NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Freedom Festival on July 4th at Wiggins Waterfront Park
GUEST OPINION: You simply should pay higher taxes … sorry

Brooklawn's Bergen Street Named in Honor of Former Borough Councilman Tom MacAdams

UPDATED with photo


photos by Joe Townsend

(CNBNewsnet)-BROOKLAWN, NJ (June 29, 2018)—A sign naming Bergen Street in Brooklawn after former Borough Councilman Tom MacAdams was installed today by an employee from the borough public works department.

Ccp030022-1_20140331Tom MacAdams

Tom served 18 years on council. He was involved in many community events such as the Brooklawn Christmas Spirit, the Brooklawn Drug Alliance, the Brooklawn Wiffleball reunion, the Brooklawn Bees Basketball League, the Brooklawn Little League, the Brooklawn American Legion baseball, and the Brooklawn Lady Bugs Summer League.

Tom passed away on March 29, 2014 at the age of 60 from LouGehrig's disease.

In 2013 the community planted a tree in his honor at the Norge Circle.

