NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

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Pine Hill Police Dep[artment Supports 2015 National Crime Victims' Rights Week

The members of the Pine Hill Police Department support National Crime Victims’ Rights Week and have developed collaborative relationships with many organizations dedicated to serving the needs of those who are victimized. The Department is committed to ensuring all victims are provided with information necessary to guide them to the available resources located within Camden County and the State of New Jersey.

 Members of the Department work closely with the Camden County Prosecutor’s Office of Victim Witness Advocacy to ensure best practices are being implemented in areas such as Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, At-Risk Juveniles, Mental Health Crisis and others. The Camden County Prosecutor’s Office of Victim Witness Advocacy website serves as resource for services, guidelines and other helpful information.

Pine Hill Police Department collaborates with many other victim advocacy groups, such as the;


The Department has a focused approach to identifying at-risk juvenile victims and works closely with the Pine Hill School District counselors, DCP&P, and Twin Oaks Community Services to ensure early identification and guidance to services for at-risk youth. A Family Support Services Form is given to all parents/guardians or loved ones dealing with family or juvenile related abuse, drug use or crisis issues.

Lt. Stettler had the recent honor of attending the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children – Exploited Children Seminar for Chief Executives Pilot Course. The Department has implemented a strategic response to missing and runaway youth as a result of our partnership with NCMEC, with a focus on determination of why the child has runaway and what can be done to prevent future incidents.

The Department has recognized the need for a changed approach to dealing with the current drug addiction crisis. In addition to deploying naloxone, the Department collaborates with the South Jersey AIDS Alliance and many drug addiction advocates to provide free community widenarcan training. A Drug Addiction Support Services Form is provided anytime an officer determines narcotic use is associated with an incident.

 Law enforcement must change the way we respond to the needs of victims and provide the highest level of service. The members of the Pine Hill Police Department have embraced this philosophy and will continue to engage our community partners in the empowerment of victims. 

Pine Hill Police Department
48 West 6th Avenue
Pine Hill, NJ 08021

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 856-783-1549
