NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

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March 2017

Winslow Township Police Confiscate Narcotics, Guns and Currency in Raid

Winslow Township NJ (March 31, 2017)--Today, Friday, members of the Winslow Township Police Department Narcotics Unit with assistance from the Camden County Sheriffs Department SERT Team and CCPO Suburban Narcotics executed search warrants at 12 Medford Court and 4 Maureen Court, both in the Manor Hall Developments in the Sicklerville section of Winslow Twp. These search warrants were obtained after several weeks of investigations into drug sales from those residences. Subsequent searches of the residences lead to the discovery of a quantity of cocaine, oxycodone, marijuana, packaging material, and over $1600.00 in U.S. Currency. A motor vehicle stop was conducted in relation to the search warrants, which lead to the recovery of a loaded 9mm handgun and a defaced .22 caliber rifle. Richard King was charged with possession with intent to distribute, possession of cocaine and marijuana, possession of marijuana, and distribution of CDS in a school zone. King was... Read more →

Gloucester City Police Arrest Marlton Woman on Prostitution Charges and Narcotic Offenses

Gloucester City NJ (March 31, 2017)--Gloucester City police arrested a 26- year-old woman from Marlton on prostitution charges. According to police, the suspect arrested was Kathleen A. Brodzik (26), who is also known as “Jenny” and “Cherry”. She was also accused of several narcotic crimes. From the crime report, on March 28 (3:00 pm) An investigation into prostitution activity at the Quality Inn on Rt. 130 by Det. Keith O’Donnell and DSgt. Carl DePoder led to the arrest of Kathleen A. Brodzik (26), a resident of Marlton (also known as “Jenny” and “Cherry”). She was charged with promoting prostitution, possession of CDS (heroin and crack cocaine) and possession of drug paraphernalia. After processing, she was released. In other matters, March 24 (6:47 pm) Daniel E. Pierce (45), a resident of N. Harley Avenue, was arrested on Market Street at S. Filmore by Sgt. Ken Iepson on a warrant from West... Read more →

Gloucester City Police Arrest Building Contractor for Breaking Into an Vacant House

GLOUCESTER CITY NJ (March 31, 2017)--Gloucester City police arrested a building contractor who was working on a Morris Street property for breaking into a nearby home. The contractor allegedly stole scrap metal from the vacant house. The police released the following statement regarding the incident. On March 29 at 3:51 pm officers responded to a residence in the 200 block of Morris Street for a reported burglary at a vacant residence. Further investigation as well as assistance from witnesses resulted in the arrest of Nicholas Larocca (28), a resident of Glendora. He was operating a green 1996 Ford pick-up truck and was working in a residence on the block, during which time he pried open the front door of an adjacent residence and removed scrap metal and personal property belonging to the owner. He was charged with burglary, theft and possession of hypodermic syringes. After processing, he was released as... Read more →

DNREC’s Division of Fish & Wildlife announces 2017 Delaware turkey hunting season dates

English: crop of File:Bgforhunting.jpg Taken by Dr. F Eugene Hester. Picture supplied by Fish and Wildlife Service Website. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Youth/disabled hunt day set for April 1; regular season to open April 8 DOVER (March 30, 2017) – DNREC’s Division of Fish & Wildlife announced today turkey hunting opportunities for the upcoming season, starting with a special one-day hunt Saturday, April 1 for youth ages 10 through 15 and for hunters who are disabled and use a wheelchair. The regular turkey hunting season opens Saturday, April 8, and runs through Saturday, May 6, with no Sunday hunting. Hunting hours for both the youth/disabled hunt day and the regular hunting season are a half-hour before sunrise until 1 p.m. Hunters are reminded that only bearded birds may be taken, and that all harvested birds must be checked at an authorized turkey check station by 2:30 p.m. on the day... Read more →

Liberal, conservative groups unite against Pennsylvania mandatory minimums

By Tyler Arnold / March 27, 2017 / WATCHDOG.ORG A bill to reintroduce mandatory minimums for drug offenses in Pennsylvania is receiving flak from the left and the right. Kevin Ring, president of Families Against Mandatory Minimums, told Watchdog that mandatory minimums are a “one size fits all” policy that makes citizens “pay more for no more safety.” COME TOGETHER: Many opponents of mandatory minimum prison sentences come from the progressive left, but discussions about the cost and effectiveness of the policies are bringing more conservatives to that side of the debate. That view has support from both sides of the aisle. The left-leaning Pennsylvania ACLU and right-leaning Commonwealth Foundation, a Harrisburg-based free-market think tank, oppose the bill. Both groups cite a 2009 study by the Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing, which found the policies to be ineffective. The study suggests neither the length of the sentence nor the imposition of... Read more →

Newark Parents Oppose Teachers Unions’ Motions to Dismiss LIFO Lawsuit

Oral arguments before a Mercer County Superior Court judge are scheduled for May 3 Trenton, New Jersey — Six Newark parents yesterday opposed motions to dismiss HG v. Harrington, the lawsuit they filed last November challenging the constitutionality of New Jersey’s quality-blind “last in, first out” (LIFO) teacher layoff law. The motions to dismiss the case were filed earlier this month by local and national teachers unions, who intervened as defendants in the case last December. Oral arguments on the motions to dismiss are scheduled for 2pm on May 3 before the Mercer County Superior Court. Defendants from Newark Public Schools and the New Jersey Department of Education did not move to dismiss the case. “The teachers unions clearly are not looking out for students’ best interests,” said Kathleen Reilly, attorney with Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer, one of the law firms representing the Newark parents pro bono. “With education... Read more →

