Newman Society’s Guernsey Reveals What Really Happened with Marin Nuns in San Francisco
Monday, April 27, 2015
April 24, 2015, at 12:51 PM | By Justin Petrisek |
Amid continued attacks on Archbishop Cordileone’s defense of Catholic education, opponents in San Francisco have turned their attention to the faithful Dominican sisters at Marin Catholic high school, noted Dr. Dan Guernsey, director of K-12 education programs for The Cardinal Newman Society, in his recent article for Crisis Magazine.
Guernsey cut through the media confusion, highlighting what really happened at Marin Catholic and explaining why the religious educators should be praised for their faithful efforts.
The situation at the high school began when the school planned a Friday morning prayer over the public announcement system “for the bullied and marginalized.” However, “behind the scenes, elements within the school had been organizing participation in a national day of silent protest sponsored by a pro-homosexual group,” Guernsey said. “This first became evident when that evening at 9:30 pm, a post went up on the school’s Facebook page and Twitter account.”
The unapproved post, which administrators claimed “compromised and misinterpreted” the planned moment of prayer, became associated with the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN).
“This organization is one of the nation’s largest homosexual advocacy groups and since 1990 has focused on ensuring that LGBT......