CNB Hunting/Fishing NJ: 2017 Deer Hunting Information
Friday, December 30, 2016
Deer seasons continue in 2017, beginning with Winter Bow season opening on January 1. No permits are needed, but a 2017 license is required.
Permit Muzzleloader season reopens on January 2 in Regulation Sets #3-#8 zones; closing dates vary so hunters should refer to the Hunting Digest, pages 37-38, for their zone. Note that the closing date for Regulation Set #3 zones is January 6, not January 9, and in Regulation Set #6 zones the closing date is January 31, not January 30 as found in the Digest.
Permit Shotgun season reopens on January 7 in Regulation Sets #6-#8 zones; note that in Reg. Sets #7 & #8 the date is incorrectly given as January 2 in the Digest. It reopens on January 14 in Regulation Set #5 zones.
A 2017 license is required for all seasons, but 2016 permits remain valid in open zones until seasons conclude in January or February .
Consult the Digest at for more information.
press release