Letters to the Editor: Democrats/Republicans Prepare to Stop Murphy from Shutting Down NJ
Saturday, June 30, 2018
- Democrats and Republicans in the state Legislature have been steadfast in their opposition to higher sales taxes, one of the most regressive taxes that primarily hurts those least able to afford paying more for the same things.
- Democrats and Republicans in the state Legislature believe the state doesn't have a taxing problem, it has a spending problem and believe that Murphy was right when he called for fundamental reforms to the state's pension and benefit programs under then Governor Richard Codey. Now Governor Murphy has refused to push for changes that would impact some of his biggest political supporters.
- The Legislature passed a balanced budget that funds the priorities it shares with the Governor: higher education funding, tax relief for homeowners and critical protections for the disabled, people with autism, and seniors.
- But the Legislature believes that the same corporations that are receiving massive tax breaks under President Trump should help carry some of the burden.
- The non-partisan Office of Legislative Service (OLS) has certified that the revenue numbers the Legislature used.
- The Governor has refused to identify what programs he would target with any line-item vetoes, ominously threatening to target legislators with political retribution if they refuse to go along with his call for higher income, taxes and property taxes.
Signed: New Jersey Future Fund