to assist the public. A Fish & Wildlife Natural Resources Police presence continued at the C&D Canal Conservation Area and Michael N. Castle Trail. Fish & Wildlife Natural Resources Police Actions Citations issued by category, with the number of charges in parentheses, included: Wildlife Conservation: License forgery or misrepresentation (1), trespass to hunt (2), unlicensed hunting (1), and wild... Read more →

AmeriCorps in Camden City Receives $725,000

Apr 25, 2019 News Release WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01) today announced that the Center for Family Services (CFS) will receive $725,264 from the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) to help support AmeriCorps’ community service efforts in Camden. The grants will help fund two of CFS’ programs: PowerCorps Camden, a youth-led AmeriCorps public service program dedicated to improving the environment through revitalizing public land, improving infrastructure and cleaning the city, and Recovery Corps, a direct-support program offering substance abuse recovery with a focus on community engagement. “South Jersey is a great place to live, plant roots and raise a family because of the dedicated efforts of committed individuals who lift up our communities,” said Congressman Norcross. “The Center for Family Services and its AmeriCorps programs provide opportunities for individuals to give back to the world around them and help their neighbors. Thanks to these grants,... Read more →

Committee of Seventy Releases Philadelphia Resolution 1

New Platform for a Stronger Local Democracy PHILADELPHIA, PA – The Committee of Seventy released today a new platform – Philadelphia Resolution 1 – that highlights five areas where change is needed to build a stronger local democracy in the city. “There’s been vigorous discussion around how our democracy works over the last several years,” said Seventy CEO David Thornburgh. “Much of our attention goes to Washington D.C., but it’s critical that we remember our local and state governments also deserve close scrutiny. What happens in City Hall impacts every Philadelphian on a daily basis – from schools to public safety to job creation. Establishing a more open, accessible and transparent government is essential if we’re to effectively address the most challenging issues facing the city.” The five planks of the PR1 platform include: Make elections open, fair and competitive: Philadelphia needs elections that encourage a robust competition of candidates... Read more →

Blue Monkey Tavern & Niagara Fire Company to Host 2019 SpringFest

Supporting Merchantville’s Niagara Fire Company & Local First Responders Merchantville, NJ – On Saturday, April 27, Blue Monkey Tavern and the Niagara Fire Company are hosting their 2019 SpringFest from 5 to 9 p.m. at the Blue Monkey Tavern 2 South Centre Street, Merchantville, NJ. In its 11th year, the annual beer and wine festival will feature tastings of 70+ beers, cider, select wines (while supplies last), music, food, fun and more! All attendees must be 21 years of age and over, and will receive a FREE Blue Monkey Tavern commemorative cup. A portion of the proceeds from the event will support Merchantville’s Niagara Fire Company and local first responders. TICKETS: $40 in advance – available for purchase at the Blue Monkey Tavern or online at $45 day-of – cash will be accepted at the door FREE for all designated drivers – please indicate you are a DD at the... Read more →

Miles for Myeloma 5K Run/Walk Saturday

Miles for Myeloma 5K Run/Walk April 27, 2019 To see a short video of the day please click HERE The 2019 Miles for Myeloma 5K Run/Walk is a regional, family friendly 5K Run/Walk presented by the Philadelphia Multiple Myeloma Networking Group. The USA Track & Field/RRTC Certified 5K course boasts beautiful views of the historic Please Touch Museum and the Horticultural Center’s Japanese Gardens along with accessible and free parking! Proceeds from the event will benefit the most promising research initiatives as well as patient support programs of the International Myeloma Foundation. Join more than 1,100 participants by registering or donating today! Please join us April 27th at 7:15 am to register in person. We look forward to seeing you all there. Event Details Where: Memorial Hall/Please Touch Museum 4231 Avenue of the Republic Philadelphia, PA 19131 Date: April 27, 2019 8:30 a.m. Day of Registration/Check-in Opens: at 7:15 a.m.... Read more →

Pine Hill Police DepartmentTaking Back Unwanted Prescription Drugs

April 27, 2019 at Police Headquarters The Pine Hill Police Department will be participating in the DEA - Drug Enforcement Administration Take Back Event on Saturday, April 27, 2019 from 10:00am until 2:00pm. The event will be held at the Police Administration Building located at 48 West Sixth Avenue. The Department will be providing a safe and legal method for the residents of Pine Hill and surrounding jurisdictions to dispose of unused, unwanted or expired medication. Information will also be available for local drug addiction support services and Operation SAL. Last fall Americans turned in nearly 460 tons (more than 900,000 pounds) of prescription drugs at more than 5,800 sites operated by the DEA and almost 4,800 of its state and local law enforcement partners. Overall, in its 16 previous Take Back events, DEA and its partners have taken in almost 11 million pounds—nearly 5,500 tons—of pills. This initiative addresses... Read more →

The Maple Shade Police Dept. "Project Medicine Drop".

