LETTERS TO THE ED: Voting fulfills a civic obligation
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Even in non-presidential voting years, I look forward to participating in my civic obligation to vote for the candidates of my choosing.
In fact, voting in municipal elections is considered vitally important to our democracy. Whether your city or town is casting ballots this year for mayor, city council, school board or other local offices, those elected will have the power to make decisions that affect you and your neighbors for years to come.
The American Legion strongly believes in citizens exercising their rights to vote. We also encourage Legion posts and American Legion Family members to be active in their communities before and during Election Day. Spreading awareness about where and when to vote in your community is a good first step in our commitment to community, state and nation. One way is to share and distribute this PSA about voting.
More ideas on how to participate can be found in the Get Out the Vote brochure.
As President Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting.”
It’s our duty. For our country. On this Election Day, get out and vote – and help others who may need assistance in getting to the polls.
Family First.
Denise H. Rohan
National Commander