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Pine Hill Police Department Distracted Driving Enforcement and Education Campaign

PINE HILL N.J.--As part of the National Distracted Driving Enforcement Campaign (April 1-April 21) Officers from the Pine Hill Police Department will be cracking down on distracted drivers as part of the national distracted driving enforcement campaign; UDrive. U text. U pay.

 Beginning April 1st and running through April 21st, the campaign is to undertake visible, targeted enforcement during April, which is National Distracted Driving Month. Enforcement activities will specifically focus on driver behaviors that distract from the task of driving, such as talking on a hand-held cell phone or sending text messages.

“Distracted driving is a serious issue on our roadways,” said Gary Poedubicky, Acting Director of the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety.  "The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that each year thousands of people are killed in distracted driving related crashes and nearly a half million people are injured.” 

Despite the fact that using a hand-held cell phone or texting while driving is illegal in New Jersey, the practice appears to be widespread. In a 2013 survey conducted by the FDU Public Mind Poll for the Division of Highway Traffic Safety, 72% of respondents said they “very often” see people driving and talking on a hand-held cell phone. 40% of respondents said they “very often” see driver’s texting.

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