This year, Cardinal Joseph Tobin, C.Ss.R, of Newark, N.J., will be honored along with the Disciples of Mercy. Cardinal Tobin is pictured here concelebrating Mass during the “Convocation of Catholic Leaders: The Joy of the Gospel in America” July 2 in Orlando, Fla. CNS photo/Bob Roller
Join us at Catholic Charities’ 14th annual Justice for All awards dinner, in Atlantic City on Wednesday, Oct. 1.
The Justice For All awards dinner has the dual purpose of honoring the extraordinary service performed by the individuals receiving Justice in Action awards, and raising funds that allow Catholic Charities to provide direct assistance to those they serve throughout the diocese. Catholic Charities will serve more than 33,000 individuals within the six southern New Jersey counties that make up the Diocese of Camden with the funds raised by the dinner. Since its inception in 2004, the
dinner has raised more than $800,000. Every penny is used to end crises, prevent evictions and utility disconnection (electric, gas and oil), provide food and prescription needs, and create stabilization within families.
The Justice for ALL dinner’s purpose is threefold:
~ To raise funds for direct assistance to clients in the communities we serve, specifically for programs including the Family & Community Services Centers, Refugee Resettlement, Adoptions, and Counseling Services. Funds raised are for the unrestricted use of those programs for distribution directly to individuals and families in need.
~ To promote the “Judicious Growth” of Catholic Charities in our region by identifying, cultivating and engaging individuals who are committed to the Vision and Mission of Catholic Charities and will become partners with us as we fulfill our mission over time.
~ To promote awareness of social justice issues and the needs of the poor in the Diocese of Camden by selecting and honoring people and organizations, who by their actions, have demonstrated their commitment to social justice and the needs of the poor.
For more info, go to