NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

NJBIA: Budget Proposals with More Tax Increases Moving in Wrong Direction    
Obituary: Anna I. Steelman, 90, of Gloucester City

Senator Menendez Says No Vote on Supreme Court Nominee Until After November Election

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Over the course of the next several months I need you to join me in a fight against any extremist nominee to the Supreme Court.  

We should not vote on a Supreme Court nominee until the American people make their voices heard in the November election. This is the same rule and process Majority Leader McConnell insisted upon when President Obama nominated Merrick Garland. Civil rights, voting rights, reproductive freedoms, LGBTQ rights, environmental protections, and the rule of law are at stake.
We've already seen the consequences of Trump’s nomination of Neil Gorsuch. In his short time on the bench, Justice Gorsuch has voted to uphold the President’s Muslim ban, kick Americans off voter registration rolls, and limit the rights of the LGBTQ community. You don't need a crystal ball to know what's to come.
Together we must stand strong against the Trump Administration’s radical policies, and that means opposing his radical Supreme Court nominee. The Supreme Court must reflect our values, respect our diversity, and uphold the rule of law for all Americans.   



Senator Bob Menendez
