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150 Employers to Attend Camden County Job Fair

(Camden, NJ) – The Camden County Freeholder Board’s Fall Job Fair will be held on October 25 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the BB&T Pavilion located at One Harbour Boulevard in Camden. This year’s event is expected to attract thousands of prospective employees and will feature a wide range of employers offering positions in a variety of fields.

“When you attend, be sure to dress for success and bring plenty of copies of your resume as you will have a chance to meet with 150 employers offering positions in a wide variety of fields,” said Freeholder Director Louis Cappelli, Jr.  “The Camden County Freeholder Board hosts job fairs each year to bridge the gap between job seekers and employers.”

The job fair is being held in cooperation with the Camden County One-Stop Resource Center and features numerous Job Seeker Workshops offered on a variety of topics relating to employment and the job search. The Resource Center also provides access to employment training and education programs.

Jobseekers will have the ability to register on New Jersey’s most powerful job search tool,’s OnRamp onsite at the job fair. Representatives from the state and county will be on hand to assist residents to set up accounts where their talents will ultimately reach almost ten thousand New Jersey employers. They will also have the opportunity to search roughly 100,000 job listings. Through OnRamp, jobseekers will be able to create a resume that is so memorable they are guaranteed to make a lasting first impression.

“We understand that many individuals seeking gainful employment have had difficulty lately.  We also realize that navigating the job market can be a daunting task,” Cappelli said.  “We encourage anyone in the job-hunting process to attend the Camden County Fall Job Fair to take advantage of this free resource.  We hope this event will mark the start of your new career.”

