NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

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GUEST OPINION: You simply should pay higher taxes … sorry

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You simply should pay higher taxes.

After all, let's face it, there's a lotta spending that needs to be done! Elite insiders, special interests and of course the lawyers all need their cut from your bank account. The budget 'compromise' being worked out between the governor and the Legislature after their "pretend fight" is a disaster for every middle- and working-class taxpayer and the small and medium sized companies that employ them. Higher taxes at every level. More spending, more borrowing and a worsening affordability crisis driving more and more of our friends and neighbors out.

Can anything be done to course correct our state?

You know the saying — keep doing the same thing and expect different results defines insane. Every election cycle, the NJ voters (at least the who bother to participate in the legislative elections in years when there's no statewide election) continue to send the Democrats back to Trenton. The current battle over the budget, which I've continued to predict will end in compromise with no government shutdown, demonstrates the need for change. Currently, we've got the Democrats solidly in control of the Governors office and both houses of the legislature. From the speaker of the Assembly to the Senate president to the governor, they all agree on one thing: New Jerseyans do not pay enough to government in taxes.

After Chris Christie, it's no surprise that voters elected Phil Murphy to come in and reverse the perception of disaster that had befallen our state. Although we clearly needed to end the Christie era, seems we went from bad to worse. That said, at least Chris Christie had the guts to veto most of the new taxes pushed by the Speaker and the Senate President. Yup, he compromised and cut a bad deal on pensions and of course gave us the gas tax. Those bad decisions aside, who is in Trenton now to hold the Majority in check? Answer one.

