NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Black Lives Activists Protest Hillary Nomination: 'She's Killing Black People'
Three Members of the Gloucester County Prosecutors Office Promoted

CNB Hunting/Fishing N.J.: Vessel Deployment Scheduled for Axel Carlson Reef

The Manasquan Inlet.The Manasquan Inlet. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A 65' crew boat, NY Harbor Charlie, has been slated for deployment on August 8, 2016 on the Axel Carlson Reef. The Axel Carlson Reef site is located 4.4 nautical miles southeast of Manasquan Inlet. This vessel is being sunk as part of the NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife's Artificial Reef Program.

Once the vessel is sunk it will soon become a home for 150 species of fish and marine life, a fishing ground for anglers and an underwater attraction for scuba divers. The vessel will continue to serve the fishing industry for at least another 70 years.

The target deployment location is:


Axel Carlson Reef Deployment: 40 03.800'    73 59.400'

The vessel is being sunk on a portion of the reef set aside for recreational fishing only. Anglers should stay a safe distance away while the vessel is being anchored in place and scuttled.

The target date for deployment of August 8 is subject to weather and sea conditions. For further information regarding the deployment of the vessel contact Peter Clarke at 609-748-2020.

For information on past and planned deployments see the Artificial Reef Deployments page.

