NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Trump's Rep Kellyanne Conway Tries to Break-Up Fight at Inaugural Ball, 'She Threw Mean Punches'
Op-Ed: Sundance Film Festival Trashes Nuns

APRIL 2008 ARCHIVES: How soon we forget!

PUBLISHED: Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Shortly after it appeared on ClearysNotebook I received comments from people who thought it was awful that Gloucester City High School was participating in the event.

As the day unfolded more remarks came in and one, in particular, got me upset. The person wrote, "Does anyone recall that just a few years ago the Q-102 DJs came through Gloucester City making fun of us?  I will not forget and that is why I think this is a shame. I also have to agree with this "pimping" word becoming fashionable.  It is leading to many negative behaviors. Please reconsider this."

I remembered that incident the DJ's said, and I am paraphrasing "all Gloucester girls are toothless, fat and ugly". 

As I reflect on the article I believe I took offense to that remark more so then the use of the word Pimp. Should I promote a contest for a radio station that trashes the women of our community? So I removed the post from CNB.

A few days later I spoke with my older grandchildren about how is the word Pimp used in their vocabulary? And they explained that today's hip-hop generation is using the word as slang. Think for a moment one of them said. Didn't your generation use words that had different meanings than what was written in the dictionary?

They were right. As corny as it may sound we used some of the following slang.

(Cat) A hip person

(Beats) Chariot Car

(Cherry) Originally, an unaltered car. Later, anything attractive

(Hot-rodders) Chrome-plated Dressed up cars

(Circled) Married

(Classy chassis) Great body

(Cloud 9) Really happy 

I know that I enjoyed being a rebel in the fifties and sixties as much as the next guy. Long hair, (yes at one time I had hair) cutoff jeans, a bandana wrapped around my head, patches sewed on my jeans, long beads around my neck, a beard, and an earring. That was just some of the things I and others did to stand out in the crowd when we were teens. I still can fit into those jeans……

And using a word such as Pimp, wearing bagging pants below their knees, putting their hats on sideways or backward are apparently this generation's way to show their independence.

It is inevitable we all eventually lose touch with the next generation as we age... And once that happens we soon forget what it was like to be young and carefree. We take ourselves too seriously.

And it appears this is exactly what happened to me in this case.

I had forgotten what it was like to be a "Rebel".

So to the students of Gloucester City High School and to all the students in South Jersey and Philadelphia please accept my apology for making The Pimp Your Prom contest such a negative issue.

At the age of 63, I guess it is safe to say I have become my parents. And in some ways that aren't a bad thing. This too will happen to you…..eventually. And when it does you too will say to yourself….."How Soon We Forget"!

Related: Bill's Point of View

Related: A Few Thoughts


Kelly said...

Hey Bill, Now that's what I call Enlightenment. Good for you! I want to nominate you for "Cheers" this month.


Hey Hippie
I think you got it right. But I still can't understand what that good lookin girl saw in those skinny legs and long hair. It must have been the beads.
Connie's Fan Club

Scott Mac said...

Bill, While you probably will never catch me using the word pimp in my daily dialogue, I must admit that when you look at the use in a slang context, it's probably true that my prior responses were an overreaction. It's also true that it is not right to judge someone on their outward appearance alone. I still feel that this subject led to a lot of "pet peeves" that I still have, but on the subject of "pimp my prom", I guess it's not so bad after all.

Gary said...

Bill remember before you read on, You Can't Please All The People All The Time.

When I first saw the contest mentioned on your site I was and still am put off by the use of the word. I know generations have different meanings but with the situation with the HIP HOP culture which denigrates woman constantly and the way women are treated in other cultures such as most Arab and Islamic countries I do not feel the need for me to in any way to condone such behavior. I feel I have been an advocate for woman's rights all my life and am still appalled at the way they are treated in the media and entertainment world. Still just an old Fogies I guess.

Love Ya

Gary M
PS: You did not have to mention that you can still wear your old jeans as I am now going to Omar the tent maker for mine.

