Beware of Mystery Shopper for Walmart Scam
Monday, August 29, 2016
The Gloucester County Board of Chosen Freeholders and the County Office of Consumer Affairs would like to warn county residents of a scam from Spain where they try to lure unsuspecting individuals into becoming a mystery shopper for Walmart.
In the past year, the scam artists ask for participation in a "Quality Control Program" on behalf of Walmart. They have succeeded in duping citizens into providing personal information and even exposing themselves to bank fraud and theft.
Freeholder Director Robert Damminger, said, “I know that we have received information on these types of scams before, but it never hurts to remind residents to be vigilant and please be extra mindful that these mailings are again happening now in our county.”
Freeholder Lyman Barnes noted that, as an angle to this ploy, the scammers use Walmart logos and promise an opportunity to make money, which is blatantly untrue. They also claim, that if you deposit the $1,992.65 check they sent you, all you need to do is send them a personal check from your account for $350.00, and keep the remaining proceeds. What happens? Several weeks later the bank will notify you that the check was no good and you owe the bank over $1,900 dollars.
Barnes who serves as liaison to the Gloucester County Office of Consumer Affairs said, “Walmart has advised consumers that they do not participate in any type of “Mystery Shopper” programs. County residents should know that under no circumstances should anyone answer an ad or mail inquiry asking them to be a mystery shopper.”
Although this scam has been making the rounds for a couple of years, a West Deptford resident received the scam this week in the mail. “If our residents take nothing else from these ongoing scams, please do not attempt to cash these checks, or go to websites that will capture information from your computer. If the mailings persist please contact our office of Consumer Affairs for advice, so we can make federal authorities aware.” said Barnes.
If you would like more information on identity theft and other scams, please contact the county Office of Consumer Affairs at 856-384-6855.