NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Kennedy University Hospital – Washington Township Ronald McDonald Family Room Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary
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Kennedy Home Health Care Receives National Patient Satisfaction Award

Home Health Fazzi AwardVoorhees, NJ
– For the second year in a row, Kennedy Health’s Home Health Care Department has been honored with a Patient Satisfaction Award of Distinction by Fazzi Associates, a Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)-approved administrator of the Home Health Care CAHPS (HHCAHPS®) Survey.

The award is presented to home health agencies in the top 25 percent of Fazzi’s National Patient Satisfaction Database, based on a comparative analysis. Home health agencies from around the U.S. included on this prestigious list are considered leaders in their field, according to Fazzi.

Earlier this year, Kennedy Home Health Care also received a Five-Star rating in the latest CMS program that evaluates home care companies across the country. Kennedy Home Health Care is the only agency in its service area of Camden, Gloucester and Burlington counties to receive an overall Five-Star rating  in the HHCAHPS Survey star ratings for Patient Satisfaction..

The HHCAHPS, part of a family of CAHPS surveys that asks patients to rate their experiences, is designed to measure and assess the experiences of people receiving home health care, with three goals in mind:

  • To produce comparable data on patient satisfaction
  • To create incentives for agencies to improve their quality of care through public reporting of survey results
  • To hold health care providers accountable by informing the public about the providers’ quality of care

Fazzi’s National Patient Satisfaction service is one of home care’s oldest, largest, and most respected benchmarking systems in the country, and the only that incorporates findings from its research and consulting divisions to help to guide agencies in best practice strategies. Fazzi includes best practice training webinars, industry updates, and technical support as part of their standard patient satisfaction benchmark service.

Established in 1988, Kennedy Home Health Care employs more than 115 healthcare professionals who make more than 60,000 home visits each year to help area residents improve and maintain their health. Services offered by Kennedy Home Health Care include: nursing care, physical therapy, occupational therapy (rehabilitation in performing daily tasks), speech therapy, medical social services, and home health aides.
