A Busy Day for the Bellmawr Volunteer Fire Dept.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
source Bellmawr Fire Department Facebook page
BELLMAWR NJ JULY 27, 2015 (CNBNewsnet)--The Bellmawr Volunteer Fire Department on Monday responded to one highway hazard, two MVA's and a reported Building Fire at Carmen's deli on Browning Road. No worries. The fire was minor and caused by a carelessly discarded cigarette which ignited some wood around one of the overhead doors. The fire was quickly extinguished with no damage to the deli section. Six calls today with a few hours to go members spent the evening cleaning the apparatus and installing new storage shelving in the firehouse.
Busy first half of Monday. First a truck went off of Route 295 and struck the rear of T and T Flooring on Creek Road and from there responded to a vehicle fire in the alley way off of West Browning Road.