EPA Secures Agreement for $14 Million Cleanup of Lead and Arsenic at the Gibbsboro Dump site

(New York, N.Y. – March 30, 2017) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced a legal agreement with the Sherwin-Williams Company to clean up lead and arsenic contaminated soil and sediment at the Route 561 Dump site in Gibbsboro, N.J. The site is near a former paint manufacturing plant and was used as a paint waste dump. The Route 561 Dump site includes businesses, a vacant lot, White Sand Branch creek, and wetlands. Sherwin-Williams will pay an estimated $14 million to clean up the site, and pay the EPA’s expenses in overseeing the work. “This agreement allows us to move forward on this much needed cleanup of contaminated soil and sediment and to protect the health of people who live and work in this community,” said Catherine McCabe, Acting EPA Regional Administrator. “Cleanup of the Route 561 Dump Site is being paid for by Sherwin-Williams, not the taxpayers, which is... Read more →

Commentary: EPA's Clean-Up for Gibbsboro Should Go Further

NJ Sierra Club press release The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced an agreement with the Sherwin-Williams Company to clean up lead and arsenic contaminated soil and sediment at the Route 561 Dump site in Gibbsboro, N.J. The Route 561 Dump site includes businesses, a vacant lot, a small creek called White Sand Branch and wetlands. The soil at the Route 561 Dump site is contaminated with lead and arsenic. Arsenic is a known carcinogen, and lead causes damage to children, including learning disabilities and behavioral problems as well as other health impacts for adults. The EPA plan includes removing and disposing of contaminated soil from portions of the site and backfilling the area with clean soil. The soil would be dug up and properly disposed of at facilities licensed to handle the waste. In total, approximately 23,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil will be removed. They have also proposed to... Read more →


PHILADELPHIA PA--The Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s Catholic Charities Appeal (CCA) has partnered with the Philadelphia Phillies for the fifth consecutive year to host a night of family fun at Citizens Bank Park. A portion of the proceeds from each ticket purchased through a dedicated link will go directly to CCA. Wednesday, June 14, 2017 7:05 p.m. Philadelphia Phillies vs. Boston Red Sox Citizens Bank Park 1 Citizens Bank Way Philadelphia, PA 19148 CCA is the single largest fundraising initiative of the Archdiocese. This year’s Appeal focuses on “Giving Hope to All” and ensures the vitality of countless organizations and ministries throughout the five-county Archdiocese. Programs receiving funding from CCA include housing for the homeless, community food cupboards, afterschool academic enrichment and recreational opportunities for youth, and family support services. To purchase tickets for the game and to support the Catholic Charities Appeal, please visit If 500 tickets are sold, a... Read more →

Commentary:Rollins College and Orlando Sentinel

Bill Donohue | The Catholic League March 30, 2017 Yesterday, I raised many questions about the account given by Rollins College officials in their handling of the dispute between Marshall Polston, the student who was suspended, and his professor, Areeje Zufari. Some of what I drew on came from a story by Orlando Sentinel reporter Gabrielle Russon. She did a fine job. Inexplicably, reporter Scott Maxwell then wrote a story for the newspaper citing Russon's work to make the point that the charges made by the student constitute "fake news." This is the same position taken by Rollins College. Something is wrong with this picture. Russon's account does not support Maxwell's. Indeed, she never mentions "fake news," never mind provide evidence to sustain this accusation. Why, then, did the newspaper run it? More important, Maxwell never addresses the core issues: Why did Zufari contact the office of public safety about... Read more →

Cape May County Man Arrested for Unauthorized Practice of Psychology

press release COURT HOUSE - Cape May County Prosecutor Robert Taylor announces the arrest of Ronnie P. Erricson, 49, of Cape May Court House for the unauthorized practice of psychology. An investigation was initiated by members of the Cape May County Prosecutor's Office Economic Crimes Unit following the receipt of a complaint from a victim who believed Erricson to be unlicensed. As a result of this investigation, it was revealed that Erricson had treated multiple patients at his residence, both adults and juveniles, who were under the impression that he held a Doctorate in Psychology, as well as a license to practice. It was determined Erricson does not hold either title. On March 30, 2017, Erricson was charged with unauthorized practice of psychology, third degree, endangering the welfare of a child, third degree, and falsification of records, fourth degree. Erricson was processed and released pending court proceedings. According to Taylor,... Read more →

These NJ congressmen voted to allow internet companies to sell your private info

WASHINGTON, D.C. — New Jersey’s five Republican congressman have voted in favor of a resolution that allows internet providers to sell your browsing habits without your permission. The resolution overrides a rule that had been proposed by President Barack Obama that would have required providers to get your permission to share browsing habits and other personal information. The measure, described by CNET as the strictest privacy rules ever put in place, also required providers to take measures to protect the data and to notify customers if data was stolen. Supporters of the rules said the company that sells you your internet connection can see even more about you: every website you visit, every app that sends or receives data, everyone you email and many that you message. Telecom companies argue that companies like Google already see the same information but are unregulated. U.S. Rep. Leonard Lance, R-N.J., 7th District, was... Read more →

