CNB Hunting/Fishing NJ : Beaver-Otter Furbearer Applications Period Opens October 1
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Furbearer Management Newsletter, Fall 2017
From marsh to your mouth: Muskrat dinner tradition kept alive in N.J. (, 2/2/16)
Courses offered in April and September - October
Classes are held rain or shine and students must be prepared to be outside the entire time.
Bring a pencil, pliers, and a lunch; wear hip boots. All other materials provided.
Students must attend both days of the two-day class:
Tuckahoe WMA, Lenape Farms Section (Atlantic County)
October 14 and 15Hackettstown Fish Hatchery (Warren County)
Date: October 21 and 22JBMDL Range 14 (Burlington County)
October 26 and October 29
Furbearer Management Newsletters
Modern, regulated trapping is used to manage habitat, monitor and control animal populations, protect and reintroduce endangered species, protect public and private property and conduct research. It is a technique for sustainable, consumptive use of the wildlife resource. In New Jersey there are trapping seasons for beaver, otter, mink, muskrat, eastern coyote, fox, opossum, raccoon, skunk and weasel.
In New Jersey, a Trapper Education course must be passed and a trapping license obtained to trap in the state. To use a snare a person must first pass a Fish and Wildlife-approved trapper education course which includes use of snares and carry on their person appropriate documentation thereof. A person must be at least 12 years of age. When offered, course announcements will be posted on this page (March/April and September - October).
All traps set or used must bear a legible tag of durable material with the name and address or Conservation Identification Number (CID#) of the person setting, using and maintaining the traps. Trappers previously assigned a Fish and Wildlife-issued trap identification number may continue to use their assigned number in lieu of name and address or CID to mark each trap. However, please note that the Division has ceased this practice and will no longer be issuing trap identification numbers.
All traps must be checked and tended at least once every 24 hours, preferably in the morning. When trapping beaver or otter, the trap tag must be clearly visible above the level of water or ice. Any person (including a farmer) who traps a coyote must notify a Division law enforcement office within 24 hours. Licensed trappers at least 18 years of age and in possession of a valid rifle permit may carry a .22 caliber rifle, and use only .22 caliber short rimfire cartridges to kill legally trapped animals
A lottery is held for the awarding of beaver and otter permits. The application period is October 1-31 each year; unclaimed and leftover permits are then sold over-the-counter at licence agents and online.
For more information please consult the appropriate section(s) of the Fish and Wildlife Digest.
2017-2018 Trapping Season Summary (pdf, 670kb) | |
2017-2018 Beaver/Otter Trapping Season Booklet (pdf, 1.4mb) | |
Beaver and Otter Management Zone Map - Low Resolution (jpg, 100kb) High Resolution (jpg, 900kb) | |
Beaver and Otter Management Zone Descriptions (pdf, 26kb) |
The DFW Upland Game and Furbearer Project began publication of the NJ Furbearer Management Newsletter with the Fall 2011 issue. Newsletters are published on a quarterly basis (January, April, July and October) and contain information about the state's furbearing species, management, research and other items of interest to the trapping community.
How to Avoid the Capture of Bobcats While Trapping Other Furbearers - Updated 4/7/14 | |
How to Avoid Capturing Otter When Trapping Beaver (pdf, 36kb) | |
Division Seeking Assistance from Trappers on Fisher Population | |
Bobcat, Fisher and Nutria Occurrence Form (pdf, 94kb) | |
Beaver/Otter Sighting Report Form (pdf, 18kb) | |
Trapping and Furbearer Management in North American Wildlife Conservation (The NE Furbearer Resources Technical Committee and The NE Section of The Wildlife Society, pdf, 3.0mb) | |
North American Fur Auctions NAFA Pelt Handling Manual (pdf) |
Fur Primeness Chart (.jpg) | |
New Jersey Fur Harvesters | |
Regulations | |
Illustrations of Leghold/Foothold Traps | |
Coyotes in New Jersey | |
Foxes in New Jersey | |
Small Game Information | |
Hunter Education | |
Wildlife Management Areas | |
Forms |