Gramma still has the alphabet networks.
Hillary Clinton tore into Fox News during a recent interview with The Guardian, calling the cable news network “a wholly owned subsidiary” of the Trump administration that peddles in propaganda.
NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia Gramma still has the alphabet networks. Hillary Clinton tore into Fox News during a recent interview with The Guardian, calling the cable news network “a wholly owned subsidiary” of the Trump administration that peddles in propaganda. In an interview with the British newspaper published Friday, the former secretary of state and twice-failed presidential candidate accused President Trump of being “quite a student of authoritarian regimes” who craves adulation and “dominance over any situation he finds himself in.” Mrs. Clinton said Mr. Trump fits the description of authoritarian movements and leaders throughout history who worked to “destroy a common base of fact and evidence” and create an “alternative reality.” “One of the ways you do that is by consistently attacking the press,” she argued. “Now [Mr. Trump] doesn’t attack Fox News, because they’re like a wholly owned subsidiary of Trump and the Republican party now. So he attacks the press and the broadcast media that raise questions about him, that don’t give him fidelity and loyalty. “You watch Fox News, it’s always, ‘Something terrible is about to happen,’ ‘Something terrible did happen,’ ‘These people are doing all these awful things.’ It is totally divorced from reality, but it is superb propaganda,” she said. “I don’t know the best way to puncture that. You have to hope that reality catches up with politics and entertainment at some point.”
Hillary Clinton: Fox News Is ‘Superb Propaganda,’ ‘A Wholly Owned Subsidiary Of Trump’
Thursday, November 29, 2018