COMMENTARY: Irish Central Attacks Orphan

Bill Donohue | THE CATHOLIC LEAGUE March 30, 2017 On March 27, I posted an article written by an orphan who grew up in a Mother and Baby Home in Ireland. It is a well-written and researched account of conditions in Ireland in the twentieth century, and the care provided by nuns. It also debunks the myths about those "evil" nuns, the kind of propaganda promoted by Irish Central and others. Predictably, Irish Central is upset. Good news about the Catholic Church's contribution to society is generally not welcomed by Niall O'Dowd and his staff. So he unleashed Cahir O'Doherty to offer a response to the orphan's piece. That was a mistake. On March 7, I wrote a news release, "The Dunces at Irish Central." I cited O'Doherty as Exhibit A. Why? Because in his attempt to validate the Tuam "mass grave" hoax sponsored by Catherine Corless, he said she... Read more →

Stroudsburg Man Guilty Of Interstate Prostitution And Drug Trafficking Crimes

SCRANTON—The United States Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Pennsylvania announced today that Thurman Stanley, age 40, of Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, pleaded guilty on March 27, 2017, before Senior U.S. District Court Judge James M. Munley, to three counts of transporting women in interstate commerce for purposes of prostitution and one count of trafficking in heroin, “molly,” and crack cocaine. According to United States Attorney Bruce D. Brandler, Stanley admitted that between December 2013 and December 2015, he transported at least four women from Pennsylvania to New York, Iowa, and North Dakota for purposes of prostitution, and also provided illegal drugs to them. Stanley faces up to 50 years in prison and nearly $2 million in fines. Judge Munley ordered a pre-sentence report to be completed. Sentencing is scheduled for June 28, 2017. Stanley was indicted by a federal grand jury in November 2016, as a result of an investigation... Read more →

Kennedy Health Donates $10,000 to Ronald McDonald House Charities’

Voorhees, NJ – Kennedy Health, a South Jersey-based health system, donated $10,000 to the Ronald McDonald House Charities’ (RMHC) “Change the Luck of a Child” Telethon. The all-day telethon, which aired live on CBS3 TV March 28th, is aimed at helping RMHC further its mission to support children throughout southeastern Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, and Delaware. This year’s event surpassed the 2016 telethon, raising more than $1.2 million, for a total of $7.4 million since 2010. Kennedy Health has a Ronald McDonald Pediatric Unit at its Washington Township hospital, as well as a Ronald McDonald Family Room in its Emergency Department there. Shown at the check presentation are, from left: Ronald McDonald; Dr. Carman Ciervo, Kennedy Health Executive Vice President & Chief Physician Executive; Jill Ostrem, Kennedy Health Senior VP of Hospital Operations; Logan Huston, a Ronald McDonald House Southern New Jersey (RMHSNJ) resident and pediatric patient; Bill Roberson, President... Read more →

New Report Shows Opposition to PennEast Pipeline

Bristol, PA: The Delaware Riverkeeper Network (DRN) and Key-Log Economics today released a new report, documenting the overwhelmingly negative public comments submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regarding the PennEast Pipeline. The study, which used crowd sourced reviewers to analyze 3,443 written messages to FERC, found that 76.7% of all commenters expressed a negative attitude toward the proposed PennEast Pipeline—and of those living along the proposed pipeline route, 92.6% expressed a negative sentiment toward the pipeline. The report can be found here: The public comments on FERC’s docket that were reviewed for the study provide a wealth of objective data on the issues of concern to the people and communities through which the pipeline would pass. The analysis covered the sentiment of comments on a range of impacts and found that support for the proposed pipeline is sparse, especially in the counties and states directly affected. Of... Read more →

Tips to save money on auto insurance

TRENTON, N.J.—The Professional Insurance Agents of New Jersey reminds motorists that spring is a good time to talk to their professional, independent insurance agent to discuss what factors affect their car insurance. The price you pay for your auto insurance can vary. It depends on a variety of considerations from what type of car you have to where you buy your insurance. Prices vary from company to company. Your professional, independent agent will shop around to get you the best value for your money,” says Donald F. LaPenna Jr., PIANJ president. “Car insurance premiums are based on several factors—the car’s price, the cost to repair it, the driver’s safety record to name a few. Your professional, independent agent like Insurance Navy will shop around to get you the best value for your money. However, many insurers offer discounts for features that reduce the risk of injuries or theft.” PIANJ offers... Read more →

COMMENTARY: Bad science guides Novato nannies

Nanny State of the Week: By Kevin Glass / March 27, 2017 / WATCHDOG.ORG Anti-smoking nannies have pushed their crusade further and further, and in California, they’re increasingly reaching further and further into peoples’ lives. Next up? They’re trying to prohibit smoking inside your own home. The city of Novato has passed one of the most sweeping anti-smoking ordinances in the country. It prohibits smoking in all restaurants, service areas, public parks, apartment buildings, condo units and more. In fact, the ordinance is so sweeping that it specifies the two places where smoking is not banned: inside of private cars and in single-family detached homes. Live in an apartment building? You’re out of luck. Own your own condo inside of a complex? Also out of luck. Smoking is prohibited almost everywhere else. The ban is a natural extension of the extremist logic that has driven other smoking bans in California.... Read more →

