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Salt therapy comes to Moorestown with the arrival of The Salt Suite

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New wellness option uses dry sodium chloride to heal a variety of ailments


Moorestown, New Jersey –If you’re suffering from allergies, respiratory inflammations, have just gotten over a cold, or simply want to relax, a new resource for care and wellness, The Salt Suite, is perfect for you. Slated to open in winter, the Salt Suite will be located at 320 Young Ave, Moorestown, NJ.

Franchise owner Matt Della Sala, a previous multi-unit franchisee with Snap-On Tools, invested in the salt therapy concept after a friend, who had moved from South Florida, was in need of halotherapy for her son’s allergy treatments.


“Halotherapy is the future,” he said. “I am happy to be a part of it this new option in healthcare for both children and adults. Halotherapy is a great addition to treatment and has shown great success in treating many symptoms. For children, “playing” in the salt room is fun and parents love it because it is helping to alleviate their symptoms in a noninvasive manner. It is also a great option to managing symptoms and for relaxation for adults. I think this is a win-win for all!”


Kristi Hansen, will serve as General Manager, for the location which offers effective therapy as soon as you enter the white-walled, cave-like room. Reclining in a comfortable chair with mellow, spa music flowing from provided headphones is happily considered wellness work. In the 45 minutes of serenity, clients are healing their respiratory systems, activating their immune system and calming any skin or lung inflammations. All of this simply by breathing deeply.


The Salt Suite will also have a room for children filled with toys, reclining chairs for parents and a television so children are entertained while taking care of their health.


This new location is one of a growing number of salt therapy locations across the country that are giving clients an option for managing their asthma, allergies, bronchitis, emphysema, sinusitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD, smokers’ cough or symptoms from a recent cold or flu. The therapy also assists with skin disorders, cystic fibrosis and ear infections.


Inside the therapy room, an environment is created to mimic the salt mines of Eastern Europe, where in the mid-1800s, it was discovered that mine workers rarely suffered from any respiratory disorders. Unrefined rock salt, which is primarily sodium chloride and other mineral salts, coats the walls and covers the floor in a thick sandy layer. Behind the scenes, a special machine, called a Halogenerator, circulates dry saltaerosol into the air. In microscopic form, the salt particles are almost undetectably absorbed and inhaled by clients, as they doze and sleep.


When the dry sodium chloride enters the body, its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties do a number of healing maneuvers. Lung functions improve; nasal passages and lung tracts clear of toxins and pollutants; bronchial inflammation reduces; and later, clients may find their endurance has improved and their snoring has diminished. During a treatment, client may cough, as their sinuses begin to clear and open.


The Salt Suite’s Moorestown location will offer customized packages for continual sessions, memberships or individual treatments. The first session is half-priced so you can experience the halotherapy. Pre-sale memberships will be available.


To learn more, visit or call (856) 437-0479
