In Sanctuary Cities, Immigrants Have Few Real Protections From Feds | National | Boise Weekly
Friday, December 30, 2016
“Sanctuary cities absolutely do not mean that the city is able to protect people from deportation."
By Maura Ewing, PRI's The WorldFor immigrants with a criminal record, sanctuary cities don’t provide protection from deportation. They can, though, delay the process.In Philadelphia, a year-long probe ended last month when Immigration and Customs Enforcement caught a man with convictions for manufacturing and selling illicit drugs, resisting arrest and theft. Winston Enrique Perez Pilarte, 40, is a Dominican Republic native and a green card-holding, permanent legal resident of the US. His convictions, though, make him eligible for deportation.
He was arrested last year as a suspect in a slew of crimes including attempted rape, unlawful sexual contact with a minor and aggravated indecent assault. In most cities, this arrest would have led him straight to deportation proceedings. But because Philadelphia is a so-called sanctuary city he was released from jail back to the community while his trial was pending, just as a