NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

CNB Hunting/Fishing N.J.: Vessel Deployment Scheduled for Axel Carlson Reef
Susan Krum Named Executive Director of Kennedy Health Alliance and AVP for Population Health

Three Members of the Gloucester County Prosecutors Office Promoted

WOODBURY N.J. July 26, 2016--Three members of the investigative staff of the Gloucester County Prosecutor’s Office were promoted Monday  (7/25)- two to the rank of sergeant and one to lieutenant, as county Prosecutor Sean F. Dalton told their families the newly promoted officers “couldn’t do it without your support.”

Addressing the relatives of Lt. Jim Ballenger and sergeants Stacie Lick and Steve Ingram,  Prosecutor Dalton said “It doesn’t just take one individual.  It takes a family to support the individual with what they have to do.”

“Today is a very special day in their lives,”  the prosecutor said of the newly-promoted officers.  “All three of them have worked extremely hard in their careers.”

Of Sgt. Lick, Dalton said she has been an effective major crimes unit detective for years, doubtlessly sharing notes with her Camden County detective husband Dave, and recently has moved into a new assignment in internal affairs investigations.

The new sergeant’s overriding passion “is being an advocate for children,”  Dalton said, whether it is in child abuse investigations or as a leader in the office’s Child Abduction Response Team.

As CART coordinator,  “she’s recognized statewide for her work,”  he said.

Sgt. Ingram  “is probably one of the most effective narcotics detectives in the state of New Jersey.” Dalton said.  “More than that, the great thing about Steve is he makes the people around him that much better.  It’s a testament to his leadership and his work ethic.”  Putting himself “in some situations most of us would not want to put ourselves in,  he’s done it, he’s done it effectively, he’s done it safely, and he’s been successful.”


Ingram “has made this office such a great partner with our federal agencies, state agencies, other county agencies,”  the prosecutor said. 

Lt. Ballenger has been a part of “one of the most effective major crimes units in the State of New Jersey,”  as evidenced by its record of having one of the state’s highest clearance rates in homicides,  Dalton said.

“He’s extremely efficient, he’s hardworking, extremely dedicated.  He has an attention to detail which I know Chief Porter (John Porter, GCPO chief of investigators) is pleased with and recognizes.”

“He leads by example.  He’s a friend to all and he understands the job that needs to be done and understands that it’s not one individual but everyone working together that makes the result what it is.”

The choices for promotions “was not an easy decision,”  said Dalton,  “Because there are so many qualified detectives in this office.  I couldn’t ask for a better group of individuals.”

Sgt. Lick said she was “extremely grateful”  for the opportunities the GCPO gave her. “I started here13 years ago and had zero experience and someone took a chance on me.”

Sgt. Ingram recalled himself as a beginner in the GCPO 13 years ago.  “When I walked in the door I was 21 years old and it was a very intimidating time.” He thanked members of the office for “my development as a law enforcement professional.”

A 15-year member of the GCPO,  Lt. Ballenger said he doesn’t claim credit for closing all but two of 25 homicide cases since he became a sergeant in 2010. “Everyone in this room played a part in that,”  he said.