Report: Pennsylvania illegally funded police with more than $222 million of highway money

Pennsylvania violated its state constitution last fiscal year by diverting more than $222.2 million away from state roads and giving it to the state police, according to a report released by the Pennsylvania Legislative Budget and Finance Committee. The Pennsylvania Constitution allows money from gasoline taxes, vehicle taxes and vehicle licensing fees to be used for maintaining safety of public highways and bridges. However, the report calculated that the state police spent $532.8 million on maintaining safety on those roads while receiving $755 million from the Motor License Fund. The diverted funds would have otherwise been used to pay for construction or maintenance of the commonwealth’s roads. Gov. Tom Wolf proposed implementing a $25 per-person fee on any municipality that relies solely on the state for its police protection. This would generate $63 million, not nearly enough to offset the current money illegally being diverted. CONTINUE TO READ via Read more →

Donald C. Dunn, Korean War Navy Veteran, Gloucester Catholic Alumnus, PECO Employee

Donald C. Dunn, (image) husband of beloved Karen A. Dunn (nee Burke) was born on July 2, 1933, at the Bremerton Naval Hospital, while his father was deployed at sea on the USS Tennessee. A Gloucester Catholic High School alumnus (Gloucester City NJ), Don is the son of Commander George Lee Dunn, USN-Ret. (all Navy basketball 11 years) and Mary Regina (nee Johnson) Dunn, both deceased. When Don was six years old, his eight-year-old brother Bobby, intrigued by a movie about electrical linemen, climbed over a substation fence and was electrocuted. The tragedy contributed to Don’s interest in becoming an electrical engineer. Don and his younger brothers, Captain Jerry Dunn, USN Ret. (Naval Academy) and Lee Dunn, Ph.D., grew up in a career Navy family (three generations contributed 92 years of service to the Navy) and lived in the Philippines; Bermuda; Long Beach, CA; Newport R.I.; Norfolk, VA, and Gloucester... Read more →

Charles Stango, A Member Of DeCavalcante Crime Family Sentenced To 10 Years In Prison

For Use Of Interstate Facility To Commit Murder NEWARK, N.J. – A member of the DeCavalcante Family of La Cosa Nostra was sentenced today to 120 months in prison for using a telephone to plan the murder of an organized crime rival, Acting U.S. Attorney William E. Fitzpatrick announced. Charles Stango (image), 73, of Henderson, Nevada, previously pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge William H. Walls to an information charging him with one count of knowingly using an interstate facility – the telephone – with the intent to murder a rival. He also pleaded guilty to violating the terms of his supervised release, which he was serving following his imprisonment on racketeering charges in New York. Judge Walls imposed the sentence today in Newark federal court. According to documents filed in this case and statements made in court: Stango was arrested on April 14, 2015, as part of a sweep... Read more →

CNB Travel: Philadelphia,The Background On A True Sports Town

press release Five Pro Teams And Centuries Of History Give Philly Ultimate Home Field Advantage Philadelphia is one of the few cities with a professional franchise in all five major league sports. Most of the pro teams play within a few miles of Center City at Lincoln Financial Field (Eagles football); Citizens Bank Park (Phillies baseball); Wells Fargo Center (76ers basketball and Flyers hockey); and, a few miles south of the city line, Talen Energy Stadium (Union soccer). Despite not having the constant success all Philadelphians would like, most of the city’s sports franchises are steady contenders for their respective championships. Plus, Philly spirit can’t be beat. FOOTBALL: The Pros: The Philadelphia Eagles took to the football field for the first time in 1946. The Birds enjoyed early success in the franchise’s history, winning three championships in 1948, 1949 and 1960. In 1980 the Eagles defeated their rival Dallas Cowboys... Read more →

COMMENTARY: Rollins College Drama Continues

Bill Donohue | The Catholic League March 29, 2017 Yesterday, we addressed news reports about a Rollins College student, Marshall Polston, who was suspended following an exchange with his professor, Areeje Zufari. It is claimed that Zufari punished Polston after he disagreed with her comments saying Jesus was not crucified and his apostles did not believe he was divine. Rollins suspended Polston citing threats that he made. Polston called me yesterday to discuss this matter. So did the president of Rollins, Dr. Grant H. Cornwell. We had a lengthy exchange in response to my letter that was addressed to him. We also heard from Allan E. Keen, who is chairman of the Board of Trustees. Today, Keen sent another email and an article from the Orlando Sentinel on this issue. Both Cornwell and Keen argue that the reporting on this story constitutes "fake news." But neither provides any specifics to... Read more →

How to protect your dog from potentially-fatal leptospirosis

PARAMUS -- At least five dogs treated in North Jersey for a potentially fatal infection were likely sickened after they drank water contaminated with urine from infected wildlife, officials said. Two of the five dogs died at BluePearl Veterinary Partners in Paramus after it was determined that they had leptospirosis, said Tracey Horyczun, a hospital administrator.… Read more →

