NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Grand Jury Recommends Charging School District Employee with Conflict of Interest and Perjury
NJ Human Trafficking Task Force Presents Program to 600 Overbrook High School Students

Gloucester Township Police Farewell to Lt. Robert Stavola

This radio farewell can be heard here on GTPD’s YouTube:

Effective June 1, 2015 Lt. Stavola will retire after serving 25 years as a Law Enforcement Officer. Lt. Stavola served as a Class I Special Law Enforcement Officer and a Part Time Dispatcher for the Gloucester Township Police Department from 1990-1995, before being hired by the Gloucester Township Police Department.

Lt. Stavola has served the Department honorably as a DARE Officer, a Field Training Officer, and was promoted to Sergeant of Police on July 2, 2001, where he served as a Deputy Platoon Commander. Lt. Stavola was promoted to Lieutenant of Police on August 3, 2009 and served as the Honor Guard Unit Commander and as a Patrol Platoon Commander.

