NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Free Aqua Aerobics for Camden County Seniors
Paul DiBartolomeo of Bellmawr; Member of Roofers Local 30, Philadelphia

4th Annual Gloucester City Irish Parade a Success

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CNBNewsnet | March 3, 2019

GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ --Camden County Freeholder Bill Moen was this years Parade Grand Marshall for the 4th Annual Gloucester City St. Patrick’s Day Parade held today, Sunday, March 3. The parade featured string bands, bagpipes, Irish dancers, Irish music bands, and community groups. Despite the cold cloudy weather the parade route was lined with crowds of supporters all of who claimed to be Irish in one way or another. This link will take you to some random photos of today's parade submitted by long time friend Larry "Gus" Danks.

Gloucester City Irish Parade 2019

Gloucester City Irish Parade 2018