COMMENTARY: Pinelands Commissioner SLAPP Suit Against Protesters: Shameful Harassment

The NJ Sierra Club released the following opinion on the lawsuit filed by Pinelands Commissioner Jane Jannarone against people who commented on her Facebook page after she supported pipe line proposal. It reads as follows; Pinelands Commissioner Jane Jannarone has filed a lawsuit against 14 people who commented on her business Facebook pages after her vote to support the South Jersey Gas pipeline through the Pinelands. This is clearly a strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) lawsuit to censor, intimidate, and silence the public from any opposition. Commissioner Jane Jannarone claims, in a lawsuit filed in Cumberland County Superior Court on March 20, that the posts intentionally damaged her real estate business and her reputation. The 22-mile pipeline would cross the environmentally sensitive Pinelands, where such development is prohibited without benefiting the people living in the Pinelands, which it does not. Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club... Read more →

Samuel Velasco Gurrola Sentenced to Life in Federal Prison for Murder-For-Hire Plot

FBI Badge & gun. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Sentence comes one day after his brother, Emmanuel Velasco Gurrola, received a life sentence for his role in the plot In El Paso this morning, 41-year-old Samuel Velasco Gurrola was sentenced to life in federal prison for his role in a murder-for-hire plot announced United States Attorney Richard L. Durbin, Jr., Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Special Agent in Charge Waldemar Rodriguez, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Special Agent in Charge Will R. Glaspy, and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Special Agent in Charge Douglas E. Lindquist. On October 17, 2016, a federal jury convicted Velasco of three counts of conspiracy to commit murder in a foreign country and four counts of conspiracy to cause foreign travel for murder for hire. Following his conviction in the murder-for-hire plot, on November 18, 2016, Velasco pleaded guilty to conspiracy to violate the Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization (RICO)... Read more →

CNB June 2008 Archives: From a backyard Basketball Court to Atlantic 10 Commissioner

PUBLISHED Tuesday, June 24, 2008 Gloucester City: “Somehow a fire gets lit under you,” ~Bernadette McGlade By John Schmidt Gloucester City native Bernadette V. McGlade was named the new Commissioner of the Atlantic 10 Conference on Tuesday, June 3, in Philadelphia. McGlade is the daughter of the later Peter (former City Postmaster) and Theresa McGlade, and grew up in Gloucester City with her nine siblings. McGlade started her track to a career in athletics playing basketball at St. Mary’s Grammar School and Gloucester Catholic High School. “Gloucester City is a community that really rallies around the schools and sports teams,” McGlade said. McGlade remembers the support she received from the community during her time at St. Mary’s and Gloucester Catholic. “It is a unique place,” she said. During her time at Gloucester Catholic, McGlade played with three of her sisters, Mickey, Agnus, and Theresa for legendary girls basketball coach the... Read more →

Philadelphia Couple Charged With Tax Fraud

PHILADELPHIA PA (March 29, 2017)--Christine Corazo Holscher, 47, and Mark E. Holscher, 54, of Pennsauken, NJ, were charged March 28, 2017, by Indictment with conspiracy to defraud the United States and multiple counts of tax fraud, announced the Acting United States, Attorney Louis D. Lappen. According to the indictment, for several years Christine Corazo Holscher and Mark E. Holscher, who were then living in Philadelphia, conducted a scheme to defraud the IRS by soliciting the Social Security Numbers and dates of birth from other persons and then filing false tax returns in the names of those persons. The tax returns filed by the Holschers falsely claimed that those persons had earned income and were entitled to a tax refund. When tax refunds were issued, the Holschers would obtain and keep a portion of each refund for themselves. The refunds issued as a result of the scheme totaled over $2 million.... Read more →

Cape County Grand Jury Indicts Five Individuals for Wildwood Kidnapping

Cape May Court House, New Jersey (March 29,2017)- Cape May County Prosecutor Robert L. Taylor and Wildwood Police Chief Robert Regalbuto announce the Grand Jury Indictment of five individuals for a kidnapping that took place in Wildwood on February 5, 2017. On February 5, 2017 at approximately 9:02 PM, Officers from the Wildwood Police Department responded to the 100 East block of Schellenger Avenue for the report of a woman being held against her will at that location. It was subsequently learned that a female victim along with her one (1) year old child were removed from the location and held at a residence in the 100 East block of Leaming Avenue in the City of Wildwood. The female victim and her child were later able to escape her captors and were located with the assistance of the Wildwood Crest Police Department. The investigation conducted by members of the Cape... Read more →

Obit: Georgeanna Thesing, age 46 of Gloucester City

On March 28, 2017. Age 46. Of Gloucester City. Loving mother of Joseph, Sean and Dylan Thesing and Richard and Marie Mitchell. Beloved daughter of Estella M. Egan and the late Joseph Tedesco. Loving sister of Barbara Walker, Marie Tobias (George), Susan Egan, Denise Aldridge (Bill), Johnny Egan (Jenny), and Patricia Egan. Also survived by many nieces and nephews. Viewing Friday, March 31st, from 3 to 4 PM at the McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME, 851 Monmouth St., Gloucester City. Funeral service 4 PM in the funeral home. Interment private. Condolences and Memories may be shared at under the obituary of Georgeanna Thesing. Funeral Arrangements through: McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME, Gloucester City Ph:856-456-1142 Read more →

