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Gloucester City Local School Tax Increases by $59 Annually; Overall Budget Decreases by $1.5M

Screen Shot 2017-09-24 at 14.8.05William E. Cleary Sr. | CNBNewsnet

GLOUCESTER CITY NJ (May 29, 2018)(CNBNewsnet)--The Gloucester City Board of Education approved the School District's 2018-19 budget in March that totals $47,042,793 or $1,549,182 less than last year's total of $48,591,975.

A CNBNews OPRA (Open Public Records Act) request revealed that the new spending plan calls for an increase of $59 annually in the local school tax on an average home assessed at $108,000. A further breakdown disclosed the total amount of school taxes for a homeowner assessed at the average amount in 2018-19 will be $1,303 in school taxes compared to  $1,244 in 2017-18.

Capital improvements planned for the new fiscal year include the following expenditures:


$500,000 Cold Springs School- HVA upgrades

$247,000 Early Childhood Center-Exterior renovation to asphalt, concrete, playground and stadium                          

$75,000 Interior renovations to walls, windows, floors, ceilings

a.) Early Childhood Center-floor resurface.....$40,000

b.)Cold Springs School-floor replaced...........$35,000


$106,000 New Gloucester City Middle School renovations not covered  by the state of New Jersey

$120,000 Offline and disposition costs for vacated Mary Ethel Costello School and Highland Park School buildings

TOTAL AMOUNT of all capital improvements -$1,048,700

CNBNews Note-The taxpayers have already spent $1,001,000 on the Cold Springs School HVAC system over the past two years, according to Margaret McDonnell, district business administrator;  $532,000 in 2017-18  and $469,000 in 2016-17.

The district pays on average approximately $4 million plus a month for employee salaries and benefits. 

An OPRA request for a breakdown of the number of employees by position provided by Ms. McDonnell, Business Administrator uncovered the following:

                                                 2017-2018                                    2018-2019                          

a.) Administrators….                         17                                                                 17

b. ) Teachers                                    211                                                               206

c.) Custodians                                   31                                                                 31

d.) Paraprofessionals                         64                                                                 57

e.) Security                                        5                                                                  5.5


The total amount of salaries for each position for the years listed disclosed the following:

                                       2017-2018                         2018-2019 

a.) Administrators           $2,013,902                        $2, 069,730           plus     $55,828

b. ) Teachers                  15,311,395                        14,996,029           minus   $315,366

c.) Custodians                1,250, 265                          1,246,737            minus   $3,528

d.) Paraprofessionals       2,109,347                           1,936,655             minus  $172,692

e.) Security                    166,903                                 186,515             plus     $19,612


The total number of students, which includes full-time, special education, private, and students in state facilities, total 2,156 or 23 more than last year's number of 2,133. Of that total 342 students are enrolled in the pre-school program.

The total cost for educating each student equals $21,819 (budget total $47,042,793 divided by total number of students 2,156).

A copy of the district's budget can be found here

6a00d8341bf7d953ef01b8d2353f02970c-320wiCNBNews graphics file


A further breakdown of the figures provided by Gloucester City Financial Officer Frank Robertson is below.

(click to enlarge images)

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