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CNB Hunting/Fishing Delaware: Feb. 6 designated waterfowl hunting day for youth hunters

English: crop of File:Bgforhunting.jpg Taken b...English: crop of File:Bgforhunting.jpg Taken by Dr. F Eugene Hester. Picture supplied by Fish and Wildlife Service Website. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


DOVER (Jan. 27, 2016) – To promote and provide additional hunting opportunities for youth hunters, DNREC’s Division of Fish & Wildlife has designated Saturday, Feb. 6 as the second of two special youth waterfowl hunting days for ages 10 to 15 to be held on both public and private lands.

“These special youth hunting days are an excellent opportunity for experienced adult hunters to share their knowledge and experience with the next generation, thereby continuing one of Delaware’s great conservation and outdoor recreation traditions,” said David Saveikis, DNREC Division of Fish & Wildlife Director. “Hunting is an exciting outdoor activity for people of all ages and abilities to enjoy.”



Youth hunters must be of sufficient physical size and strength to safely handle a firearm, and must be accompanied by a licensed or license-exempt adult hunter age 21 or older who cannot possess a firearm during the youth hunt. Youth hunters age 13 through 15 must have completed a hunter education course, obtained a hunter ed certification card and purchased a Delaware junior hunting license. Youth hunters age 10 through 12 must possess a license-exempt number and may take hunter education. No state or federal stamps are required for youth hunters. In Delaware, youth hunters may also hunt during the regular seasons for all game and must be accompanied afield by an adult.


Normal daily waterfowl bag limits and hunting regulations apply. Youth hunters also are permitted to harvest snow geese and two Canada geese. On state wildlife areas, a lottery drawing for waterfowl blinds will be held 1.5 hours before legal shooting time at Augustine, Cedar Swamp, Woodland Beach, Ted Harvey and Assawoman, and two hours before legal shooting time at Little Creek Wildlife Area. Hunters should plan to arrive in time to sign up for the drawing. All other state wildlife areas that do not have lotteries but that allow waterfowl hunting are also open on the youth day. Hunters also should check each wildlife area’s rules before hunting.


Delaware hunting licenses are sold online, at the licensing desk in DNREC’s Richardson & Robbins Building, 89 Kings Highway, Dover, and by license agents statewide. To find a participating agent, or to purchase a license online, visit Delaware Licenses. To promote youth hunting, the Division is waiving waterfowl blind fees for youth hunters on state wildlife areas on youth hunting days. Daily blind fees apply at all other times.


Reminder: The Snow Goose Conservation Order will be closed Feb. 6 for the youth hunt, due to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service restrictions which state that no other waterfowl seasons may be open at the same time as the Snow Goose Conservation Order. With this one exception, the Conservation Order will resume and be in effect from Monday, Feb. 1 through Saturday, April 9. 


For more information on hunting in Delaware, click on 2015-2016 Delaware Hunting and Trapping Guide. The guide also is available in printed form at DNREC’s Dover licensing desk and from license agents throughout the state.


This program is part of Delaware’s Children in Nature Initiative, a statewide effort to improve environmental literacy in Delaware, create opportunities for children to participate in enriching outdoor experiences, combat childhood obesity and promote healthy lifestyles. Delaware’s multi-agency initiative, which partners state and federal agencies with community organizations, is part of the national No Child Left Inside program.

