CNBNews Feb. 2013 Archives: Meandering w/ Mark Matthews: Wide power outage in Deptford and Runnemede
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Meandering w/ Mark Matthews:
FEBRUARY 27, 2013 (CNBNewsnet)--Sitting in the Deptford Pizzeria UNOs for a late dinner on Wednesday Night (great gluten free pizza!), and the power went out. Everywhere we could see. The hotels next door. Up the road. And not just a blip, but we were there a good 20 minutes in the dark before putting together the money we needed to get out even while the cash registers were down. I've never really experienced an outage like this on a clear day. Hopefully this is not the result of an accident, and everyone is safe.
Twitter users are commenting that it extends thorough the Target shopping center, and up into Runnemede. One twitter user posted their address in Runnemede, which puts them over by the Turnpike Entrance near Bellmawr... at least a mile away and assuming its a contiguous power outage, a lot of homes are in the path.