NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Obituary | Joseph D. Hainsworth of Coatesville, PA, Formerly of Gloucester City
Authorities Arrest Ian Kibunja, age 28 of Lakeview Apartments on Illegal Drug Charges

Watch: Texas Tech Students Happy That Obamacare Healthcare Premiums are Rising


Watch these people’s reactions to being told with a positive tone that Obamacare Healthcare Premiums are increasing by double digits. This is the first episode from Jimmy Kimmel Live of “Positive Spin” and gives us a glimpse at how clueless some people are when it comes to matters of money and healthcare costs. If you don’t understand this video then you are one of those people. I had a hard time laughing at this as it really isn’t a laughing matter and shows how dumb a nation we’ve become. To see some more clueless people be sure to watch these Texas Tech Students answer some history questions.





