NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Shawneeq Carter Murdered in Woodbury
TSA continues assistance with hurricane recovery efforts, resumes security operations in hard hit areas

Letters to the Ed: Mayor Filipek Is A Flop!

Once again Bellmawr’s Mayor Frank Filipek has provided the Borough with failed 6a00d8341bf7d953ef019b00b0fa85970d-200wileadership. The Borough recently had a ribbon-cutting and dedication event for the new basketball courts.  Information was never communicated or published on Bellmawr’s website.  This is the type of leadership that emanates from Bellmawr’s Mayor. The current Mayor continually disrespects residents as he has done since his election in November 2002.  This Mayor treats residents with contempt and indignation if they question his decisions, or ask a simple question; nor does he reply to any email correspondence sent to him. 
     Further evidence provided is a Mayor who cannot even represent residents with respect by wearing a business suit and tie at Council Meetings. The lack of professionalism is apparent from the moment he enters Council Meetings, and I have attended countless meetings since 2011.
     Repeatedly, the leadership failure is obvious. For instance, during this year’s Student Government Day, Bellmawr’s Mayor sat in the corner of Council chambers and failed to interact or engage with students. Camden County’s Sheriff Wilson interacted and taught students something about his office, and New Jersey’s State Constitution. 
    Finally, as Robert Gates former Secretary Defense said,” Whatever the job, serving in government requires a singular commitment to missions and themes larger than yourself”. Perhaps Bellmawr’s Mayor Filipek needs to adopt such a philosophy. In my opinion, Mayor and all Council members should read his recent book “Duty”.  The November 2018 Mayors election needs a new Mayor who can provide transformational and effective leadership that has been lacking since 2002.
Mark Sharp/Bellmawr Resident of 27 years.
September 25, 2017