The Maple Shade Police Department wishes to remind the community of “Project Medicine Drop”; a prescription medication take-back program located at - Maple Shade Police Department, 200 Stiles Avenue, Maple Shade, NJ 08052. Residents of Maple Shade are encouraged to bring unused or expired medications for disposal. Project Medicine Drop is an important component of the New Jersey Attorney General’s effort to stop the diversion and abuse of prescription drugs, including highly addictive opiate painkillers. Through this initiative, the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs installs secure “prescription drug drop boxes” at State Police barracks, sheriff’s offices, and police departments throughout the state, including two military installations and several college campuses, allowing citizens to safely dispose of their unused, excess, or expired prescription medications. Members of the public are invited to visit the Project Medicine Drop sites and drop off any unused prescription medications anonymously and with no questions asked.... Read more →

Photo Pop Philly Returns Summer 2019

with a New Theme and Location Welcome to Sweet Paradise at The Bourse PHILADELPHIA, PA (May 2019) - Photo Pop Philly is poppin’ up again this summer! This May, Philly PR Girl is excited to introduce Photo Pop Philly: Sweet Paradise, where guests will immerse themselves in unique environments exploring themes of paradise. Located in the heart of Old City at The Bourse, a newly restored food hall in Old City. Photo Pop’s brand-new, one-of-a-kind exhibit is sure to bring energy and excitement to historic Philadelphia. This interactive pop-up experience will feature over 25 installations and work from local artists, who will be announced at a later date. Sweet Paradise is all about finding the fantastical elements of everyday life. Guests will enjoy a whimsical wonderland of selfie-worthy art, sensational murals, exciting installations, and of course, endless photo opportunities! The Photo Pop team has worked hard to ensure sweet surprises... Read more →

Brandywine Zoo updated withnew animal species and exhibits this spring

WILMINGTON (April 25, 2019) – DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation and the Delaware Zoological Society have announced that new animal species, and new and updated exhibits, are now on display for visitors to the Brandywine Zoo. “We are pleased that visitors can now enjoy all of the new animals, exhibit updates and renovations going on at the Brandywine Zoo, which are part of the zoo’s master plan,” said DNREC Secretary Shawn M. Garvin. “Visiting the zoo is a cherished childhood memory for Delawareans and visitors alike. The 114-year tradition is ongoing, as new generations discover animals from around the world and become inspired to care and learn about the larger world and their role in it.” The former otter pond exhibit has been transformed into a large goat contact area, where children of all ages can interact with the animals. The resident African pygmy goats were moved to the... Read more →

Despite health warnings, Americans still sit too much

Survey of 50,000 people across multiple ages, racial, ethnic groups documents troubling trends Newswise — Most Americans continue to sit for prolonged periods despite public health messages that such inactivity increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers, according to a major new study led by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. The research team analyzed surveys of 51,000 people from 2001 to 2016 to track sitting trends in front of TVs and computers and the total amount of time spent sitting on a daily basis. Unlike other studies that have looked at sedentary behaviors, the research is the first to document sitting in a nationally representative sample of the U.S. population across multiple age groups – from children to the elderly – and different racial and ethnic groups. The research, led by Yin Cao, ScD, an epidemiologist and assistant professor of surgery... Read more →

Avalon Sand Back Passing Project to be Completed on or About April 30

Avalon is in the final days of a major sand back passing project that results in restored beaches in the northern end of the community that were compromised during winter storm activity. The project is anticipated to conclude on Tuesday, April 30th and results in approximately 55,000 cubic yards of sand being back passed from a borrow area in the central part of the community to beach blocks between 9th through 15th streets that lost most of the beach to the toe of the dune system. “This project was conducted by the Avalon Department of Public Works with rented equipment, and completed ahead of time and under budget”, said Avalon Mayor Martin Pagliughi. “Avalon was the first beach community in New Jersey to commit to sand back passing projects as a way to bridge the gap between hydraulic beach fill projects. This allows the Borough to restore beaches on our... Read more →

