NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

NJCGOP: $15 minimum wage = Layoffs, reduced hours, benefit cuts and automation
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Virtua Holds Grand Opening for Camden Health & Wellness Center

Camden Cotu, N.J. ---- Hundreds of local residents, dignitaries, and Virtua employees recently celebrated the opening of Virtua’s newest addition to its Camden campus: the Virtua Health & Wellness Center - Camden.

“Virtua has long been a mainstay in Camden City, with roots going back more than 130 years,” said Dennis W. Pullin, FACHE, Virtua’s president and CEO. “The new Virtua Camden Health & Wellness Center not only continues our service, it expands our commitment to give the people of Camden the best opportunities to live healthy lives.”

Instead of a traditional ribbon-cutting, staff and community members passed a glowing lantern from person to person—culminating with the illumination of a lighthouse mural in the building’s lobby. This symbolizes Virtua’s continuing role as a vital beacon for the Camden community.  


“This is truly awesome for the city of Camden,” said resident Jerome Martin, a longtime Virtua-Camden patient. The husband and father credits Virtua with helping him to overcome serious health problems. “You can feel the love here,” said Martin as he toured the new building. “I just can’t wait to use this!”


Camden County Freeholder Director Louis Cappelli Jr. also praised the center: “It’s an amazing investment in Camden City, so I commend Virtua for its commitment to the city.”

The 34,500-square-foot building is a modern addition to Virtua’s longtime campus at Mt. Ephraim and Atlantic avenues—enabling Virtua to enhance and expand its services.

New services include a behavioral health program and a food pantry—which will fill “prescriptions” for free, healthy food. Expanded services include a larger primary-care practice, a larger dental practice, and enhanced meeting space for community education and neighborhood group activities.

In addition, the new building will offer physical therapy and rehabilitation, podiatry, lab services, and other specialties. 

The two-story Health & Wellness Center is part of a city block of Virtua facilities, including a full-service emergency department and the Virtua CASTLE children’s behavioral health program. More than a dozen community-service organizations are also located on the campus, including Active Day adult daycare, Providence Pediatric Medical Day Care, Freedom Prep Charter School, and Liberty Park Neighborhood Association.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 888-VIRTUA-3 (888-847-8823) or visit