Sue Mackey, Worked for the Gloucester City Board of Education, GHS Alumnus Class of '46

GLOUCESTER CITY NJ --Mrs. Anna “Sue” D. Mackey,(nee Dutcher) of Gloucester City died on March 27, 2017, at the age of 88. Sue worked as a secretary for the Gloucester City Board of Education for over 25 years. She was a graduate of Gloucester City High School, Class of 1946. Loving mother of Linda (Frank) Procaccini, Roy (Jane) Mackey and Janice (Dan) Laudisio. Cherished grandmother of Frank Procaccini Jr., Michele (Mike) Hetzel, Nick Procaccini, Brian Mackey, Lori (Josh) Hall, Jared (Melissa) Mackey, Jenai Laudisio and Alecia Laudisio. Beloved great-grandmother of 12. Relatives and friends are invited to her viewing on Friday morning, March 31st, from 9:30 to 11 AM at the McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME, 851 Monmouth St., Gloucester City. Funeral service 11 AM in the funeral home. Interment Locustwood Memorial Park, Cherry Hill. In lieu of flowers, donations to Alzheimer's Association: 3 Eves Drive, Suite 310, Marlton, NJ 08053, Please... Read more →

Obit: Harold J. Vickery, Sr. of Gloucester City, age 88

On March 27, 2017. Loving husband of 59 years to the late Patricia A. Vickery (nee Malloy). Devoted father of Harold James (Judith) Vickery, Jr., Patricia Ann (Richard) Rudley, Bernadette (Scott) Cresmer, Joan Maria (Timothy) O’Rourke, Mary Ann (Timothy) Conaway and the late William P. Vickery. Beloved grandfather of William (Melony) Mogck, Erik Mogck, Brandon (Katlyn) Cresmer, Dana (Corey) Smith. Cherished great-grandfather of Marley and Gavin Smith. Harold was born in Camden, NJ and was a longtime resident of Gloucester City. He was a foreman / plant safety manager for GAF in Gloucester City. Harold loved his amateur radio club in Gloucester City and went by call sign “WA2ZMU.” He was involved with CERT (Certified Emergency Response Team) in Gloucester City. Harold and his late wife, Pat were devoted parishoners of Saint Mary’s R.C. Church in Gloucester City. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend Harold’s viewing on Friday... Read more →

GHS School March 29 Announcements

GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ--(March 29, 2017)Thank you to four great young men from our Class of 2016 who are serving in the U. S. Marines: Ignacio Lopez, Bryan Santiago, Carter Orant and Alex Holmes. We honor you every day. • Any student wishing to purchase a Yearbook, please bring in a deposit of $20 or full payment of $70 to Mrs. Darrow. You may also use the online Link to purchase your Yearbook as well. • The Leo Club will be collecting old eyeglasses to donate to those in need. If you have any glasses at home that you no longer wear, bring them in! Collection boxes are in the Junior High and Main Offices. • Attention Juniors: Yankee Candle orders will be in TODAY and MUST be picked up TODAY at dismissal in the Media Center. Make arrangements if you play sports because you MUST get your orders TODAY. •... Read more →

Winslow Police Conduct Undercover Sting, Arrest Suspects Selling Stolen Property on Craigslist

WINSLOW TOWNSHIP (MARCH 29, 2017)--The Winslow Township police department arrested two people who allegedly were selling appliances on Craigslist stolen from a property that they didn't own. As a result of an undercover sting, the Winslow police were successful in arresting the suspects. The police released the following statement regarding the incident. March 27, Winslow Twp. Police were contacted by Remax Preferred of Marlton regarding the fraudulent sale of appliances from a foreclosed property. The managing agent of 56 Wagon Wheel Drive, which is in the Sicklerville section of Winslow Twp., advised that someone posted an ad on Craigslist advertising the sale of a new stove from the residence. The property is in foreclosure and no one has authorization to sell anything from the residence. Detectives contacted the seller and arranged to purchase the stove from the property. Joseph Perry Jr. and Kimberly Perry met undercover detectives at the residence,... Read more →

Hudson County Postal Worker Allegedly Stole Identities of Postal Employees and Others

TRENTON – Attorney General Christopher S. Porrino and the Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor (OIFP) announced today that a U.S. postal employee from Hudson County has been charged with using the stolen identities of postal employees and others to file fraudulent insurance claims for jewelry and other items he falsely declared stolen. Kayson Allen, 33, of Jersey City, was indicted on second-degree charges of insurance fraud, identity theft, and trafficking in stolen identities for allegedly obtaining the personal information of others and using it to manufacture phony identification cards and file four fraudulent insurance claims totaling more than $14,000. He was also indicted on third-degree charges of theft by deception and attempted theft by deception in the indictment handed up by a state grand jury in Trenton on Friday. Allen, a janitorial employee of the United States Postal Service (USPS) who worked in the Trenton Processing and Distribution Center,... Read more →