Gloucester City Police Dept. Offering Residents New Service

GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ --The Gloucester City Police Department announced today that residents will now be able to see where crime activity is happening by viewing a Crime Map. The Department released the following statement. It is the mission of the Gloucester City Police Department to safeguard the lives and property of the people we serve, to reduce the incidence and fear of crime, and to enhance public safety while working with all community members to improve our quality of life. As part of this mission, we have partnered with Public Engines to provide our agency with state of the art crime analytics along with to share neighborhood crime incident information with community members via the internet. This technology allows us to track and map data on all types of crime, spot trends and allocate resources more strategically to areas that are experiencing “hot spots” of crime and disorder. Under... Read more →

Historical Society Hosts Program on the Battle of Gloucester

The Camden County Historical Society invites the public to an illustrated lecture on “The Battle of Gloucester, 1777—Where Lafayette Won His Spurs” on Wednesday, May 8, 2019 at 6:30 PM at the Camden County Historical Society, 1900 Park Boulevard, Camden NJ. Free parking is available in the parking lot beside the tennis courts on Park Boulevard. Did you know that 241 years ago, during the American Revolution, United States troops based in Haddonfield attacked a Hessian outpost at the western edge of Haddon Heights and chased them—and British reinforcements—all the way to the hamlet of Gloucester Court House (now Gloucester City)? This was the “Battle of Gloucester,” in which the marquis de Lafayette and a small band of American rebels were the winners. Historians Paul W. Schopp and Garry Stone will explain how on 25 November 1777, the marquis de Lafayette with 350 to 400 Continental rifleman and New Jersey... Read more →


04/25/2019 | US Lauryn Overhultz | Columnist A 13-year-old girl died days after she was beaten by fellow classmates on her way home from school in Houston. Kashala Francis, a student at Attucks Middle School, died Wednesday morning after suffering intense head aches and falling into a coma, ABC 13 reported. Just days before Francis was beaten by three girls for reportedly no reason. The seventh grader was allegedly punched and kicked by the three girls and eventually one of them kicked her in the head. Her mom Maime Jackson said Francis had a bruise on her face after the attack, but insisted she was fine. Francis fell into a coma after being rushed to Texas Children’s Sunday, where doctors found a tumor and fluid buildup in her head. She died three days later. (RELATED: Pennsylvania Woman Dead After Falling Into Meat Grinder At Food Processing Plant) It is unclear... Read more →

Georgianna M. Onorato, of Gloucester City

Gloucester City - On April 24, 2019. Age 75. (nee Long). Georgianna was predeceased by her parents Charles and Stella Long, two husbands, John W. Kuntz, her children’s father and her beloved Anthony Onorato. She is also predeceased by her two children, Corena Ferris and Mark Kuntz; her brother Charles Long; son-in-law Andy Lang. Survived by her two children, June Kuntz and Darren Kuntz (Angie); her brother Harry Long (Rita) and four grandchildren, Drew, Corena, Samantha and Tyler, her great-grandson Ferris Mark; son-in-law, Gary Ferris; her sister-in-law Cora Long, three nieces and two nephews. Relatives and friends are invited to her graveside services on Monday, April 29, 2019 at 10 AM in New St. Mary’s Cemetery, Bellmawr. Condolences and Memories may be shared at under the obituary of Georgianna M. Onorato. Funeral Arrangements and Inquiries through: McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME, Gloucester City. Ph:856-456-1142. published | April 25, 2019 Read more →

Support ALS Research at Jefferson by Voting in 'NRG Gives' Competition

Now through April 29th, support research at Jefferson’s Weinberg ALS Center by voting for Family Strong 4 ALS, one of three charities competing in the NRG Gives program. Established in 2016, NRG Gives supports deserving local nonprofits. This year, votes will determine how NRG directs its charitable donation — a $100,000 donation to the top vote-getter, $20,000 to the runner-up, and $10,000 to third place. Family Strong 4 ALS will contribute all dollars received from NRG Gives back to Jefferson’s Weinberg ALS Center — a clinical research-integrated program of the Vickie and Jack Farber Institute for Neuroscience, which helps ALS patients live a full and purposeful life through proactive clinical care and involvement in research. Family Strong 4 ALS was formed in honor of V. Michael Fulginiti, a former Jefferson patient, who passed away in October 2016, following a courageous battle with ALS. Click HERE to vote. Read more →

Berlin Resident Convicted of Aggravated Manslaughter; Killed Man with Bow & Arrow

