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CNB Business News: Amazing Starts Here”™ at Kiddie Academy® of Runnemede

Leading education-based child care provider recruits “Honest Abe” and other historical role models to inspire children to live up to their  fullest potential


Runnemede, NJ (Grassroots Newswire) January 26, 2016 - As President’s Day 

approaches, Kiddie Academy of Runnemede, an early education child care 

provider in Runnemede, is challenging children to imagine themselves as 

the nation’s next trailblazer, explorer or creative genius with 

inspiration from Abraham Lincoln, a role model for honesty and integrity. 

Honest Abe introduces Kiddie Academy’s® new campaign, “Amazing Starts 

Here™.” By introducing children to role models who are known for their 

exceptional leadership and character, Kiddie Academy will celebrate and 

support children as they strive to meet their fullest potential.


As part of Kiddie Academy’s Life Essentials® curriculum and educational 

approach, the new “Amazing Starts Here” campaign will explore the idea 

that nurturing each child’s individual potential in early learning 

settings will inspire children to dream big and develop independence, 

helping to create the next generation of innovative and independent 

thinkers. Throughout the year, special activities featuring the “Amazing 

Starts Here” theme will highlight Kiddie Academy’s commitment to 

encouraging a sense of wonder in children and inspiring them to be 

imaginative, authentic and unique.


“We know that children will enjoy getting to know some important 

historical figures featured in our campaign. Day-to-day, children look to 

the people around them – educators, civic leaders, mothers, fathers, 

clergy, peers, celebrities, and ordinary people encountered in everyday 

life – for ‘clues’ and inspiration on how to behave,” said Tony Serrano, 

Franchise Owner of Kiddie Academy of Runnemede. “Childhood is the time 

when personality begins to take shape, and parents and other adults in 

your child’s community or family play a critical role in this development 

by ‘modeling’ accountability, honesty and other positive character traits 

in their daily interactions with children.”


While children often idolize sports and entertainment celebrities, true 

role models aren’t judged by their fame or titles, but by their ability to 

inspire young people to develop the skills, abilities, and motivation they 

need to become engaged citizens, according to Serrano. Kiddie Academy 

would like to know the modern-day role models your children look up to, as 

well as the role models you would like to see them adopt.  Take our quick 

survey at


“Abraham Lincoln once said, ‘The best way to predict your future, is to 

create it,’” said Serrano. “Through the ‘Amazing Starts Here’ campaign, we 

will introduce children to positive role models, like Albert Einstein and 

Abraham Lincoln, who showcase valuable characteristics like honesty, 

creativity, responsibility and leadership – skills that will help children 

form a vision for their future.”


For more information about why “Amazing Starts Here” at Kiddie Academy of 

Runnemede, please contact Tony Serrano at 856-939-1717 or 

[email protected]. For more information about Kiddie Academy, 

please visit


About Kiddie Academy®

Since 1981, Kiddie Academy® has been a leader in education-based child 

care.  The company serves families and their children ages 6 weeks to 12 

years old, offering full time care, before- and after-school care and 

summer camp programs.  Kiddie Academy’s proprietary Life Essentials® 

curriculum, supporting programs, methods, activities and techniques help 

prepare children for life.  Kiddie Academy is using the globally 

recognized AdvancED accreditation system, signifying its commitment to 

quality education and the highest standards in child care. For more 

information, visit


About Kiddie Academy® Franchising

Kiddie Academy Domestic Franchising. is based in Maryland and has more 

than 146 academies located in 24 states.  Approximately 30 additional 

academies are in development, with more than20 new locations slated to 

open in 2016.  For more information, visit
