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Don’t drink and boat on Delaware waterways


DOVER (May 25, 2017) – For the upcoming Memorial Day holiday weekend, DNREC’s Fish & Wildlife Natural Resources Police remind boaters that drinking and boating don’t mix – and that boat operators with blood alcohol levels of .08 or higher risk facing charges for operating under the influence (OUI), as well as putting themselves, their passengers and other boaters in Delaware waters at risk.

“Just like driving a road vehicle, operating a boat with a blood alcohol level of 0.08 percent or higher is in violation of Delaware and federal laws,” said Lt. John McDerby of Fish & Wildlife Natural Resources Police, noting that marine patrols are increased over the holiday weekend to ensure safe boating and public safety. “Boat operators found at or above the legal limit will find their voyage terminated, will be arrested and may have their vessel impounded. Boat operators under the influence also can face fines and potential jail time.”


According to national statistics from the U.S. Coast Guard, alcohol is a leading contributing factor to fatal boating accidents. Nationally in 2015, 306 accidents involved alcohol use and resulted in 122 deaths and 258 injuries.


“The best way to minimize the risk of an accident is to make the wiser choice – don’t drink and boat,” said Lt. McDerby. “Environmental stressors aboard a boat – such as constant motion, heat, sun glare and dehydration – all enhance the effects of any amount of alcohol. Because of this, we strongly recommend that boat operators not consume alcohol, and we encourage having a non-drinking designated boat operator.”


Other tips for recreational boaters to ensure a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend include:

·       Exercise patience and courtesy at crowded boat ramps and docks.

·       Observe all “Slow No Wake” areas.

·       Maintain a lookout for and keep a safe distance from other vessels.

·       Avoid traveling at unsafe speeds.

·       Keep your speed down and use extra caution in congested areas.

·       Make sure children 12 and younger are wearing life jackets while underway as required by law.

·       Wear your life jacket and encourage all your passengers 13 and older to wear them also.

·       Check navigation lights and make sure to turn them on when operating at night.

·       Carry your Boating Education Card and all required safety equipment appropriate for your size vessel. 

·       Canoes, kayaks and paddle boards are considered vessels, and passengers are required to have a life jacket on board and carry a whistle or other sound-producing device. If out after sunset, a flashlight is also required.


For access to the online Delaware Boating Handbook and other safe boating information, click Delaware Boating Safety, or contact Delaware Boating Safety Coordinator Lt. John McDerby at 302-739-9913 or email [email protected].
