NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Popular Jersey Shore band, The Nerds, to perform at PIANJ, PIANY Annual Conference

APRIL 2008 ARCHIVES: Gloucester City Hearing on Budget Thursday April 24

published April 2008 6a00d8341bf7d953ef01b7c78436c8970b-320wi

William E. Cleary Sr. | CNBNewsnet

I recently asked Gloucester City Mayor Bill James and the Finance Committee council members some questions on the proposed 2008 Municipal Budget that totals $16,439,000 or $613,313 more than last year's budget of $15,825,687. Under the proposed plan the local purpose tax will increase by 41 cents per $100 of assessed valuation. As such taxes will increase $287 on an average home assessed at $70,000.

According to the advertised budget in the April 10 issue of the Gloucester City News, the City employs 105 full-time workers and 74 part-time. The number of employees was the same in 2007.

A public hearing on the budget will be held on Thursday, April 24 at 8 PM in council chambers, City Hall, 313 Monmouth Street.

I asked for an explanation on why County taxes were increasing in Gloucester City. And I inquired about the ongoing plans for the Chatham Square Apartments, at US Route 130 and Klemm Avenue.

Regarding the County, tax increasing in Gloucester City

.  It has risen approximately two cents per $100 of assessed value.  Presently we are not sure why this has happened to Gloucester City. If you look at the State aid cuts you will also find that Gloucester City was only one of 10 towns to receive single digit percentage aid cuts, seven percent.  Maybe that has something to do with it.  We don't know what the County or the State is thinking; we can only be responsible for our own actions. 

Regarding the 2008 Budget

The current introduced budget shows an increase of 41 cents per $100 of assessed value.  This is something we are not the least bit happy about.  If no further aid or extraordinary aid becomes available to Gloucester City, further cuts in the budget will have to be made.

We can tell you that there is no more room in the operating budget to cut.  Other options will have to be considered. 

Regarding Chatham Square Apartments

The story on this issue is the city will be paying $4,350.000 for the property.  The fines filed by the Housing Code Office against the present landlord will have to be paid back to the city, approximately $250,000.  This amounts to about $ 41,000. Per unit. 

The area has been declared an area in need of redevelopment.  The City still must complete their redevelopment plan.  Some options would be to remove some of the buildings and renovate others.  The City will be hiring a management company to maintain the existing building and tenants until works begin

The City will also be looking at negotiating a purchase of Gloucester Terrace Apartments to renovate and sell these properties.  Many meetings need to happen to come up with a final decision as to exactly what will happen, but the City recognizes that something had to be done to control this area for the good of everyone.  More information will follow.
