CNB Hunting/Fishing N.J. : Black Bear Permits on Sale November 1
Monday, October 31, 2016
Lottery Permit Application Process
Lotteries are conducted to allocate spring turkey, beaver, and otter permits prior to over-the-counter sales. (The is no lottery for deer permits or fall turkey.) To enter a lottery an application must be submitted at a license agent or via the Internet. A non-refundable $2.00 application fee is charged for each lottery application.
Hunters and trappers have three choices in each lottery. If a permit is only acceptable to you for one particular zone (and/or period), only a first choice selection should be made. There is no requirement to select a second or third choice; these are optional. If an applicant's first choice cannot be filled, the computer will check for the second choice (if listed). If this selection is also sold out, the computer will check for a third choice.
Each lottery is completely random and awards only ONE permit - not three. The chance of being awarded a permit in the lottery depends on the number of applicants and the number of permits allocated (permit quota).
Online Lottery Applications - Before You Start:
- Know your Conservation ID Number (CID#) or Social Security Number - you'll need one or the other to log in.
- Know your desired permit zone/area (and time period if applicable) before beginning. Be sure to review the map and zone descriptions. Not sure of your area? Using a county or other large scale map, use a pen or highlighter to trace the the zone or area boundary using the descriptions found on this website, in the Hunting and Trapping Digest or in the Wild Turkey Hunting Season Information booklet. IMPORTANT: After a period of inactivity, the Internet transaction will time out, requiring you to start over.
- Have your payment method information ready. Internet transactions may be paid either by electronic check (e-check) or major credit card. For e-check transactions, have your bank routing number and check book ready before you begin.
- During every transaction there are several opportunities to review information for accuracy. A complete review at each step will allow for corrections to be made, if necessary. Once a transaction is complete there will be NO refunds or exchanges.
- When the process is complete, print the confirmation page or note the transaction number for your records. Applicants will have the opportunity to edit their application at any time before the lottery takes place; see Changing Your Application, below. Applicants are responsible for submitting their application correctly.
Applying at License Agents - Know Before You Go
- Know your Conservation ID Number (CID#) or Social Security Number so the agent can log you in.
- Know your desired permit zone/area (and time period if applicable). Store personnel are not responsible to know the zone/area of your hunting/trapping location. Be sure to review the map and zone descriptions at home before you arrive at the license agent. Not sure of your area? Using a county or other large scale map, use a pen or highlighter to trace the the zone or area boundary using the description found on this website, in the Hunting and Trapping Digest or in the Wild Turkey Hunting Season Information booklet.
- To speed your transaction, write down your information (CID#, DOB, first, second and third zone/area choices) and hand it to the license agent.
- NOTE: Agents using a VeriFone® machine can print a transaction receipt, but might do so only at your request. Therefore, ask for a receipt of the transaction if desired. This receipt will list your choices and the transaction number. Agents using Web-based (computer) systems may or may not be able to print a receipt. ASK FIRST! When an agent cannot print a receipt, it's important to have the clerk orally verify your application choices and provide your Transaction Number. Keep this Transaction Number; it can be helpful should a problem occur with your application.
- Each agent decides what type(s) of payment to accept. Learn this in advance, then have the correct payment ready when you arrive.
Reviewing and Changing Your Lottery Application
Confirm your application! Applicants may review their application by logging in at and selecting "Check on the status of any Lottery Application or Edit your Lottery Application Choices." An application can be reviewed and edited regardless of where or how you applied. License agents and Fish and Wildlife staff DO NOT have the ability to change your application once submitted. Only you can make changes.
Applications may be edited only during the actual application period. Once the application period is closed it is impossible to change your application. Take care during the application process.
Application Status Check
Hunters and trappers may check their application status at any time. Log in at ( and select "Check on the status of any Lottery Application or Edit your Lottery Application Choices". The system displays if the lottery has been run and if you were awarded a permit. During the application period the system displays your application as 'pending'. When the system shows 'pending,' the lottery has not been completed.
Notification of Lottery Results
Once the lottery is complete, applicants will be notified of their results via e-mail or postcard, depending on the method selected at the time the application was submitted. For those who choose e-mail, be sure to review any "junk" or spam e-mail settings on your system so the notification is not blocked. When applying at a license agent, applicants may or may not be asked to choose a notification method. Some license issuing machines must use the default method of mailing a postcard notification. Applicants who don't receive notification by the date posted in the Hunting and Trapping Digest should check their application status online.
Successful lottery applicants may claim their permit(s) at any license agent or via the license website (shipping fees apply). See the corresponding lottery permit "pick up" dates listed in the Hunting and Trapping Digest for bear and beaver/otter permits. Spring turkey permit information is in the Turkey Hunting Information Booklet.
IMPORTANT PERMIT INFORMATION: Awarded permits must be claimed by a specific date. Any unclaimed permits will be made available for "over-the-counter" purchase. Additionally, if two permits are awarded in the lottery both must be claimed - you are obligated to purchase both.Successful applicants will not be able to claim only one of them.
Note that at the time of application, only the non-refundable $2.00 application fee was paid; the balance of the actual permit fee must still be paid. At license agents, be sure to bring your CID#; tell the agent you're there to pick up your Fish and Wildlife awarded lottery permit. Permits claimed via the Internet are subject to additional fees and may take 7-10 business days to arrive.
Purchasing OTC Non-lottery and Unclaimed Lottery Permits
Leftover (unclaimed) lottery permits and non-lottery permits are available "over-the-counter" (OTC) at license agents and via Internet purchases CANNOT be printed at home. Plan ahead as it may take 7-10 business days for permits to arrive.
Non-Lottery permits go on sale as follows:
Black Bear:
Segments A & B: September 12 (closed October 15)
Segment B: November 1
Deer: September 12
Fall Turkey: September 12
Coyote/Fox: December 15
Permit sales begin at 10:00 a.m.
Availability of leftover/unclaimed lottery permits (spring turkey, bear, beaver/otter) for subsequent OTC sales can be viewed on the Zone/Period Availability Report when active.
Note that an Antlered Buck Permit is required for antlered deer during permit deer seasons (bow, shotgun and muzzleloader). There are deadlines associated for the purchase of each type of buck permit.
Antlered Buck Permits must be purchased by 11:59 p.m. on the following dates:
October 29 for Permit Bow
November 28 for Permit Muzzleloader
December 14 for Permit Shotgun
These deadlines apply UNLESS purchasing the first zone-specific antlerless permit AND an Antlered Buck Permit at the same time after these dates.
During every transaction, there are several opportunities to review information for accuracy. A complete review at each step will allow for corrections to be made, if necessary. Once a transaction is complete there will be NO refunds or exchanges. When purchasing permits at a license agent, speed transactions by presenting the agent a written note with your CID# and DOB, plus the season and zone of your permit choices.
source N.J. Fish and Wildlife