Commentary: DEP Opposes Summer Flounder Limits: Shortsighted and Selfish

NJ Sierra Club press release New Jersey representatives to the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission have officially filed an appeal requesting the commission reconsider its vote significantly reducing the state’s recreational-fishing quota for summer flounder this year. After the population was recording to be declining on the East coast, the Commission voted on a 30% reduction in catch. For fishermen in New Jersey, season with a larger 19-inch size limit, smaller three-fish daily bag limit and less days on the water. Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Commissioner Bob Martin is among those speaking out against the new catch limits. Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club, released the following statement: “This decision by the DEP to oppose the flounder catch limit changes is short-sited and part of the Christie Administration's anti-regulatory agenda. Instead of protecting the fisheries off our coats, they are trying to rollback limits put in... Read more →


STATE’S REPRESENTATIVES ARGUE ASMFC DECISION WILL CAUSE ADVERSE IMPACTS TO FISHERY AND INDUSTRY (March 28, 2017)TRENTON – New Jersey representatives to the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission have filed an appeal requesting the commission reconsider its vote significantly reducing the state’s recreational-fishing quota for summer flounder this year, Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Bob Martin announced today. The 34-percent quota reduction ASMFC approved in February will have a devastating impact on the state’s fishing industry and tourism economy while paradoxically harming the long-term health of the state’s summer flounder stocks, Commissioner Martin said. “We are appealing the ASFMC decision because of the numerous process, data, policy and regulatory issues that will significantly impact New Jersey’s fishing industry,” Commissioner Martin said. “The ASFMC decision will actually result in anglers in New Jersey having to throw more dead fish back into the water than they can keep to eat, and the fish... Read more →

Brooklawn Police Arrest Suspicious Suspect from Philadelphia on Narcotic Charges

BROOKLAWN NJ(March 29, 2017) --Earlier today Brooklawn police noticed a suspicious vehicle parked in the Westbrook Bowling Alley parking lot, Creek Road. Further investigation by police led to the arrest of a suspect who was charged with narcotics distribution. Police released the following statement about the incident. March 29 at approximately 12:47 AM, Patrolman Raymond McKenney observed a suspicious occupied motor vehicle in the lot of Westbrook Bowling Alley. When he walked up to the driver's side of the vehilce, he observed the driver hand rolling a marijuana cigarette. The driver was immediately removed from the vehicle and taken into custody without incident. After the driver and a passenger were removed from the vehicle McKenney searched the passenger compartment of the vehicle for additional contraband. As he was doing so, he could detect the strong odor of marijuana coming from the trunk area of the vehicle. Upon opening the trunk,... Read more →

Jessica Mayer...Raptor co-captain notched five goals in an 11-10 victory

3/28/2017 9:22:00 PM Box Score DOYLESTOWN, Penn. (March 28, 2017) – Sophomore midfielder Jessica Mayer (Cinnaminson, NJ/Cinnaminson) scored three goals in a 2:07 span of the first half, snapping a 2-2 tie and helping the Rutgers University-Camden lacrosse team outlast Delaware Valley University, 11-10, in a non-conference game here Tuesday night. The victory evened the Scarlet Raptors' record at 3-3. It was the first loss of the season for the 5-1 Aggies. The Scarlet Raptors took an early 2-0 lead on a pair of goals by junior midfielder Nicole Martin (Delran, NJ/Delran) 6:14 and 16:31 into the game. Only 14 seconds after her second goal, however, the Aggies got on the board with a tally by junior midfielder Kara Imes (Hatfield, PA/North Penn). The Aggies tied the game 3:03 later on a tally by sophomore midfielder Samantha Collyer (Rock Hall, MD/Kent County) before Mayer went on her three-goal run. The... Read more →

Teachers Union Pushing to Oust Senator Sweeney

TRENTON -- As its longtime foe, Gov. Chris Christie, prepares to exit the governorship next January, New Jersey's largest teachers union is also pushing to get rid of the state's highest ranking lawmaker, state Senate President Stephen Sweeney, according to a report by the Philadelphia Inquirer. The newspaper reported Monday that the New Jersey Education Association… Read more →

3 charged, $4.1 million and 3 kilos of heroin seized in multi-state drug trafficking probe

NEW YORK (March 25, 2017)— Three members of a narcotics drug trafficking organization were indicted Tuesday and just over $4.1 million and six pounds of heroin were seized following a joint operation by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) El Dorado Task Force (EDTF) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) New York Drug Enforcement Task Force (DETF). According to a criminal complaint filed by the Special Narcotics Prosecutor’s Office (SNP) charges Bronx-based ringleader Jorge Pizarro and co-defendants Nelson Dejesus and Miguel Angeles with Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the First and Third Degrees. The defendants were arrested the night of Saturday, March 18 in the vicinity of a Secure Self Storage located in the Bronx, NY. Tuesday, special agents and officers conducted additional court authorized searches of a U-Haul and a Dodge Caravan that were seized from the location at the time of the... Read more →

Russia scandal? Inside the Obama-Clinton uranium deal

Hillary and Putin Hillary and Bill Clinton Tens of millions of dollars from uranium investors flowed into the Clinton Foundation, and Bill Clinton received a $500,000 speaking fee from a Russian bank tied to the Kremlin before Secretary of State Hillary Clinton helped decide whether to approve the sale to the Russian government of a company that held one-fifth… Read more →

