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DRWC Board announces Tom Corcoran’s retirement and appointment of Joe Forkin

English: Skyline of Philadelphia (Pennsylvania... Skyline of Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) from the New Jersey-Site of the Delaware River. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


 Philadelphia, PA (January 27, 2017) – At the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation’s (DRWC) board meeting this morning, the organization’s president, Tom Corcoran, announced his intention to retire as of June 30, 2017.    At the same meeting, Joe Forkin, DRWC’s Executive Vice President for Development and Operations, was unanimously appointed by the board to become the organization’s next president, effective July 1, 2017. 



“There was never any doubt that Joe was the logical person to replace Tom,” said Alan Hoffmann, DRWC board chairman.  “Since the beginning of DRWC, Joe has been the creative force that has contributed so much to our success in innovative place-making as well as in his exceptional project management skills. He is a natural leader with an extraordinary work ethic that inspires the entire staff. He is also highly regarded by officials of City and State agencies with whom DRWC must interact on a daily basis to advance new projects and see them through to completion.”


DRWC was incorporated at the end of January 2009 and Corcoran was hired as the organization’s first president in October of that year. Prior to that, he helped found Cooper’s Ferry Development Corporation (now Cooper’s Ferry Partnership) in 1984 where he served as CEO for twenty-five years until his engagement by DRWC.  Cooper’s Ferry is a non-profit corporation which has been instrumental in the redevelopment of Camden’s downtown waterfront.


“Tom has been an extraordinary leader of DRWC and has done a remarkable job uniting the board and staff behind a clear and cohesive mission that has achieved remarkable results in a short period of time,” said Alan Hoffmann. During Tom’s tenure, DRWC has successfully funded, designed, and built a remarkable series of public infrastructure projects that were called for in the Master Plan for the Central Delaware, which was adopted by the City Planning Commission in March 2012. These projects include new parks, new connector streets, and the beginnings of a spectacular waterfront trail that will someday run from Allegheny Avenue to Pier 70 Blvd.  He also empowered a talented staff to develop award-winning place-making initiatives such as Spruce Street Harbor Park, Winterfest, and Summerfest which have transformed the waterfront into a year- round destination.


Joe Forkin has been working on the waterfront for more than 18 years, most recently managing development, operations, and the administration of DRWC. His experience, including a vast institutional knowledge of the organization, its properties and its history, is a great asset for DRWC.


“With Joe replacing Tom there will be a seamless transition that will allow DRWC to continue and accelerate the momentum it has established,” said DRWC Vice Chairman Jay Goldstein.


About the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation

DRWC is a 501(c)(3) created in January 2009, exclusively for the benefit of the City of Philadelphia and its citizens. The fundamental purpose of DRWC is to design, develop, program and maintain public amenities such as permanent and seasonal parks, trails, and streetscape improvements to transform the waterfront into a vibrant destination for recreational, cultural, and commercial activities for the residents and visitors of Philadelphia as is consistent with the goals of the Master Plan for the Central Delaware, which was adopted by the City Planning Commission in 2012. Daily programming throughout the entire year is changing the way Philadelphians see and converse about the waterfront, and is helping to create spaces and communities that connect residents and visitors to the waterfront.    
