Gloucester Township Police Farewell to Lt. Robert Stavola
Sunday, May 31, 2015
This radio farewell can be heard here on GTPD’s YouTube:
Effective June 1, 2015 Lt. Stavola will retire after serving 25 years as a Law Enforcement Officer. Lt. Stavola served as a Class I Special Law Enforcement Officer and a Part Time Dispatcher for the Gloucester Township Police Department from 1990-1995, before being hired by the Gloucester Township Police Department.
Lt. Stavola has served the Department honorably as a DARE Officer, a Field Training Officer, and was promoted to Sergeant of Police on July 2, 2001, where he served as a Deputy Platoon Commander. Lt. Stavola was promoted to Lieutenant of Police on August 3, 2009 and served as the Honor Guard Unit Commander and as a Patrol Platoon Commander.