Federal Grand Jury Returns Indictment Against New Jersey Men with Drug-Related Crimes

The Office of the United States Attorney for the District of Vermont and the Vermont State Police announce: On March 23, 2017, a federal Grand Jury returned Indictments charging Francesco Escribano (34), a.k.a. “Brisco,” of Jersey City, New Jersey, Richard Torruellas (22), a.k.a. “Scoob,” of Jersey City, New Jersey, and Alyssa Grace (20), of Brandon, Vermont, with drug-related crimes. The Indictment alleges that on March 15, 2017, Torruellas and Grace distributed heroin, and that on March 16, 2017, all three defendants possessed both fentanyl and cocaine base with the intent to distribute those controlled substances. Also on March 23, 2017, the Grand Jury returned a separate Indictment charging Wayne Oddo with being a drug user in possession of firearms. Today, all four defendants appeared for arraignment before The Honorable John M. Conroy, United States Magistrate Judge. All four pled not guilty to the charges against them. Judge Conroy ordered Escribano... Read more →

The FBI in Israel ‘Long-Lasting Relationships’ Key to Building Cases

An Israel National Police officer stands outside Lahav 433, the investigative arm of the department, in Tel Aviv. An Israel National Police officer stands outside Lahav 433, the investigative arm of the department, in Tel Aviv. The arrest last week of an individual in Israel suspected of sending threatening messages to Jewish organizations in the U.S. and several other countries provides a glimpse into one of the FBI’s key roles overseas. The FBI and Israel National Police worked jointly to locate and arrest the individual, according to an FBI statement issued March 23. The threatening calls over the last several months fostered fears about a rise in anti-Semitism in the United States. Investigating hate crimes is a top priority for the Bureau, which praised its law enforcement and intelligence partners: “The FBI commends the great work of the Israeli National Police in this investigation,” the statement said. In this and... Read more →


Students and teachers highlight academics and fine arts in Catholic schools during “Showcase of Excellence,” which this year will be held at six satellite locations PHILADELPHIA PA (March 28, 2017)--During the months of March and April, over 65 Parochial and Private Catholic elementary, Archdiocesan High Schools, Independence Mission Schools, and Schools of Special Education throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia will participate in one or more “Showcases of Excellence,” which will be held at six satellite locations including two university campuses, three Archdiocesan high schools, and one parish each in Chester, Bucks, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties. The elementary Showcases highlight the strong academic and fine arts programs in Catholic elementary and special education schools throughout the five-county Archdiocese. Sister Edward William Quinn, I.H.M., Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, is the force behind the annual “Showcase of Excellence.” She coordinates the locations and participating schools. She said, “There are many wonderful things... Read more →

June 2008 Archives: Gloucester City/Camden City Will Receive Millions from Groundwater Lawsuit

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 source The Parker McCay law firm of Marlton announced Tuesday that 16 agencies it represents will receive $40-45 million of the New Jersey money in the partial settlement. Camden, Gloucester City, Penns Grove, Bridgeton, Point Pleasant, New Jersey American Water Co. Inc., Mount Laurel Municipal Utilities Authority and Mount Holly Water Co. are South Jersey claimants represented by the law firm. The $422 million settlement against major oil companies in U.S. District Court in New York City was for contamination by MTBE - methyl tertiary butyl ether. read more RELATED: MTBE Settlement Could Grow if More Contamination Is Found 1 said... hey bill Who will get this money the people affected by the contamination or the city of gloucester? ReplyWednesday, June 25, 2008 at 12:50 PM 2 WONDERING TOO! said... How come we are just hearing about the contaminated water problem? How long ago did... Read more →

Herbert Tozer Indicted on Murder Charge

press Release RIO GRANDE - Cape May County Prosecutor Robert L. Taylor and Middle Township Police Chief Christopher Leusner announce the grand jury indictment of Herbert E. Tozer, 51, for murder charges that resulted from an assault that occurred on Jan. 10 at a Rio Grande motel. On Jan. 10 at approximately 2:30 a.m. Middle Township Police Department responded to a motel in the 1600 block Route 47, in Rio Grande, for a report of an injured male. Upon arrival, officers discovered Robert Niemczura, 46, of Rio Grande, suffering from a stab wound and a laceration to his neck. Niemczura was airlifted to AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center where he later died as a result of his injuries. Tozer was initially charged on Jan. 10 with aggravated assault and weapons charges. On Jan. 17, Tozer was charged with first degree murder. On March 28, Tozer was indicted by a Cape May... Read more →

LeBron James is the Exception to Resting

LeBron James #23 of the Cleveland Cavaliers in action against the Washington Wizards at the Verizon Center on April 2, 2009, in Washington, DC. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) COMMENTARY: Austin Darrow There is a resting problem in the NBA, but LeBron James is an exception in the NBA. He can take days off because he is getting ready for the playoffs. Listen, LeBron is resting up for another Finals victory. There will be times, where a child isn’t going to get to see their favorite player play. LeBron isn’t going to play every single game, he is going to give Cleveland everything he has in April, May, June and July for free agency. The man is averaging 100 games a year. As a fan of the Cavs, you want your star player to play in all 82 games at 100 percent and then give you another 20 in the playoffs. There’s... Read more →