Congressman Norcross Urges Transportation Agencies to Preserve Historical Home in Bellmawr
Friday, December 30, 2016
press release
Related: Bellmawr
Bellmawr, NJ December 29, 2016--Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01) today demanded the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) and U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) immediately re-examine efforts to preserve an historically significant home in Bellmawr Borough.
“The State of New Jersey has determined beyond doubt the historical significance of the Hugg-Harrison-Glover House. These new findings affirm the need to take urgent and meaningful action to save and preserve this great landmark,” said Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01).
In a letter to the Camden County Historical Society dated December 27, 2016, the New Jersey Historic Preservation Office confirms the Hugg-Harrison-Glover House meets criteria for listing in the New Jersey and National Registers of Historic Places. The New Jersey Historic Preservation Office cites convincing evidence confirming the House’s connection to William Harrison, Jr., a militia captain who played an historically significant role during critical years of the Revolutionary War. The letter also reaffirms previous findings about the House’s historic architectural significance.
“Quite frankly, this confirms what we’ve believed all along. These findings illustrate the critical historic value of this property and validates our efforts to save this significant piece of South Jersey & American history,” added Congressman Norcross.
The House, located along West Browning Road adjacent to New Saint Mary Cemetery in Bellmawr, is threatened by a critical highway infrastructure project known as Direct Connection, designed to reconfigure the Route 42-Interstate 76-Interstate 295 interchange. Congressman Norcross stands in strong support for the ongoing infrastructure project, while calling for a solution to save the historic home.
“We literally have thousands of people, near and far to South Jersey, who have invested time and effort to save this historic house. We are demanding that measurable action is taken now to ensure it stands as a symbol of our past for future generations,” said Chris Perks, president of the Camden County Historical Society.
Based on these new findings, the Camden County Historical Society is requesting NJDOT amend its application on the Direct Connection project to the FHWA, which would create funding opportunities to preserve the House.
“The Captain William Harrison House is a very important structure to the residents of Camden County. It is the oldest structure in Bellmawr, the Borough’s only visible connection to the American Revolution, and the only home of a Revolutionary War officer known to survive in Camden County,” said historian Garry Wheeler Stone, who has studied the Hugg-Harrison-Glover House extensively.
Congressman Norcross previously advocated on behalf the Hugg-Harrison-Glover House by appealing to the New Jersey Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration to explore all options to save and preserve the House.