The Mystery Consumer Suggests: Duffy's Candies of Gloucester City...and Now Haddonfield!
Monday, July 13, 2015
Written By The Mystery Consumer
Tradition is a wonderful thing, and Duffy's stands tall. For ninety years, Duffy's has provided excellent chocolates at their original location at 29 N. Broadway in Gloucester City. That location also carries delicious gummy spearmint leaves and orange slices. Love the spearmint leaves.
Going toward Camden on Broadway, park your car just past the traffic light at Monmouth Street and cross over Broadway and you'll spot it easily, not as easily if you were driving and looking for it, because it's easy to drive right by - and that would be a shame.
Duffy's is a family owned business and a Gloucester City tradition, one of the City's oldest businesses. They are renowned for their "Irish Potatoes" which they sell a ton of around St. Patrick's Day. If you're a Gloucester resident, and haven't been to Duffy's - and there are actually some who haven't - take a walk over for some real taste treats.
Duffy's new store in Haddonfield has just opened and is located at 145 E. Kings Highway, between "The Little Tuna" restaurant and the bridal shop at the corner. Duffy's is a wonderful way to end a stroll down Kings Highway. A few of my favorites are the dark chocolate covered coconut eggs and the dark chocolate covered salted caramels. And how about this one: "Maple Bacon Sea Salt Caramel"? Or "Vanilla Cremes"? Or a "Hollow Chocolate Scottie Dog" or dark chocolate apricots? Love the apricots. Duffy's has a large variety of dark and light chocolates. Just stop in and look at all the wonderful chocolates they have.
You can also order online or by phone. They have cute, old fashioned gift bags and sell by the box too. They can mail orders anywhere, so give your favorite friend or relative a taste of home.
Duffys website is : Phone numbers, the family business history, and many yummy selections are shown on their website. You'll have to pardon me now. I have to reach in my keyboard side "Duffy bag" for another chocolate covered coconut :)