Bishop Dennis Sullivan to Celebrate Outdoor Mass before 1,400+ faithful
Monday, April 24, 2017
Catholics throughout the six southern counties of New Jersey, as well as the Delaware Valley region, are invited to attend the 6th Annual iRace4Vocations event on Sunday, April 30 at Williamstown High School/Middle School in Williamstown, NJ.
This free event, sponsored by the Office of Vocations of the Diocese of Camden, welcomes people of all ages to the outdoor Mass for Vocations, which is followed by a 5k Run, 1 Mile Walk, family entertainment and food.
At the 2016 iRace4Vocations, Bishop Sullivan called on all Christians to pray for more people to hear the call to become shepherds like Jesus and lead the flock of faithful. “We are in a wolves’ world, and we need Jesus to shepherd us,” he said. “We must encourage vocations and hear the voice of the Good Shepherd,” he urged.
Since it began in 2011, iRace4Vocations has grown in size and scope each year. Last year more than 1,400 people attended the event. This year is expected to see that trend continue, as Bishop Dennis Sullivan, along with scores of priests, religious brothers and sisters, seminarians and Catholic faithful come to the event to both pray for and promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
Recently, Vocations Director Father Michael Romano noted that locally vocations to the priesthood are at the highest they’ve been in 10 years, with 18 young men from South Jersey currently in seminary or pre-seminary formation.
“If you have never taken part in iRace4Vocations before, it is an inspiring day for the people of our diocese to come together to support and promote religious vocations,” said Father Romano. “People leave so joyfully each year, with a sense of hope for the future and pride in our faith. It is amazing to watch it grow — I would love to have you be a part of this year’s growth.”
The schedule for the day is:
Noon – Registration and Check-in (Walkers Only)
1 PM – Mass with Bishop Sullivan
2 PM – Registration and Check-in (Runners & Walkers)
3 PM – 5k Run/1 mile Family Walk
4 PM – Picnic and Family Entertainment
Williamstown High School/Middle School is located at 561 Clayton Rd, Williamstown, NJ.
The event is free of charge. This ‘faithraiser’ encourages each participant to come with prayer pledges for vocations.
For more information or to register, go to: