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CNB March 2013 Archives: State Releases Education Spending for School Districts

published March 26, 2013 Th

Gloucester City's 2010-11 numbers...

Total Spending Per Pupil 
2010-11 Total Spending: $46,151,325
2010-11 Average Daily Enroll plus Sent Pupils: 2,095.6
2010-11 Costs Amount per Pupil: $22,023
2010-11 Costs Rank Within Group per Pupil: 64
2011-12 Total Spending: $48,493,560
2011-12 Average Daily Enroll plus Sent Pupils: 2,135.6
2011-12 Costs Amount per Pupil: $22,707
2011-12 Costs Rank Within Group per Pupil: 65

(to continue information click on Gloucester City below)

Taxpayers' Guide to Education Spending 2013 >CSG HomeTaxpayer+Being+Wrung+Out

Camden County Districts Listed. Select a District:

To access the Taxpayers’ Guide to Education Spending during this time go to the link below:

