The Mystery Consumer Recommends:The Camden County College Lecture Series (Spring 2016)
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
The Center for Civic Leadership and Responsibility at Camden County College regularly offers lectures series on a variety of fascinating and timely topics. Most programs are held in the College’s spacious Civic Auditorium in Blackwood:
Iran, the Middle East and ISIS (Wednesdays, March/April)
America and The Middle East (15 week Wednesday Evening Course)
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Return to Iwo Jima
Some of the Mini-Courses also being offered include:
The Hitler Phenomenon
One Percent Better: Nutrition and Fitness Basics
Opera: Passion, Politics and Power
Marching Through Old Dominion: Battle Ground Virginia
Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics
Military Organization and the Common Soldier of the Civil War
and others…
The Center’s Programs are under the direction of Dr. Jack Pesda. He is a true gift to the College and the community alike for bringing these educational programs to the public. Dr. Pesda has also been a presenter for some of the past programs. He is a gifted lecturer and fascinating speaker.
For further information, or to register, contact the Center at (856)227-7200, ext.4333