Who left this little pit bull to drown in a cage along the ocean? | nj1015.com
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
HIGHLANDS — A good Samaritan rescued a dog seemingly left to drown in a cage along the ocean, police say.
The Monmouth County Prosecutor's office and county SPCA are seeking whoever left the dog in the cage — which it said had may have been trapped their for hours.
At about 6:15 a.m., a passer-by walking a dog in Veterans Memorial Park on Bay Avenue was alerted by something on the water side of a rock bulkhead, the prosecutor's office said. The passer-by investigated, and found a black wire cage with a small dog cowering inside, it said.
The cage was on a small patch of sand between the bulkhead and water, it said. The park runs alongside the Highlands Reach channel.
The passer-by climbed over the wall and rescued the dog, then took it to the Highlands Police Department, which in turn called Animal Control, the prosecutor's office said.
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