CAMDEN CITY, NJ (April 25, 2019)--On April 24, 2019, a Camden County jury found Timothy Canfield, 31, of Berlin Borough, guilty of Aggravated Manslaughter, three counts of Hindering Apprehension or Prosecution and Possession of a Weapon for an Unlawful Purpose. At the trial, Assistant Prosecutors Lauren Pratter and Brian Scanlon presented evidence and witness testimony that proved Timothy Canfield shot and killed Kereti Paulsen, 25, with a compound bow and arrow and then attempted to conceal his involvement in the homicide. The incident occurred as Kereti Paulsen was walking away from North Brill Avenue in Berlin Borough after a verbal altercation with a group of people, including some of the residents of North Brill Avenue. Witnesses testified that after the verbal altercation, Canfield went into the residence and retrieved his compound bow and quiver containing several arrows. Defendant Canfield went back outside the residence and shot the victim in the... Read more →


MAYS LANDING –An Atlantic County jury has convicted Dennis Munoz of the murder in the fatal shooting of Michael Black, Atlantic County Prosecutor Damon G. Tyner announced. photo: Dennis Munoz Munoz, 40, was found guilty of the following charges: First degree Murder Second degree Unlawful Possession of a Handgun Second degree Possession of a Weapon for an Unlawful Purpose First degree Witness Tampering Second degree Possession of a Weapon by a Convicted Person Munoz’ co-defendant, Edwin Velasquez,45, of Atlantic City, was acquitted of charges that he was a co-conspirator and accomplice to the murder. In response to a 9-1-1 call received at 7:39 p.m. on Monday, November 9, 2015, Hamilton Township Police, Township of Hamilton Rescue personnel and AtlantiCare paramedics responded to a home on the 5900 block of Elmhurst Drive, Mays Landing. Upon arrival, police found Michael Black, 31, suffering from a gunshot wound. Black was transported to AtlantiCare... Read more →


EHT POLICE OFFICERS PAY IT FORWARD WITH SUPPORT FOR GIRLS’ LEMONADE STAND EGG HARBOR TOWNSHIP–Going above and beyond the call of duty, four Egg Harbor Township Police officers stopped by a lemonade stand on Monday to show their support and enjoy a glass of refreshing lemonade, but they also spent some quality time with sisters Rebecca, 12, Annalena, 10, and Julia DiMaio, 6, and their cousins Emily, 9, and Elizabeth Suhr, 6. In addition to buying refreshments from the girls, Officer Michael O’Hagan took s ome time to speak to the girls about his K-9 partner Dozer. Fellow Officer Thomas Becker had some fun tracing with sidewalk chalk, while Officer Michael Santoro showed the girls his cheerleading skills and Officer Michael Niceta offered up the demonstration of some yoga poses. “This is a true testament to the importance of community policing by law enforcement officers in Atlantic County. I applaud... Read more →

"Straight ... to Treatment" Addiction Treatment Program

Begins Next Week in Burlington City (APRIL 24, 2019)--Burlington County Prosecutor Scott Coffina and City of Burlington Police Chief John Fine announced today that the drug treatment program that allows people to walk off the street and into a police station to seek help with addiction will expand to the City of Burlington beginning May 1. The Straight ... to Treatment program will operate every Wednesday and Thursday at the City of Burlington police station on High Street from noon to 6 p.m., in conjunction with Solstice Counseling and Wellness Center and Garden State Treatment Center. The program was launched in March 2018 in Evesham Township and expanded to Pemberton Township in late September. “With the addition of the City of Burlington location, we have greatly increased the program’s coverage area and can better serve people who seek help overcoming their addiction and escaping the deadly clutch of substance abuse,”... Read more →

Why a Company Needs Police Checking During the Pre-Employment Process

Every organization has its employment policies and procedure, but one thing stands out, and that is police checks in the pre-employment stage. Organizations should carry out thorough pre-employment checks when hiring recruits as it’s good practice. Potential recruits should not feel a sense of distrust, but instead, they should view the whole process as an act of due diligence on the employers part. It’s for the company's benefit to ensure that they hire recruits that are trustworthy and capable of carrying out their duties morally and honestly. The organization’s image is an asset that cannot be quantified, but it's critical that it is maintained to the highest level. Pre-employment checks address this vital aspect of company engagement with its partners. Below are six reasons that warrant police checks in the pre-employment process: Protect the organization’s culture Employees remain the most critical asset in any organization, and it’s prudent that their... Read more →